anyone else sickened by our society?


Well-Known Member
I know what kind of a society do we live in where people make these vague ass posts to complain about society? lol jk. fat people piss me off I'm tired of seeing fat people everywhere.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
Society makes me sad, then i cheer up, cuz life aint that bad. There are a lot of fat people lately. Fat and lazy. Thats the problem wit our country. Full of fat lazy fucks!


Well-Known Member
Society makes me sad, then i cheer up, cuz life aint that bad. There are a lot of fat people lately. Fat and lazy. Thats the problem wit our country. Full of fat lazy fucks!
I am entitled to as much pie as I can eat and as many naps as I can take. It's in the constitution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man im a fitness type dude always workin out, but i just feel like a piece of shit for even being alive in such a sad fucked society, that being WHATEVER, the fat fucks, the greedy bastards, the ignorance, ect... but most often these characteristics go hand in hand for many people....oh here we go...


Active Member
Some of “society” wants to vote NO on 19… Ohhh the humanity! Damn Conspirists's! :joint:


Active Member
No, society does not sicken me. Not in the least. Civilization is evolving exactly as it should. Individuals sometimes make impacting choices, sometimes dangerous or harmful decisions.
Not everyone is going to react to this universe in the same manner though.
Not everyone is going to be your friend or want to do the right thing.

Our society.
Our culture.
Our civilization,
they are all constructs of an over-arching pattern in the development of intelligence. In the development of an emerging consciousness.

The beauty that illuminates the world around us only strengthen the resolve to stand strong against the ugliness that is still both a necessity and an inevitability.


Well-Known Member
and damn emo's... they all need to man up and just do it, fucking pussys, have you ever heard of this "embedding" shit? this little fat emo girl and a bunch of other dumbass kids stopped cutting themselves and started embedding foreign objects into themselves 1212692836318vw0.jpg74755_gay.jpgView attachment 1172318penis.jpg38150749.jpgstuck.jpgYoureFat.jpg633883932512533790-aslw.jpgpyzamgoth.jpg

<<<< notice the FAT?


Well-Known Member
and damn emo's... they all need to man up and just do it, fucking pussys, have you ever heard of this "embedding" shit? this little fat emo girl and a bunch of other dumbass kids stopped cutting themselves and started embedding foreign objects into themselves View attachment 1172315View attachment 1172317View attachment 1172318View attachment 1172320View attachment 1172321View attachment 1172323View attachment 1172324View attachment 1172325View attachment 1172326

<<<< notice the FAT?
lol...good call. i hate ugly people who thinks there the shit


Active Member
Fat people do annoy me. It fucks me off so much that because of increasing numbers in obesity, I'm now obliged to give my seat on the bus to someone who is clinically obese. Fuck you! I didn't force feed you 50 big macs everyday, you did, you fat fuck. When are people going to take responsibilty for themselves and stop blaming society for what they have become?! I don't mind giving up my seat to an elderly citizen, or someone who is pregnant or has a baby in thier arms, but a fat

Also, church and religion in general. The biggest and most dirty scammers of them all. I'm over the churches fucking hipocracy and dirty dark lies. Every single day such and such a bishop or father is condemned for sexually harassing little boys or vulnerable women. And the fucking religious wars, most wars that weren't iniciated by America are a result of clashing religions. Peace my arse! In my opinon the world would be a better place with out the war mongering, money grubbing, conniving religions.

Peace! hahahaha