Newbie looking for Input

Hey guys, ive started my second grow ever and am still very unfamiliar with the process, seeing how i screwed up my first try. I have attached some pics to get some opinions on how im doing.

One thing i noticed was that some of the leaves look droopy and some keep turning upside down, not sure y that is.

I have them in a closet with mylar lined walls, with 3 florescent lights around them for the veg cycle. They are in Nitrogen rich soil, fertilized once a month and watered once a week. Pots have good drainage and i have a fan circulating air gently. (also there is white dust on the plants because i had a bug problem so that is just to take care of that)

Any opinions or advice would be great. Thanks.


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well from what i can see your off to a better start this time around.You said your soil was nitrogen rich,What kind of soil did you use?and what kind of nutes are you using?Is the pot heavy or light when you feed/water?
One thing i learned with groing in soil was to let the plant tell you when its ready to water/ want the soil to get dry but not so dry the soil compacts.pick the pot up if its heavy leave it alone even if it is time to feed/water.if its light, water away
well from what i can see your off to a better start this time around.You said your soil was nitrogen rich,What kind of soil did you use?and what kind of nutes are you using?Is the pot heavy or light when you feed/water?
One thing i learned with groing in soil was to let the plant tell you when its ready to water/ want the soil to get dry but not so dry the soil compacts.pick the pot up if its heavy leave it alone even if it is time to feed/water.if its light, water away

Its just organic soil with hardly any nutes in the soil itself, but i mixed a nitrogen powder into the soil before i transplanted them into the bigger pots. Im using Miricale Grow 24-8-16 once a month. And ya i do the same thing with the pots, i make sure they are light before watering.
Tap water? Letting it sit overnight before you use? Maybe a PH problem. Maybe the problem on your first try too?
Tap water? Letting it sit overnight before you use? Maybe a PH problem. Maybe the problem on your first try too?

Ya tap water but its filtered and left to sit for a week before using. i just checked the PH and one pot is 6.5 and the other is 6.4. And the problem I had the first time was the pots i was using were to small and choked the plant to death. So seems to be something else im guessing.