Assasins Sour Diesel AeroGarden Extravaganza


Well-Known Member
Gonna be posting here to keep track of my new AeroGarden SourDiesel grow.

First crop hermed on me. Oh well. I learned alot. hopefully I get some good tasting vodka out of it. I know there wasnt much THC on those buds but it sure looks and tastes awesome.

So now I am germinating three out of five Sour Diesel seeds. I got them from a friend who got them from a friend so we will see about the genetics. Hopefully I will get some females out of them but if anything else they will kill some time till I but some fem seeds.


Also got to get in my tent and do a thorough bleach cleaning and set up everything a little bit better than I had before.

Run down of my gear as follows:

DIY 2X4X6 grow tent
400W Lumatek Digital Ballast
Hortilux MH
Two 100W 6500K CFLs
Six 150W 2750K CFLs
AeroGarden Pro 100
Full Botanicare nute lineup
Two Fans
PC fan (Till I get a real fan and filter)


Obviously it is going to take me awhile to be able to use all those lights, and Im gonna have to run my HID on 240W for awhile but I think I am going to get some explosive growth with all that supplemental lighting. (knock on wood)

Please if anyone sees anything I could be doing better, help would be much appreciated.
After hours of deliberation, 4 bong loads and six beers I decided on Barneys Farm LSD fem, Crimea Blue fem, Night Shade fem and SubCool Seeds Pandoras Box fem. I supposedly get UFO#1 for saving so much money.
you made vodka from weed? gasp, explain!

I just trimmed all the developing buds off my herm plant and threw them in a mason jar with vodka. Shake once a day for two weeks. Some people like to strain but I like watching all those beutiful buds swirling around in there. And like I said, since my plant was just starting the fifth week of flowering, Im sure there wasnt much THC to speak of. You tube has a lot of videos that show how to make true tincture.
First things first. Attitude rocks. I got my seeds in 4 days.

Second, eff those journals. Does anybody read those things? This is my latest and last journal post. From now on Im just gonna post all my updates here.

Added one Nightshade and one Crimea Blue to the AeroGarden today. I presoaked till the seeds sank then I put in a paper towel. I had it in a cupboard but I felt like it was too cold so I moved it into a closet with a space heater. It took about a day and a half for the shell to crack.

My Sour Diesels are doing good but they are on their way out of the AG. Right now I have five plants started. Obviously that is going to be way more than my AG can take. I want to transplant one or two to soil but I dont know if this is possible. I dont know if anybody actually reads these but if you know anything about transplanting from an AG/DWC or something similar PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

One of my Sour Diesels root got wrapped around the top the sprout. I found out that this is because the little sponge thing is too firm for the tap root to push through. It seemed to work ok with clones but from now on I will only use Rapid Rooter in my baskets.

@Boonierat: Your garden is a little ahead of mine so Ill be following your lead. No pressure or anything.
dudes thanks for the post on my grow op... im wayyy jelous of yours tho... thats sick you got something out of that hermie plant you got to tell us how that vodka comes out. where did you buy your bulbs from?
yeah man i feel the same way about those journals.... i like your setup that you got going on.
as far as your seeds go i see that you like barneys farm seed. me too. i have LSD and BlueChee from barneys. at the moment im growing LSD its been a month into flowering and my house smells like pure stank bud im loving, cant wait to smell it when its flowering. anyway im following grow.....
dudes thanks for the post on my grow op... im wayyy jelous of yours tho... thats sick you got something out of that hermie plant you got to tell us how that vodka comes out. where did you buy your bulbs from?

Thanks! All my lights save my HID came from Home Depot.

@Bestbuds: Im saving my LSD for after I get a few successes under my belt. Are you documenting your LSD grow?

