anyone else going crazy waiting for this last month to end lol


Well-Known Member
Heat was so bad here in Texas that plants that should have only taken 6-7 weeks are gonna be done in 10.Sux ass.They look ok just not the weight I'm used to.Got a Bonzai I could take this weekend put her hanging.She'll prob only give me 3 quarters dry but thats good enough for me.The big girls will be done in 2 weeks.Blue Widow I bought the other day should get me through.


Active Member
yea i cant wait oct 15 im taking all mine down if there done or not i dont wanna risk it any longer then that


Active Member
can smell mine when you pull into driveway .......and dam them helicopters are going to drive a fella skitzzzzzzzooooo...i wish i could sleep for 3wekks strait, and wake up revived and ready to get my fingers sticky..


Well-Known Member
whos in south ont??? how close r we?
Im in southern ontario buddy, my plants are massive nd are lookin almost ready, done or not I think I'll harvest em on sepetember 30, i dont wanna leave em out any longer, Its gettin cold and I really really wanna smoke this shit :)


where are these caterpillars in the usa im in easter usa and havent seen any so far thank god!! its my first grow and its hard enough dont need any mold or critters. im goin to harvest the end of this month and let my late one go till oct 31 like i did last year.shes very behind then my other one


whos in south ont??? how close r we?
I'm also in Southern Ontario. Is it me, or are we having the worst f*cking fall ever.....when its not raining, its still cloudy...lame. I figure the weather has pushed my girls back to late September, mid Octoberish. My backyard is flooded, lookin' stellar with some girls almost 7ft tall. My guerilla grow, however, is suffering a lot more from the lack of abundant sun. Either way, they're all coming down before first frost.
I know my girls will survive colder temps, hell the big'uns in my backyard are seeds that survived the harsh winter in my garden! I think it changed the genetics though cus all the leaves from those survivors are 3 pronged and all the leaves from my germinated seeds are 5-9 prong....weird.
Happy harvest all!


Well-Known Member
Heat was so bad here in Texas that plants that should have only taken 6-7 weeks are gonna be done in 10.Sux ass.They look ok just not the weight I'm used to.Got a Bonzai I could take this weekend put her hanging.She'll prob only give me 3 quarters dry but thats good enough for me.The big girls will be done in 2 weeks.Blue Widow I bought the other day should get me through.
weird. its still in the uper 90's low 100's here and my plants flower the same as they do anywhere else. it's the light cycles that make it flower not the temps. maybe it's more humid or something or stays hot all night that's making your buds stretch out and not get weight...


Active Member
yep man i just cut one of my girls down a few days ago and 3 more are still going...ones already at nine weeks and sooooo close! ahhh cant wait till i have about a pound of bud sitting in my house