y does it smell like cappuccino ?


Active Member
so 4 plants all 2-4 weeks into flowering and all seem to smell like cappuccino....is this normal? could it be the molasses?
So different strains from different bag and they all smell the same? Weird, could very well be the molases. Are u in soil or hydro? I'm guessing hydro because they all smell the same, it could be from
adding molases to the resevore. I haven't herd of it changing smells in different dirt piles or soil buckets. I just need a bit of info on you grow to be of any further assistance.
Its pretty much a guerrilla grow....ive been around fresh plants before a couple times but its been years, i just never noticed this...it is my first grow and i just thought this was slightly odd...something else that is weird is 1 plant splits at the bottom and 1 side shows purple on some heads while the other side is all blonde
The smell of my plant reminds me of cappuccino, unless you take once of the calyx's that is on the plant and squish it between your fingers, then it smells wayyy more fruity. I love it.
Its pretty much a guerrilla grow....ive been around fresh plants before a couple times but its been years, i just never noticed this...it is my first grow and i just thought this was slightly odd...something else that is weird is 1 plant splits at the bottom and 1 side shows purple on some heads while the other side is all blonde
My plant started turning purple on top and slowly spread down and side to side.I'm guessing the purple side is getting the most sun.
Holy shit, 2 of our 3 smell like toffee-nut mochas! I thought I was all alone here! Mine are also bagseed. 2 look similar (and smell good!) and the other is a runt, but we're keeping her along for the ride anyhow.
Its pretty much a guerrilla grow....ive been around fresh plants before a couple times but its been years, i just never noticed this...it is my first grow and i just thought this was slightly odd...something else that is weird is 1 plant splits at the bottom and 1 side shows purple on some heads while the other side is all blonde

Sounds to me bro like you just have a very lovely set of strains. Have any pics? Just ride them out, it'll probably be some fire!! :)