super lemon haze and multi-kush grow

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Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Hey WBW are you going to breed the whole palnt or just pick out one bud to seed out on each female? Just wondering. I don't see growing regular seeds now that you can just go buy fem seeds. Even though they are free I would much rather find a reputable seedbank and get fem seeds. LOL reputable seedbank!

Looking real good my friend!
Hey WBW are you going to breed the whole palnt or just pick out one bud to seed out on each female? Just wondering. I don't see growing regular seeds now that you can just go buy fem seeds. Even though they are free I would much rather find a reputable seedbank and get fem seeds. LOL reputable seedbank!

Looking real good my friend!
Yes i will be picking a branch or 2 on each fem plant to seed.I usually just buy fem seeds but Im tired of buying seeds so ill grow some reg seeds keep the males and make my own seed stock.Besides aint that what seedbanks and breeders do?Ill be my own pollen chucker from now on.Ill just buy some elites here and there to add to the collection and become the mad strainologist like my boy called me lmao.


Well-Known Member
all i can do is throw this pl rep at you

i would wish you luck but you are not the man that leaves things to luck you make them happen and also you not one those big egoed mf's

i so enjoyed sitting back and watching the grow flashing them by like on a slide show then you followed it up with this is what you saw list just as i was saying i wander what is what BAM

here is to the hope of all things lineing up for you good karma good grows

.I just hope i get em.
what kind of shit is this go back and edit this shit to some faith "when get them" you feel me
lets think positive tll there is prof or is no doubt get it together get in his light and away from that dark side luke

1Luv my brother

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah If I get a good strain I will be cloneing the shit out of it. I have enough room in my Veg room to have two mothers in 5 gal buckets. I think that is the way I am going to go with it instead of seeds. But yeah I would love to get some seeds from you once you find the right mix! :)


Well-Known Member
even that is because of who you are what deposits or withdrawels you have made in the bank of life

basically if you not a good spirit no good is going to come to you remember and all will be fine forever in the light

and do the the same spread the love where you feel it is appreciated and it will continuie to flow into your cup
even that is because of who you are what deposits or withdrawels you have made in the bank of life

basically if you not a good spirit no good is going to come to you remember and all will be fine forever in the light

and do the the same spread the love where you feel it is appreciated and it will continuie to flow into your cup
Believe me i sure will spread the love but to a select few because others who got their shit flowing acting like their shit gold.I laughed when i got a message about it.


Active Member
Plants are looking good my friend. Keep it up.

Hey WBW, head over to Howards page and take a look at a problem he's having and see if you have ever exerienced this before.
Plants are looking good my friend. Keep it up.

Hey WBW, head over to Howards page and take a look at a problem he's having and see if you have ever exerienced this before.
Yeah i checked it out.I experienced that before in late flower.I had a nute lock up so i just flushed then harvested a week later.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Believe me i sure will spread the love but to a select few because others who got their shit flowing acting like their shit gold.I laughed when i got a message about it.
I love when people grow shit weed and act like they know everything! :) I have a friend like that, he has been growing for more than 4 yrs and my first grow is kicking the shit out of his! Well my other friends tell me it is. He won't take any advice or try anything I am doing so I just keep my mouth shut. The proof in in the pudding people say and your last NL grow was the shit WBW so I can't wait to see your Kush ladies!
I love when people grow shit weed and act like they know everything! :) I have a friend like that, he has been growing for more than 4 yrs and my first grow is kicking the shit out of his! Well my other friends tell me it is. He won't take any advice or try anything I am doing so I just keep my mouth shut. The proof in in the pudding people say and your last NL grow was the shit WBW so I can't wait to see your Kush ladies!
Thanks man+ rep for ya man


Active Member
was looking at your 'line up' of pics man... looks like a very fun grow.

Was trying to compare the strain i have growing.. the only one it resembles... as a youngling anyways... is the headband..

Im supposed to have some headband seeds... but i had 3 kinds.. and im not even sure which is which anymore lol

looking forward to seeing that headbad grow up ;)
corúm;4694655 said:
was looking at your 'line up' of pics man... looks like a very fun grow.

Was trying to compare the strain i have growing.. the only one it resembles... as a youngling anyways... is the headband..

Im supposed to have some headband seeds... but i had 3 kinds.. and im not even sure which is which anymore lol

looking forward to seeing that headbad grow up ;)
Yeah so am i.I know i will clone the shit out of her if she is a true female.she will also meet a male of one the strains i have and ill have some headband x???? seeds.


Well-Known Member
yo berry i bet you dont get much praise from our boy mr ego cause he prolly to busy patting himself on the back

oh well seems every time i lose faith in mankind
next person i encounter restores it again

just when i start to think eyone is a piece of shit
i get turned around and realize there is still some good people in this world

we can not spend time and energy on the shit once its done just flush and move on

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