Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be setting up my recirculating DWC system this weekend myself.
Made out of 5g buckets and 2" pvc, basically a DIY current culture system.

I've seen people on other forums running the cch2o systems and their results are
simply nuts.

If you're going dwc I'd look into this.


Active Member
Heres aeroponics. I use 3600 gph pump I think they call it the Binford Tools B.M.F.3666, lol jk, its a flotec from home depot. 3/4 hp motor this mofo cranks massive volumes of water through 1-1/4" PVC. I have my timer set to 5 seconds on/20 minutes off. in that 5 seconds on half the reservoir is pumped in. I only need 10 gallons of nutrients every 4 days. These clones are in week 2 veg and are 3 weeks old!

P.S. NASA is a bunch of bullshit to keep the masses happy with our shoebox like space shuttles, I dont think NASA should be credited with aeroponics like that. just my 2


Well-Known Member
Damn Urban - would really be interested if you could break down what you have in your setup - those plants look great!


Well-Known Member
Jimmy: you're right, the pictures came from "harvest a pound every three week". And, I did review the entire journal, and it answered
a lot of my questions. But, there were still a couple that he did not cover. It was a great journal, but I see a lot of journals on here
where it seems people forget that some of us our relatively noobs, and leave some information out. Believe me, I scoured the journal
very closely and still had questions. Ultimately, I have decided to pass on the aeroponics, and instead construct a DWC system. I have seen
on here one guy harvested 16 oz from one dwc setup in a 5 gallon bucket.. Very hard to pass up a setup that can do that.
I'm not sure if you got a chance to check it out, but, on page 75 there's a summation of the entire process:leaf:


Well-Known Member
dude i am so frickn jealous of those roots, fogger right? i been wanting to try that for so ling i know my yealds will improve with roots like that
Heres aeroponics. I use 3600 gph pump I think they call it the Binford Tools B.M.F.3666, lol jk, its a flotec from home depot. 3/4 hp motor this mofo cranks massive volumes of water through 1-1/4" PVC. I have my timer set to 5 seconds on/20 minutes off. in that 5 seconds on half the reservoir is pumped in. I only need 10 gallons of nutrients every 4 days. These clones are in week 2 veg and are 3 weeks old!

P.S. NASA is a bunch of bullshit to keep the masses happy with our shoebox like space shuttles, I dont think NASA should be credited with aeroponics like that. just my 2


Active Member
It's a Stinkbud with a fogger added.
A foggy stinker...stinky fogger.............. finky stogger.....stonky figger....HIHIHIHI.....