Right now Im waiting for my new seeds to surface. I have never had a seed take this long to germ before. They should be up by the end of the night.
Mmmm. I just got an eighth Grape Ape. It was very nice. Smelled like grape juice. Had a pleasant taste. Good high. Buuuuuut, smoked a little bit of White Widow and it blasted right through that high like a missle.
yeah assasin i have a thread gooing on just look up my name and i only have one thread started,ut unlike you my friend i am growing it in a mini refrigerator with a 150hps and 4-26watts cfls for side light. oh yea and im doing the LST method (light stress training), yea once u grow it at fisrt it starts off slow but after three weeks she takes off like speedy gonzales arriba arriba andale andale lol.
anyways im anxious to see your grow take off already, something tells me you are going to have a very nice grow.....
Did this the other day. Dont want it to get lost in my journal. If your looking for a way to run 2700K lights in your AeroGarden heres how:

I think it is BS that you have to buy those stupid lights from AG. And I dont even think you can get any in 2700K.

Anyways, I was had a problem with my lights going out intermitently. I popped open the hood and found my wires were shot. Since I want to be able to use whatever light I choose I decided to customize it. All the materials should be less than $35 at any reputable hardware store.

Heres what you need:

Phillips screwdriver
Wire strippers
Wire cutters
Two light sockets with pigtails
Extension cord, preferably 12 or 14 guage
Wire nuts
Electrical tape
Didnt actually need the zip for this project but I believe all indoor gardeners should have them


Step one: Remove hood from AG and take out lights.

Step two: Remove hood support by pushing down on the little tab that holds the rod onto the hood and pull. It can be found by looking through the vents in the top of the hood. It is directly above the support rod.


Step three: remove all the screws in the hood. This includes the two next the S-plug. I already took mine apart here, mocked it up for the pic.


Step four: remove socket and wire assemblies. We are going to reuse the white part where the light plugs in. You should be able to just break the wires off the socket. Throw wires away. Again, mine was already apart.


Step five: Now, if you look at the original sockets, you should see two little tabs that are used to clip the lights in. Break these off.


Step six: After you break off the tabs, reinstall original sockets.

Step seven: Insert your new sockets, wires first, through the old receptacle.


Step eight: Take your extension cord and cut the end off of it. Separate the wires. I just cut the ground off cause I dont really have anything to ground to in my tent.


Step nine: Now comes the important part. Wiring. Some people are intimidated by wiring but there is nothing to it. I just wired all my hots together and all the grounds together.


Step ten: Test. You dont want to get everything back together just to realize you messed something up. I generally run my CFLs for a full hour the first time I use it. Kind of a little break in period.


Step eleven: This is by far going to be the hardest part. Putting the cover back on. It may take you a while to get the lid back on but stick with it. I had to take the stupid metal band off the outside. It will fit. If I had it to do over again I would use longer pigtails on the socket. This would get the wire nuts out of the way. After you fit it, screw everything back together and reinstall the support rod. Which can be tricky. Again, stick with it.


Step twelve:Load up the bong and crack open a cold one and sit back knowing that come flower time your AeroGarden is going to have the optimal spectrum for flowering.


I hope this helps someone. If anybody has any ideas to improve or make this process easy please speak up.
nah man shes doing fine.... do u speak to them thru the whole grow? reason asking is bacause i do to mines, and ive noticed that it really helps them out alot. as a matter of fact i always treat them like females, and i always tell them that if they grow up to be males that they will die, for whatever reason ive had more females than males on my grows. the last big grow was 17 plants, out of 17 three where weak and i only got two males out 14 plants. i beieve that they are a living being just like animals and humans and that they need attention to not just only nutes and give it a try bro u might be surprised with results.
Yeah there was a thread about that not too long ago. Sometimes I speak words of encouragement, you know, to let them know how good theyre doing. Usually I just let them listen to music.
fem #1 finally shed her seed and soaking in the photons.

I really want to get the Sour Diesels out of there before its too late. I think I changed my mind and am going to put them into soil.

Anyways, not much of an update. I was mostly messing with a new lens combo. Im currently waiting on some macro lenses to show up. Then Ill be able to get some good ones of trics. When that day comes.

That's a really sweet setup you have man, they have a good home for sure ;) take care of them nice and good and they will take care of you nice and good haha