Water: The Most Essential Compound

I get my water from a water dispensary in town. It does all the different filtrations like reverse osmosis and ultraviolent filtrations and only spend $0.25 a gallon. The Ph is usually at around 6.5. I have to go back every 2 days to fill my gallon jugs up, but well worth the effort for the best worry free H2O for my babies so far. All I have to do is add plant food and feed.
I get my water from a water dispensary in town. It does all the different filtrations like reverse osmosis and ultraviolent filtrations and only spend $0.25 a gallon. The Ph is usually at around 6.5. I have to go back every 2 days to fill my gallon jugs up, but well worth the effort for the best worry free H2O for my babies so far. All I have to do is add plant food and feed.
That's how I roll too!:mrgreen:
i get my water from the faucet :-( i probably have high salt buildup in my soil. if i flush i will cause hermies :-( hey doc come check out the grow
have you ever collected rain water is it good or bad how long would it last for
I have, for outdoor plants. I know of people who do it for indoor gardens but you should be cautioned about potential pH problems with rainwater as well as hitchikers. Aside from that it's usually great for plants! As for how long it lasts..............who knows?:confused:
ive collected rain water last harvest...it lasted all through veg and through flower. was good but as the doc says make sure you sterilize it before bringing it indoors....adjust the ph as well. ppm of my rain water collected from eaves was 3ppm.
ive collected rain water last harvest...it lasted all through veg and through flower. was good but as the doc says make sure you sterilize it before bringing it indoors....adjust the ph as well. ppm of my rain water collected from eaves was 3ppm.
I'm glad you brought up the ppm of your rainwater. That is right about the same ppm as distilled or really good r/o water. You may need to supplement with some cal-mag if you choose to use rainwater. Again, it all depends on your nutes and growing medium.:joint:

Another benefit of rainwater is it's free! Unfortunately, some places have little, or very unreliable rainwater so I wouldn't try to rely on it as my sole source unless you live in an area with plenty of rainfall, like the pacific northwest. :blsmoke:
e-bay has units for as cheap as $79 last I checked. I'm about to purchase one so i don't have to haul jugs to the grocery store!:cuss:

i hear ya...ive always thought of possibly using tap water in veg give a good flush with filtered water then finish using filtered water throughout flower.
Read your article on the Essentials of water... I have a koi pond, would the use of this water work better than water from my refrig water filter?
Read your article on the Essentials of water... I have a koi pond, would the use of this water work better than water from my refrig water filter?
Indoor or out? Bringing water from outdoors into an indoor garden can cause problems. There is the potential to bring hitchhikers, algae, etc. I would check the ppm and pH of it before using it and if it's ok you could most definitely use it. I don't know that it would necessarily be better than filtered. :joint:

Have you ever heard of aquaponics? Check this article out and it should give you some insight. Fish waste is a good organic fert.:blsmoke:

As for water there is a simple solution distilled water is simply hydrogen and oxygen that if not used correctly like any other water can leech minerals and trace elements out of your soil if that is what is used and this is easily remedied with correct feeding I use distilled h2o with h2o2 (peroxide) I've always wondered how that works on a molecular level. But yeah totally healthy and leaves out all the shit doc111 mentioned.
Got a link to back up these claims???:confused: