The Cost of Growing

Well does it really matter how much it cost? I don't have that much money at all and I still like growing so I can get the reward at the end. And think, someone has to grow it or we would all be fu*ked. Alot of people on here sell and I don't really think they would spend all that money if they wasn't making it all back. Happy growing.
im not at all wealthy, but you know what,,,,, fuck the money!! growing weed is the most fun ive had since riding BMX before i broke both my arms fucking with gravity and by the way gravity will allways win..
smoke weed everyday!!!!!
Growing is fun and who cares about the money. For a lot of people it is a hobby. A hobby with awesome benefits!
no man im not bullshiting... weed has always been good to me so in turn im good to it.. to me growing is fun cuz my plants show noticible improvement everyday.....
Deffinatly, pot has always been a god send, and a curse! Its helped me with so many problems, but at the same time has caused so many problems in my life. But i think the benifits out weigh the negitives. Even if the negatives are having the DEA knock on your door to pay you a friendly early morning visit:evil:i wont give up the "fight", and sadly i probably never will. IM to stuborn to do such a thing, even if it does end up biting me in the ass. The only thing that would stop me, and iv said this b4, is if i were to see the condition that my lungs are in up close and personal. I.E if there was a lungoscope or some device that u could shove down ur wind pipe to take a peak at the "fire damage" yea, id see the black, tar crusted resin bags that i can lungs and i would probably cry right there and stop cold turkey. Edibles dont work for me, belive me iv taken like 30buks worth of bubble hash and mixxed it with steaming hot hot chocolate and it didnt do NOTHING, as well wen i went to AmsterD i ate two whole peices of chocolate hash cake from chocolata cafe, they specialize in edbiles, and NOTHING! wast of 10 Euros! Cheeto, wat Gun is that, glock 18? Its lookin Tyte!
fuck!! what have you done. that lung scenario got me thinking, shit hold up i need another bong rip pronto to get those thoughts out my head...... thats better.
DEA, fuck must have sucked. The piece is actually a fast ass paint ball gun that i bought strictly for all the hatterz in my neighborhood, wont pierce the skin unless i decide to throw some paintballs in the freezer..... good times....
I AGREE, growing should be an outside, quiet and secret hobbie but once you get involved fuck its more addictive than smoking it lol one thing u have to calcutlate is Harvest+investment = risk risk risk.....if the risk is too much maybe a samll bedroom grow ???? ive only got two plants in seed stage, already failed on 2 but i dnt think i cud stop if i wanted to now !!!!!! well good luck just thought id have my word on ere lol
like the thread a big worry to me and a mass of growers i know too, how much will 1 flourescent tube on 24/7, and an MH 150 watt floodlight on 18/6 how much will it roughly cost me ??
I personally feel that the cost of growing shouldn't play a negative aspect in your life. If you're honestly a person growing out of compassion for the plant and it's value, then you should also respect it enough to know the serious aspects it can play in our every day lives. I've personally been arrested for growing and although it isn't the worst thing that can happen to you, it does fucking suck. Most people wouldn't know that you automatically end up in prison for three to five years if you have a gun in the house that is being raided for cultivation. I won't own a gun in this country for that reason alone. Obviously laws vary state to state, but knowing that your drivers license is suspended for six months to a year off the bat for the charge also makes you think.

I think a marijuana flower is the most miraculous thing a person could watch grow, but I wouldn't want to show anyone other than someone I love as much as the act itself for that reason exactly.

On a different note, my current cost of growing is averaging in at 30 a month and that is keeping three beautiful ladies very happy. to get the quality of flowers being harvested on the street would cost a hell of a lot more than that to get nowhere near the same supply. I also enjoy the comfort of knowing that it's grown with care and what goes into it from seed to harvest.

That was a lot longer than I expected...
Take it Easy
i just realized that after i posted. lol. I was looking at this forum for light consumption and got caught up on an old conversation. I thought it seemed lonely in here.

dude this thread is 4 years old and the last post on it is a year old lol
if i didnt reply it would have been lonely lol
i was like who is he talking to then when i went to next page to see i was like damn this is old but hey i did the same thing last week lol

i just realized that after i posted. lol. I was looking at this forum for light consumption and got caught up on an old conversation. I thought it seemed lonely in here.
LOL, thanks for keeping my company, hahaha. Happy growing bud...

if i didnt reply it would have been lonely lol
i was like who is he talking to then when i went to next page to see i was like damn this is old but hey i did the same thing last week lol