Unable to identify problem, pics and full details.


Active Member
it may be Mg deficiency, the pale leaves, and edges curling up, suggest Mg def, there a slight signs of interveinal chlorosis which is also a sign of Mg def, i would try 5gm / 5ltr epsom salts apply as foliar feed.


Active Member
So tonight i get into the grow room and look down to the tubs to see if i can find any webs or tell tale sings of spider mites. But no, instead I find MUSHROOMS!
Bah i think this grow is doomed.
Is it time to give up?
Im currently chasing the tiny flying criters around to photograph. So there are more photos to come.


Active Member
So I managed to catch some of the flying bugz and one of the tiny tiny tiny things i think its there larva. I think ill post the photos on the bugs section of the forums to.
The tiny flying things :(

This is whats crawling round in the soil, i found a couple of things that look like the inbetween stages of this and the flies.
I feel all itchy while i write this...



Well-Known Member
your plants are real nice, i think you should use this as a continued learning experience. if you fix them, you have learned a lot and should have a nice yield still. if not, i bet you still learn something, and maybe get enough yield to make some good BHO (butane honey oil, can be dangerous to make but good stuff.) i have never encountered shrooms of any variety around a grow. it happens natural, so maybe not all bad. but there must be something in the soil that is a little off to have made them to begin with. i would transplant, then fog.

i just read they are 13 days in flower. most people here will tell you to stop treatment of stuff in flower, depending upon circumstances. i think you may be able to still fix in flower. but i think, if you have it in you, and i will get slammed for this one, if you gradually raise your light schedule up to 16/8 or 18/6 at 30 minute a day increments, and make them veg a little you will have more time to fix. thats an off the wall solution, but you will have more time to think about it in veg, and could maybe regain yield.

or, take a couple of clones, trash the plants, scrub the tent, room, pots, buy soil, and start all over.

which one sounds like more fun? i think if your now close to the point to give up, then you should really consider all legitimate options. i couldnt bring myself to kill those beauts, despite the problems we see!


Well-Known Member
So I managed to catch some of the flying bugz and one of the tiny tiny tiny things i think its there larva. I think ill post the photos on the bugs section of the forums to.
View attachment 1160004
The tiny flying things :(

View attachment 1160015
This is whats crawling round in the soil, i found a couple of things that look like the inbetween stages of this and the flies.
View attachment 1160036
I feel all itchy while i write this...

you cant fix the bug with that soil, i think you will hurt yourself worse. i think they are more reason to transplant. MG soil is terrible for fungus gnats. but the sticky strips help with them, or a cup of water with dish detergent. and cover the top of the soil a layer of clean white sound. it will kill the larvae


Active Member
it may be Mg deficiency, the pale leaves, and edges curling up, suggest Mg def, there a slight signs of interveinal chlorosis which is also a sign of Mg def, i would try 5gm / 5ltr epsom salts apply as foliar feed.
It looks like mg deficiency. That how it looked with mine. Eventually your leaves will twist up and die. Take care of that as soon as you can.
Thanks guys, im gonna pick up the epsom salts tomorrow, hope my garden center stocks it.

your plants are real nice, i think you should use this as a continued learning experience. if you fix them, you have learned a lot and should have a nice yield still. if not, i bet you still learn something, and maybe get enough yield to make some good BHO (butane honey oil, can be dangerous to make but good stuff.) i have never encountered shrooms of any variety around a grow. it happens natural, so maybe not all bad. but there must be something in the soil that is a little off to have made them to begin with. i would transplant, then fog.
Thanks for the help, im gonna re-pot with some proper soil tomorrow. Try some of the epsom salt.
I took clones last week when I almost threw them out. But i have plenty of space at the moment so im just gonna try getting thru the problems.
Whats BHO?


Well-Known Member
BHO is where you use a good quality butane to take out all the good stuff from the herb. then you let that evaporate for a little, and you end up with high quality smoke. you basically grind it up, put it in a tube, run the butane through, evaporate, then smoke, or put on your papers. the danger is the butane fumes. definitely do some research first before you experiment.


Active Member
Never sprayed them.
I took the advice not to until I get cool tubes because one stray spray can pop your bulb.
Thanks for the input skiweeds, much appreciate all the help.
yes that is very true. a single tiny drop of even just water can burst your bulb. i highly recommend cool tubes because personally i hit my head a lot of my light fixture. getting all baked and taking care of crops, its easy to get careless.


