Suggesting LSD


Well-Known Member
My favorite drug other then weed is LSD.
LSD purifies your mind and heightens your senses 200%. Your brain has a chemical in it that censors everyday life LSD helps take that censor away, you realize so much it's almost over whelming.

I candy flip when ever i take LSD helps my thoughts be more pleasant, Mdma makes things more happy (Your mind won't want to wonder into bad thoughts)

You will need a sitter your first time. The sitters responsibility no matter if he/she is taking the acid will be monitoring you for example: how much water you need to be drinking, making sure you wont have a bad trip (keeping you in a happy stat of mind)

But yeah just enjoy it... go to a park and smoke a joint while on it :) feel the breeze of the wind. Feel the earths pulse and understand everything is living in some way... feel yourself as a person become less ignorant of whats around us. hehe also clouds are amazing on lsd

enjoy! :peace:


Well-Known Member
My favorite drug other then weed is LSD.
LSD purifies your mind and heightens your senses 200%. Your brain has a chemical in it that censors everyday life LSD helps take that censor away, you realize so much it's almost over whelming.

I candy flip when ever i take LSD helps my thoughts be more pleasant, Mdma makes things more happy (Your mind won't want to wonder into bad thoughts)

You will need a sitter your first time. The sitters responsibility no matter if he/she is taking the acid will be monitoring you for example: how much water you need to be drinking, making sure you wont have a bad trip (keeping you in a happy stat of mind)

But yeah just enjoy it... go to a park and smoke a joint while on it :) feel the breeze of the wind. Feel the earths pulse and understand everything is living in some way... feel yourself as a person become less ignorant of whats around us. hehe also clouds are amazing on lsd

enjoy! :peace:
dam. it sounds like u know how to have an awesome trip too. nature and psychedlics are the best.


Well-Known Member
The brain does have a filter which gets rid of the supposed nonsense and focuses more on the things that are somewhat trivial in a sense. Lsd does open that filter and makes us absorb minute and unimportant information that we take for granted everyday... like love from every bleeding orifice of the earth! It takes away are perspective and places that perspective in the eyes of every living being... on good unadulterated lsd, are minds are tuned into every possible creation. It doesn't make us settle for less, but has us yearning for more!


Well-Known Member
well said. and there aint nothing like the come on of a good trip to let u know ur about to expand ur mind. if any drug should ever be tryed by everyone its lsd handsdown.


Well-Known Member
well said. and there aint nothing like the come on of a good trip to let u know ur about to expand ur mind. if any drug should ever be tryed by everyone its lsd handsdown.
It's for the noble, the strong minded... not the faint of heart! But it may turn the tragic, horrid man into the noble brute... it has that kind of life changing power :)


Well-Known Member
Its a mystery onto itself... how lucy, in the above stated terms can seduce you, lead you into what you believe is a phantasy in all respect, but in reality is showing you more than what you can observe ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Good morning all.
Please allow me to add some words on the subject.

As it seems to me ... through extensive field work ... where all the variables have been controlled to the best of my ability ...;P
My brain on this 'date with Lucy' seems to shift from what I would describe as 720p to 1080p.
Taking into consideration the dosage and purity ... my brain seems to absorb more information in what appears less time.
To illustrate this concept, please have a look at the video below ... slow motion capture.


U still with me ?
Thus, under her spell .... I seem to perceive/capture/recode/absorb/process more data (look at frame 018 on)
The Visual distortion is a product of the effect of light as it bounces off of objects in what seems to be more time .... and hence I absorb more data .... (think of it in terms of pixelation) .... I see way richer/more colors. I see more edges ... I see more reflections etc ... hence I can absorb more light as I capture this data ... as it bounces from all the new surfaces/edges as I perceive them under her spell.

My tactile experience (and other senses) also follow the same formula.
Things seem to be amplified across the board.

Also, I always architect the surroundings and other variables within the environment to suit.
That factor alone can make or break the experience.
So don't put yourself in a stupid situation which can get out of your control .... and you will be safe.

With all this in mind consider that every feeling you might experience will be intensified.
If you don't have any psychological dysfunctions and are emotionally stable ... embrace Lucy by herself. As in my opinion, the beauty of this compound lies in proper dosage and purity alone. No need to tweak a good thing.

Also, sitters are great.
I had a pleasure of hosting some sessions with close friends ... where I had prepared.
Platters of fresh cut roses (tops) for my friends to touch and 'watch them breath'
Video feeds on walls ... depicting colors/art/movies ...
Smoke machines and huge fans going.
During some summer sessions we also had many inflatables ....'jumping castle type' structures with sprinklers and led's rigged up. We all sat each other.

All to create the right setting...

In terms of companion friends.
I agree here ... candy flipping is great ...!! (but save that for the second time around)
Weed will take the edge off or bounce you back. (roll in advance to have them ready)


Well-Known Member
The Darkside is very powerful. Fear is the path to the darkside. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


Well-Known Member
I candy flip when ever i take LSD helps my thoughts be more pleasant, Mdma makes things more happy (Your mind won't want to wonder into bad thoughts)

Sounds like someone cant deal with their consciense/sub-conscious thoughs. How can LSD be your favorite if you cant take it by itself? You should probably go meditate...

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Man I am so envious of everybody in this thread. I haven't been able to get good cid for over 5 years, tis very sad.