does smoking weed decreases our intelligence?


Well-Known Member
+rep for being the person who actually reads university articles when they are presented!
OH I did, and by definition my favorite discovery in that study was the fact that marijuana INCREASES BRAIN CELLS more than it kills them.... Increased Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus! Meaning, if I interpret it correctly, that if you have a controlled environment, and a pair of twins with the same diet, and one smokes pot, that one will have an increased creation of memory and mood managing braincells. Meaning the pot smoking twin has more braincells than the non pot smoking twin, and from the looks of it superior cells too.... I love that artical and have spent all day posting it from facebook to irc chats. :) Amazing find bro!


Well-Known Member
Lol, I used to able to complete an infinite loop in 3 seconds, these days... not so much :P


Well-Known Member
I believe that it all depends on the person its plenty of stoned out pot heads that went on to live successful careers(our president obama admited that he comsumed weed in his youth and we all kno about bill clinton) and even become rich and to this day even may I say flaunt the use of weed saying. it all depend on if u started with the intelligence to begin with.


Well-Known Member
I don't buy into the left-right divide and conquer paradigm being shoved on to you guys, by the same masters.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana has no negative effects on your memory or brain...It actually helps stimulate brain cells...So most weed may make your body feel lazy and stupid, but your mind is on full blast when your high...



Well-Known Member
Marijuana has no negative effects on your memory or brain...It actually helps stimulate brain cells...So most weed may make your body feel lazy and stupid, but your mind is on full blast when your high...

i i came to the point asking if smoking like 5X a day of weed decreases our intelligence. anything of too much is not good for humanity.


Well-Known Member
Thank You Poplars for posting this link once again! Cannabis ingestion can form new neurons in mammals! An opportunity to expand our minds even further. OP, you have your answer.