150 Watt HPS +rep reply!!


150 watt hps, will it do the trick for flowering?

Also, I have a 100 watt Mh.. can I run both??

+rep for reply!! :joint:


Active Member
Figure 100W HID per plant and you can't go wrong. If that's all the light you have for now, then yes, I would recommend running both of them at the same time.


Well-Known Member
well, start with 150 for the first plant and each plant you add 100.

to be honest, i would pick the most vigorous of the two plants and focus all my efforts on that one. you'd get a better yield from one nice plant, that is LSTed as to use the most light possible, than two little ones.

if you're going to use both lights, then you'd get good results from two plants.


Active Member
1 or 2 plants? actually you can get great yield with 50w per plant,but I would say 70w per is enough..So i would go with 3 plants in 3 gal pots for the two lights u got..Happy farming bro.


Thanks for all the quick reply's!
I think I'm gonna go ahead and start with the 150 hps and add the 100 mh after I feel the plants have adjusted to the change.
Thanks once again guys!! :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
thats a good ideas but if your plants are in veg i would use the MH first and then add the hps after 2 wks or so