My First Grow: Journal


Active Member
Day 56. Man these plant are pissing me off. Still no bud site on the plants. I trimmed off some fan leaves to uncover all good bud sites to make sure they were getting enough light. I also tied a few bud branches to they would be more in the center of the plant. I also put plants in 12/12 cycle to see if that would help with bud sites. We will see. The plants are 30 and 21 inches high now. Plant look good and healthy just no freaking bud!:cuss::wall::spew:


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
They look really helthy bro just give them time. I know 56 days is insane so I would stay away from any auto flower plants from any breader. Just don't get it why people buy them, unless you want to take advantage of leaving the lights on longer during flower? I would just get fem seeds and flower when you want to flower them.


Active Member
They look really helthy bro just give them time. I know 56 days is insane so I would stay away from any auto flower plants from any breader. Just don't get it why people buy them, unless you want to take advantage of leaving the lights on longer during flower? I would just get fem seeds and flower when you want to flower them.
I hear ya brother. Nothing to do but wait it out.


i write to you in your other thread just to let you no that Nirvana have recalled the nl af because it hasnt been auflowering along with a few others but at least you will end up with a bigger yeild now and your palnts do loook great give it another week and you will start seeing preflowers it usally takes up 2 that from switching to 12/12 looking real healthy tho bro good luck


Active Member
Quick update. I havent seen any new growth on my plants in about a week or so and it got me worried. I know my 2 1/2 gallon pots were too small for these plants, but I wanted to wait until after they started flowering to trans into bigger pots. Today I bit the bullet and trans them. And fuck were they ever root locked. I trimmed about third of roots of the bottom, ruffed up the rootball. They wont grow for about three days, but after that I hope will take off and show some bud quick. I also have some light leaks in my growroom. Worked on that today and solved alot of it, but have sliding doors on my closet and its a real pain in the ass to get sealed tight. I need some weather stripping, but money is real tight this month, so that will have to wait about two more weeks. Plants are doing good after transplant.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I know it is ghetto but just put a blanket over the doors with some tacks or something. That should do the trick on your light problem. Have they shown any buds yet? I know they will be pissed about the transplant shit! Did you bump them up into 5 gal buckets?


Active Member
Good new, plants are now budding! I already see some new growth forming and some pistols and white hairs. I'm sure the root lock was holding them back. Suprised the plants are taking off just 12 hrs after the transplant. I'm sure the 12/12 was needed as well.

Worked on the light leak today and think I got most of little leaks fixed. Wont know until tonight when the lights go out.


Active Member
I know it is ghetto but just put a blanket over the doors with some tacks or something. That should do the trick on your light problem. Have they shown any buds yet? I know they will be pissed about the transplant shit! Did you bump them up into 5 gal buckets?
Yea, I'm using some blankets to get it under control. I transplanted them into some seven gallon buckets lol. those fuckers got all the room they need now lol.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yea, I'm using some blankets to get it under control. I transplanted them into some seven gallon buckets lol. those fuckers got all the room they need now lol.
Yeah no shit! LOL I don't think they will get rootbound in those. I hope you see some buds here soon man, I totaly feel ya on the frustration! When are your new beans getting there? Did you say they mailed you fem seeds? When those get there you are going to have a hard time not starting those and throwing these NL away! I just started two more NL to clone off of. Once I extend my grow room I will need alot of starts to keep a steady income!


Active Member
The new seeds will get here in about week or so. I think I will see these AF to end first then start my new grow. Those NL have worked out well for you, I say keep a mother or clones going and do another round of NL after the bubbas. Peace.


I'm glad to hear that those ladies took off in less than a day after transplant. Sounds like they took well to the transplant. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you now.


Active Member
I'm glad to hear that those ladies took off in less than a day after transplant. Sounds like they took well to the transplant. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you now.
Thanks man. I was a little suprised they got going so quick, but then again this was an easy transplant. I just pulled it out of one pot and put it in another. Wasnt anything like the last one where I shook all the soil out then tried to put it in a new pot. That type of transplant is a bitch and the plants let you know about it lol.

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
Like you said before man, the transplants shock their systems to the core for a few days. Like us getting the flu and having all our energy and minerals drained from our bodies. Just takes time. Looking fucking good though, More Pics.....

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
I just transplanted two of my younger ones today, into 10 inch pots. It's a fucking pain in the ass with the hydroton clay pebbles!


Active Member
I just transplanted two of my younger ones today, into 10 inch pots. It's a fucking pain in the ass with the hydroton clay pebbles!
What are you growing bro? if its Nir. AF, they will out grow 10" pots. Thats what I just trans. out of. Best to put them in five gallon pots when you get chance. Peace.

Logan Rhodes

Active Member
Not sure the strain bro, but all are some exceptional bag seed. At least I hope so... Anyways, only about 3 weeks old now. Just took them from 6" square to the taller 10" round. I guess I could have gone right into the 5 gallons though, still new at this. Thanks man... I'll put pictures up soon


Active Member
Not sure the strain bro, but all are some exceptional bag seed. At least I hope so... Anyways, only about 3 weeks old now. Just took them from 6" square to the taller 10" round. I guess I could have gone right into the 5 gallons though, still new at this. Thanks man... I'll put pictures up soon
Thats cool man. Good luck.