Plant Problem

zin zin

Hi there i`m new to this i`ve been reading on the forum so far i`ve identified that my plant has a Nitrogen deficiency , some of the leaves are pale green on the edges as far as i figured it`s nitrogen i`m working on fixing that but also it recently started to curl downwards and on the edge of the leaves it started to get orange / brownish spots
the plant is a 7week into vegetative female about 30 inches tall ( indoor ) and so far it`s growing very nicely please lend me some aid i don`t want to loose her !

zin zin

will post one tomorrow the lighting in my room is bad and if i try to make a picture it turns out orange i think it`s due to the light im using 2700k 250 Watt CFL Lamp will post some pictures first thing in the morning

zin zin


Ok the first 2 pics is the one i had problems with her levaves are normal green now but still curled she turned 7 weeks today , the 2nd one i another female , or so i tought i noticed today on the lower levels something wierd , i think it`s turning in a hermie what do you guys think ?


Well-Known Member
i dont see any signs of hermie or male or female sex organs so dont know where people are getting that from and in terms of nitrogen def - looks okay to me, on a side note, that wardrobe in the background of pic 1 looks very valuable, if its made out of ebony you got yourself an antique or atleast a very well built imitation. i am throughly jealous. although on a second glance it may just be covered in a dark varnish :(.

zin zin

it is ebony actualy :> the 4th picture if you look closely you can see 2 small sacks and in the 3rd it`s out of focus but there are definitelly stamine or what`s the female part called , if it turns out to be a herm what are my options ? i was planing on cloning them both , if you clone a herm it turns out another herm plant right ?


Weed Modifier
it is ebony actualy :> the 3rd picture if you look closely you can see 2 small sacks and in the 4th it`s out of focus but there are definitelly stamine , if it turns out to be a herm what are my options ? i was planing on cloning them both , if you clone a herm it turns out another herm plant right ?
Yup,and if you want seed in your weed then let it take its course! Usually...a clipping is exactly like the one you cut from so if you take a clipping from a hermie...clone could also be hermie!

zin zin

damn :( is there any way to get rid of the male parts and keep the females for flowring ? without geting seeds

zin zin

New problem :-s the leaves are at the bottom of my biggest one started curling and it`s getting worse even the small leaves that are sprouting are curling DOWNARDS what can i do to stop it ? , was reading that too much light might cause this but the leaves closest to the light are doing well , i`m on a 24 / 0 light cycle btw