Pruning - When do you take all the leaves off?

I've done a few grows before and I'm currently on Day 30 Flower. I always leave every fan leaf the plant grows and tuck it underneath the canopy to ensure it doesnt cover the budsite as you can see in the picture.

In the second picture it shows someone whos on day 48 flowering, has took all the fan leaves off and its still going well (he is using cfls)

When do you take fan leaves off and why do they do it?


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it's a matter of debate. i personally think it's extremely counterprouctive. what's the point of letting more light through when you have removed the main solar panels that receive the light? it's like paralyzing a man and gifting him roller skates, or some more fitting analogy. i'm stoned. you get my point.
Yeah well when you have a bush like this, its hard to decide to prune or not.

I don't think i will.


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those are some nice bonsai trees Johnney. I have cut all fan leaves during flush it seem to help the lower bud sites swell and ripen up.
But if your like me and just smoke on da juicy colas I would leave them on there you have plenty of light hitting your plant anyways.
Leaves provide the buds with food to grow.
Taking them off will allow light to buds...but why would you?
dont cut the leaves till after you harvest unless they are yellow, deseased or haning down against the ground or something like that.
I've done a few grows before and I'm currently on Day 30 Flower. I always leave every fan leaf the plant grows and tuck it underneath the canopy to ensure it doesnt cover the budsite as you can see in the picture.

In the second picture it shows someone whos on day 48 flowering, has took all the fan leaves off and its still going well (he is using cfls)

When do you take fan leaves off and why do they do it?

Look at it this mate, a Grower leaves the leafs on and a CULTIVATOR cuts them off very periodically, all of them!
Cultivating is very rewarding but also very time consuming.

Personally i cut mine every day or two. This is the difference between average yields and excellent yields.
more leaf means more bud morelight to a bud will not make it bigger, more light to the leaves will
This should get interesting.

why it is a simple fact and only takes common sense to know that a plant needs it leafs to produce its fruits. do you see apple,pair,orange,cherry farmers removing theri leaf to get light to the fruit NO, why because its the leafs that make the fruit big and healthy if they were in the light all the time it would be bad for the fruits. growing marijuana is mostly COMMON SENSE
Oh yeah this will get ugly! LOL I leave all my leaves on my plant, they will funnel all the energy up to the buds. You answered your question with the second pic you posted! That second plant looks like shit IMO! leve them on there or you will get less and shitty bud IMO
why it is a simple fact and only takes common sense to know that a plant needs it leafs to produce its fruits. do you see apple,pair,orange,cherry farmers removing theri leaf to get light to the fruit NO, why because its the leafs that make the fruit big and healthy if they were in the light all the time it would be bad for the fruits. growing marijuana is mostly COMMON SENSE

All I said is this is about to get interesting. I didn't say anything about pruning or not pruning
it's a matter of debate. i personally think it's extremely counterprouctive. what's the point of letting more light through when you have removed the main solar panels that receive the light? it's like paralyzing a man and gifting him roller skates, or some more fitting analogy. i'm stoned. you get my point.
Well brake my legs and buy me a bicycle.
Look at it this mate, a Grower leaves the leafs on and a CULTIVATOR cuts them off very periodically, all of them!
Cultivating is very rewarding but also very time consuming.

Personally i cut mine every day or two. This is the difference between average yields and excellent yields.


have fun with your eighth
leaves feed the bud, end of story. The more leave, more yield with other variables included, but overall, more yield.
i think pruning fan leaves durring flower is about the worst thing you can do to a plant.. some people do it so light will reach the lower buds, well i say if your concerned your not getting enough light to the lower branches cut off the whole darn branch!! the tops will get bigger if you do and way less trimming later..