BALZACS KC Brains Mind Eraser Guerilla style. Flowering week:1


Undercover Mod
Yeah, I was going to ask if they were getting enough light or if it's just their growth habit. I went out last year in late September (while the leaves were still on the trees) to a couple spots and did a quick check of the path of the sun at a couple potential spots. Six feet can make a real difference.

But 2 isn't bad for starting in June.
Yeah, I thought I had a good place, but I tracked it and they were only getting maybe 8 hours of direct light a day. My new place gets closer to 12 or more.


Undercover Mod
Yeah, this shit is gonna be gone by friday. I'm gonna save an eighth for a smoke report. I've sold more than half of it already.


Undercover Mod
Well it's all gone except a quarter. I made 345 and I got a quarter left. : )

I'm happy so far. Got more to harvest. They won't be done for atleast 4 more weeks.

48 grams dry from my smallest plant.


Undercover Mod
9 foot tied down. Appx 2-3 into budding.It is tied at about a 60 degree angle. If you notice the bigger buds on the lower branches.


Active Member
9 foot tied down. Appx 2-3 into budding.

It is tied at about a 60 degree angle. If you notice the bigger buds on the lower branches.
Sure is top-heavy (in a good way). Why are you bending it, was it becoming too noticeable? Was the stem still pretty flexible? Just curious.


Undercover Mod
It spreads the light more evenly. It produces bigger buds on the one side without affecting the size of the cola.

allen bud

Active Member
yea had that frost here to talked to guerilla grow friend and he says still 4 weeks no got it


Well-Known Member
good lookin plants. guerilla growin is fun! id love to have a field of green in my backyard but were not all so lucky. but hey i'm asuming you'd vouch for buying seeds from KC brains? i was looking into possibly growing some next season, the only reason i worry is the super low price and some people say theyve recieved them and the seeds arent viable. let me know dude i'll be checking back. good job!


Undercover Mod
good lookin plants. guerilla growin is fun! id love to have a field of green in my backyard but were not all so lucky. but hey i'm asuming you'd vouch for buying seeds from KC brains? i was looking into possibly growing some next season, the only reason i worry is the super low price and some people say theyve recieved them and the seeds arent viable. let me know dude i'll be checking back. good job!
Dude he is 100 percent legit. 9/10 poped and 8/10 survived. 4 were male and 4 were female. Everything he promised was true. Mind Bender is super mellow mango smoke. The every other plant was super purple including the male I used for seeds. He was super purple also.

The only thing was my yield was low. But that was grower mistake. I picked an area that didn't get more than 6 hours of direct light or so a day.


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks for answering me so quickly! My spots probably similar to yours with the light situation. The forest is thick in my parts. Check my thread if you'd like i dont have a link yet so you'd have to go through my profile. Keep it up & happy growing. Peace


Undercover Mod
Well there you go. I had a copter on me the other day had to hop through the bush. lol I got two of the three and halled them off. Afraid I lost my seed crop. Well Estimated dry weight around three o's. A little dissappointing, but while I was trimming I found bud rot. Not to horrible. just lost like 6 grams to bud rot. Maybe it is a good thing I ripped them I would have lost more bud if I had waited. Next year I'm gonna use a better grow area that gets more sun. So next year I'm going for atleast 10 females. I only had four this year. Plus I want to do some auto's outdoors like super cali haze. I'm learning more and more and things are bound to go better next year. Thanks everyone for following this grow. +Rep to commentsI still had one unharvested plant. Gonna check it in a few weeks. But the total was around 5 o's for three plants. Light issues.


Good job bro i hate NY i lost like 8-10 oz to bud rot and many many more to copter's.This year i tried out the disel ryder and bred it to a auto flowering purple KC was good better than i though if you try them make sure to not restrict the root's they will yield allot more say in the ground, if you use say 1 gallon bucket or a cup it will flower sooner you will get like 10+/- grams versus an ounce or two....IMO just add a couple week's but heck start em in march get em out the end of april done by july....check Iranian auto it is sick bro!
Also try Epsoma organic dry fert you can get it at lowe's awsome stuff follow direction's mix some 1.00 a bag humus and manure with some peat or coco to the native soil and the Epsoma and top dress once a month hit it with maxi crop and alaska fish you won't be let down all easy to get all natural all tops! Epsoma has myco and micro could toss in some blood/bone meal to...jobe's organic is good to. For me to do Ten big whole(10oz.+/- strain and planting time dep.) less that 50 bucks with left overs...doing this double the yield man seriously well worth the work and few bucks.i had access to premier promix-bx and a local nursery but and peat or coca based will do just remember potting mix has NO trace elements it just peat and agragate.....check out subcools super soil.....i just go for what i can get cheap and local


KC Brain's is a great company with great strain's for half or a quarter of the crap green house steals and screws up.....The germ rate problem is the storage at the distributor or customer ive alway had 8/9 out of ten pop.The male issue is the grower more stress=more males even 24hrs light to start will cause more male ED say's 16/8 or 18/6 16 should yield more females.
Read up on strains and of course the will be variation it's a living thing....pheno's are great means they are not in breed to shit!