Anyway to make my buds more dense durring flowering???


Active Member
im 4 weeks into flowering with this white widow strain from ceres seedbank, ive grown this strain once b4 and it came out more airy and not to dense, Is there anything I can do to make the buds more dense, or is it just the strain and nothing I can do, any help thanks....


Genetics will play a certain role, but environmental factors will also cause buds to become airy. The biggest factors are: lack of light, which will cause the plants to stretch as well as not fill in, and excessive temperatures which also lead to stretching and airy buds as the stomata close up and photosynthesis becomes hindered.

Ensure that temps in your grow room at the canopy level don't exceed 85 degrees, improve ventilation and check that your light source is intense enough. Incorporate more lights or side lighting if temperatures are not your problem.


Well-Known Member
what are you feeding it and what are the NPK ratio of those nutrients?

need to know conditions of your flowering room as well.. lights / temps/ humidity...


Active Member
what are you feeding it and what are the NPK ratio of those nutrients?

need to know conditions of your flowering room as well.. lights / temps/ humidity...
Im using dyna grow bloom which is 3-12-6.......the temp in my room is 82.5, the high is usally around 86 degrees and low is around 78 degrees, the humidity right now is at 40%, but has been as low as 37% and as high as 49% throughout the day, im using a 250 watt HPS grow light for the flowering, in my veg area I use a 250 watt MH grow light....right now I have 2 plants in my flowering area and 2 plants in my veg area, which is seperated by a wall and a door, I'll try to get pics to show.........I also have a vent fan in the ceiling above the flowering plant, with 2 small fans blowing on the plants, also 1 bigger fan circulating throghout the whole area, If I left anything out or you need more info, please let me know


Well-Known Member
in other words a 1-4-2...

Do you have a lot of yellow leaves? Did you lose many fan leaves?

i'm using a 2-2-3 and it keeps most of the fan leaves green throughout flowering, which is needed for bud production.

I don't get the biggest of buds but I don't get airy buds either.

I have a 1-5-4 Bloom food which I find is best for last 2-4 weeks of flowering, cus when I switch to it the leaves immediately start to yellow. First 4 weeks just focus on maintaining green leaves and the buds will naturally pack on weight.

Alternatively you could use a more balanced bloom nute and add a small amount of pk booster. That's what I'm testing right now but I'm not sure if I see any difference.


Active Member
in other words a 1-4-2...

Do you have a lot of yellow leaves? Did you lose many fan leaves?

i'm using a 2-2-3 and it keeps most of the fan leaves green throughout flowering, which is needed for bud production.

I don't get the biggest of buds but I don't get airy buds either.

I have a 1-5-4 Bloom food which I find is best for last 2-4 weeks of flowering, cus when I switch to it the leaves immediately start to yellow. First 4 weeks just focus on maintaining green leaves and the buds will naturally pack on weight.

Alternatively you could use a more balanced bloom nute and add a small amount of pk booster. That's what I'm testing right now but I'm not sure if I see any difference.
not many yellow leaves at all, and besides the fan leaves i cut off, I really dont lose many, right now they all look pretty healthy, which food do you use for the final 4 weeks, maybe i'll switch to that, thanks


Well-Known Member
CNS-17 ripe, 1-5-4.

I'm using 1 tsp/gal of ginormous which I had left over as well, it's 0-18-16 but I'm not sure if this helps or if it's just wasted nutes. Haven't done a side-by-side

oh, and don't cut fan leaves, they're the key to bigger bud. Even if they're yellowing/browning, leave em on cus they act as a buffer for any nutrient deficiency you might have. Pull em off and your plant might start to cannibalize other healthy leaves. I leave em till they fall by themselves or unless they're totally dried and crispy then I pull em.