Show Me What You Got LST?


Well-Known Member
very well done on the lst passthat, and as for yeild well its a hard Q but im going to say at most if every thing goes good, 5 ozs and at the least if alot goes wrong then 1, but i would aim for 3. just remember expect the worst and hope for the best.


Active Member
Im trying some LST from early on with my Super Silver Haze plants. Ive got 2 plants from clones and I started training them about the same time I started feeding them(hydro). Theyre about 19 days old from cutting. The larger of my two plants is responding REALLY well to the training. My plants make alternating nodes, but my largest plant has been twisting even more after I tie it to move its branches outward and there is a strong healthy top coming out from every node. And where the stem is twisting, it is getting thicker than the base of the stem is, especially on my smaller plant. I think the twist looks neat too and I can watch the green areas spread out between the red/purple veins of the stem. Its very cool to watch. Ive had to start pinching the older tops to slow them down a little and and as a result their stems are getting nice and thick plus my fingers smell amazing afterward :D. I have really high hopes for this plant. I want to veg it until I make it all the way around the pot. One reason I am LST is for height restrictions. Ive only got less than 6' max headroom and I wont be able to afford my HPS light setup for another 2-3 weeks. Plus I might be sneaking another plant in this week, so Im in no rush with my SSH plants.

This is my larger plant. I see big things in its future.



Well-Known Member
yes, strain please toking.. looks like a good choice for next year..

should i top the plant early in veg.. and then LST each of those two/four resulting 'antennae' branches in different directions?


some Info:
Strain: Red Dragon, clone
Age: 62 days from cutting, 12 days into flower so far
Didn't start LST until she was I believe roughly 30 days old

Here's a pic taken just now:

Ok, this is my first grow so forgive me if this is a stupid question but... Do I actually have 8 tops? Seems like a lot, and I would have two more but I snapped off two of them on accident (including the main)

But overall, what do you all think? Does she looks like she will yield well?

Here's an update on my baby..

She's getting thicker and actually looks like I'll be getting 3 or 4 new tops coming in from the middle... They're growing fast and catching up to the 8 main ones!! Can't wait till she's finished.. :D



Well-Known Member
if that was directed toward me, this is a Hindu Skunk and the main trunk fattened because it bent in the wind very young. VERY STURDY PLANT now.
yes it was directed to you and thanks for the answer.

Here's an update on my baby..

She's getting thicker and actually looks like I'll be getting 3 or 4 new tops coming in from the middle... They're growing fast and catching up to the 8 main ones!! Can't wait till she's finished.. :D

wow she is getting fat and still very healthy looking. she looks like she will yeild very good. and im sure it will be very satisfying.


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone? I have done 3 grows so far, and grow 2 and 3 are still going. One in soil is at 5 weeks into flowering and the one in bubbleponics is 2 weeks into flower.
So i decided to start experimenting with some LsT on a sour diesel clone i had as a leftover.
I do a 0veg in my bubbleponics, meaning as soon as my clones root in the cloner, i move then right into 12/12. So that is what i did with this lil sour diesel girl.
Couple ?'s for all the pro lst'ers on here.
Does it matter that i didnt start my lst until the plant was in my flower room?
Am i to late?
It looks like its doing great to me, but then again im the guy who never lst'ed a damn thing in my life.
If u notice, i put this one in soil, just because it easier for me to get at and fuck with it.
OK this is for anyone who knows, please correct me if im wrong.

So far this plant has shoots that will turn into 6 colas, right?
Will the plant produce anymore, or is it done because i flipped in to 12/12?
If anyone throws me any insight on this subject it will be hella 'ppreciated... Peace, keep 'em green and keep 'em burnin....Ganja:blsmoke:

