Where abouts do you keep them when you do it? I think mine failed because they got waaay too hot when they were on a radiator ):The wet paper towel method is all I have ever used. It has served me well.
Havent heard of that before. That link says nothing about air tight jars and cool places. Seeds like moisture, air, warmth and darkness.i usually soak a paper towel and put it an air tight jar, it needs to be dark and in a cool place, i prefer a drawer. you might also want to open the jar every once in a while so theres no chances of mold. wait about two days and they should have what looks like white tails. and if your trying the method oAUSTiNo suggested, you probably wanna wait till the seeds fall to the bottom, this link shows his method. http://www.weedsthatplease.com/germinating.htm
Agreed no need at all for airtight jars - might even have a downside.Between spanishFly's au naturale soil germ and the paper towel method I dont think there is any reason for burying it or putting it in airtight jars. I dont even let mine sprout all the way in the paper towel. I wait until the first bit of tap root is showing then throw it in the medium. So I still get to see the stem appear spanishFly![]()
I do the paper towel method because I have had %100 germ rate. The last, and only, time I did a soil germ I got zero. I know it was probably because of something I did. So, from that point on, I use the paper towel method just to make sure the seeds crack.Agreed no need at all for airtight jars - might even have a downside.
Assassin, why then do you even bother with paper towels at all?? Why not straight in your soil?