hom much rain is too much?


oregon is getting a lot of rain! when is outdoor usaly done in oregon?? is this year average or poor for outcome?


Oregon has seen allot of odd weather this year with practically no summer. Over the past weeks we have seen the early return of cooler temperatures and wet weather. this pattern does not normally show up until November. Most outdoor gardens ar full with fruit but need 2-4 weeks of nice sunshine to allow the corps to ripen. If it were a few showers and then a day of sun it would not be an issue. with cooler tems and evening rains, there is a higher probability of mold and other nastys from getting to the crop. who knows what to do...


ya thats not a option for me they are a lil too big. does mold always start from the inside out on the bud or can it start at the hairs im getting a few questionable ones????


Go to home depot and get the .31 mil drop cloth rolls and they are so light that you can just throw them over the plant with no damage. Sun morning we hear a tinkle on the roof and ran like crazy to thow the plastic on. Plants are 6-10 ft so it was a challenge in the dark and the rain,but it was worth it. Got everything covered with only a little rain on them. Make sure you take the plastic off before the sun comes up!!!!. I didn't cover them the night before because I thought the weather man could not be 5 hours off. Thank Mother Nature for then giving us a full day of north wind to dry everything out. Keep the plastic handy it really works.