I would have too faded, if i was you.


Well-Known Member
Its how an E-thug werks, huh?:?

right wen some one starts to write, BOOM, dont let em back in.:roll:

ur probably gunna erase this thread and most likely me, but f**k it! :twisted:

ive been one here for a lil over a year now and i felt the need to do this.:mrgreen:

I think the 'once said "thanks"' says enough for yourself, im sorry dood, i use to follow ur grows and listen but i was wrong to think that u actulay care about anyone really one here?

I dont understand how one could actualy justify and promote the self centered actions and thoughts that you deplict. these forums r bullshit, wen push comes to shove man, u jst click that delete button.

i posted on ur thread the other day, now for some reason i cant find it to see if i was thanked for my actions. y is that?
I think the 'once said "thanks"' says enough for yourself, im sorry dood, i use to follow ur grows and listen but i was wrong to think that u actulay care about anyone really one here?

I dont understand how one could actualy justify and promote the self centered actions and thoughts that you deplict. these forums r bullshit, wen push comes to shove man, u jst click that delete button.

i posted on ur thread the other day, now for some reason i cant find it to see if i was thanked for my actions. y is that?

i still have no idea what you are talking about. maybe you could slow your roll and be a little more specific. start with a thread title, the content of your post, and what you mean by "thanked for it".

keep insulting me though. not like it really hurts me. :)
lol translation: its seems he is callin someone an internet thug and this e-thug(oppressor) deletes all post and members who speak against him and after a year of silence he is speaking out...lmao thats what i got ne way
this is true, and wat i am doing, like the rest who see through it.

and i didnt throw no put downs ur way? if anyone is putttin u down its u with those lines on ur shit.

yea dood, im just a nobody, i havent been on here for a bit to see how shit really werks smokey.

im not the only one who has done this, nor the only one who will, im sure of that.

open your eyes smokey.
no deppresion, i got a 7 colored chameleon and 2000 watts pumpin, i am far from deppressed, just had to get this off my chest. breaking point hit.

FDD u missed my first post wen dood asked if his plants were on the right track for 3 weeks, u couldnt answer him str8, i remeber u sayin somethin like "This is the IS YOUR PLANT READY thread" so i did, now i cant find thread, its off my subs, i cant see it in the furom?
dont get me wrong fuzzy i wasnt downing u i jus thought what u was trying to say was obvious but everyone was like wtf? so i gave a translation. Some ppl cant understand unless u post like this is english class lol. do ya thang im jus high
i think he meant 2000 watts of light, i doubt chameleons like systems. but i could be wrong. i didn't think they made a 7 color flip-flop or chameleon paint, i thought 4 was the most.

is it an animal or paint, lights or subs?

he meant subs in the post as subscriptions.
LoL, i meant a lizard thats 7 different colors and 2000 watts as in HPS & MH. but i got a cool car too tho?

its all good yall, i saw it wen i was a noob and said the same thing, im sure fdd can dig those out too. people change, or see the big pik as they grow, either way you are juvenile for adding to the coffee wen u dont even kno the flavor.

cool beans smoke, my bad.