Active Member
yup, looks like fungus gnats. i dont think it's mites cause mites will make your leaves have a bunch of white spots on them. they lay eggs on the underside of the leaf. lucky for you, fungus gnats are not too terrible of a problem, but still is not good. they eat fungus and dead roots which is ok, but they can also damage new healthy roots. water your plants less often. they love moist soil. get some schultz garden safe from walmart. they have 2 different products i highly recommend and have used both to combat spider mites and fungus gnats. one has the active ingredient pyrethrins which kills a lot of shit. the other has hydrophobic neem oil. neem can kill some by suffocation however its real power comes over time. bugs exposed to it, their brain hormones get all out of whack. they stop eating, mating, just kinda die off. be careful not to use too much neem oil in soil tho cause if the oil covers the roots too much they may die if they cant take in any moisture or nutes. if you get the neem, i'd pay some extra for the extract so you can mix at your own strength and it should also last a very long time. these products are supposed to be very safe also. pyrethrins can be harmful to humans but breaks down over a short amount of time. neem is not harmful to humans. good luck! kill them bastards!

i also recommend only using known high quality brand soil. miracle grow works but i dont like how a lot of times it contains time released fertilizers. i've had great success with schultz in the past. however now i use nothing except fox farm ocean forest. cost about $20 a bag but many claim it is the best. never use soil from outside, shit from a compost pile, etc. there is just too much chance of it being infected. also if bringing new plants into the room, inspect as much as you can. every leaf all over. bring one bad one in and any shit it has can spread like the plague.


Well-Known Member
Good info skiweeds! But I always find a few minutes of cooking the soil helps with chances of bugs. Just nuke it a few minutes, or put it in the oven for a little bit.


Active Member
So i got new soil from my hydro store and re-potted last night(BN Soil with very little additives). Also picked up some air timing pots for my seedlings and clones, have big expectations for these things. Best thing about them was they were the same price as the normal pots from my local B&Q.
The re-pot went easy I did notice that the main root ball was extremely tightly packed up, couldn't get any of the MG out from it. After the re-pot i watered and folier fed some epsom salts. Does anyone think that it would be a good idea to try some root stimulator to get back some of the root lost during the replant? Or should i lay off the chemicals now?
Going to pick up some sharp bedding stones to cover the tops of the buckets with to stop fungus nats from coming back.


Well-Known Member
i think the root stimulator at low low dose will be good. i know superthrive is ony recommended at 1 drop per gallon, NO MORE!! that is what people say about it, i have not used it yet though. i will take their warning though when/if i begin to use it.


Well-Known Member
Some plants do seem to suffer some tranplant shock. Maybe a 4-5 days at most though. They were larger plants, with larger root balls, so I don't know how that would effect the transplant shock time frame. For now I would say just watch them, maybe water only. Are you pH'ing your water mix? Some do some don't, it really depends on your water supply. Sorry to hear they are still in bad shape, please do post some pic's.


Active Member
Well here we go.
I just uploaded a bunch of pics from the grow room, as you can see the dying leaves are more frequent. Some of them have started curling up round the edges, that's never happened before. But i suppose this can all be down to the stress of the transplant.
I included some shots with the nice parts of the plants to.


Active Member
Here a few photo updates.
As before the problem is just getting worse.
Im going to stick it out tho. All the cuttings i took previously have rooted and are starting to grow quite well. Three out of the 8 bag seeds that i also put in the propagator have also sprouted, one thing i noticed is that they are stretching an awful lot. I have them under a 250w HPS, i'm going to get a ceramic metal halide when i can afford the bulb. I should maybe start a little grow journal about the seeds.


Well-Known Member
They look burnt, or a bad lockout. I have well water and my plants really don't like it, I think it has a high PPM. I know MG soil normally doesn't cause this many problems, but I wonder if that leftover soil on the root ball is the problem. Where is the problem appearing most, top or bottom?is new growth in bad shape also? Are you giving anything other than plain water like epsom salt, molasses, or foliar feeding? I am at work so I can't help you research much now, but if you look up marijuana plant problems or symptons or troubleshooting maybe you'll find some good info to compare to your problem.


Active Member
The problem is appearing everywhere on the the plants, seems to be random. At the moment i'm just giving water with epsom salts ph 6.5. I foliar fed water with some epsom salts for the first two days i had the salts that was on Friday. I suppose i'm just being to eager to see results so fast. I just realised that it was only 4 days ago i done the transplant and 5 days since the first epsom salt feeding.
Thanks for all your help gumball and for all the useful information skiweeds.