Warning Came Up!

damn...RIU could lose some great knowledgeable and helpful assets to their site this way...:cry:

Yes, this could be a dealbreaker for some. This is a paranoid community by nature, and for good reason!

Really, though, I have come across this from time to time.

I once had a site that got over 12000 visits a day from Russian spammers! Talk about a PITA. It was a goddamn invasion of cyalis and viagra links in the content. Nike Air Jordans, too, strangely enough.

Anyway, I would speculate that whoever is fucking with this site is looking for a quick financial gain instead of IP addresses. Asshole gets the clicks, gets paid X cents for each click.

If this were some government/law enforcement agency trying to hack the site, it would lose funding right right away for its lack of efficacy.

The browser picks up the malicious code instantly. Amateur. It's a bug created by some 12 year old with braces still in his mouth, who wears sweatpants that smell like pee.

No worries here.
Been getting the same using Google Chrome in Incognito mode. Between this and the server timing out on a regular basis, RIU is really becoming a pain for me. I consider it my primary source of MJ info, but anymore I have found myself spending just as much or more time on other sites due to small things like this that should never have happened in the first place.

Paranoia strikes deep, and I have far too much to lose. We need a lid put on this ASAP!
However, I AM going to log off for a day, and hope that stoner support will fix this ASAP.

It's either a user content permissions vulnerabilty, a banner ad, or some kind of general fuckup that occurred during this site's last major upgrade.

That's open source software for ya.
If this were some government/law enforcement agency trying to hack the site, it would lose funding right right away for its lack of efficacy.

I agree with your post all except that part. Dont ever believe that. Anyone who truly believes such statements is extremely naive or LEO themselves. Dont ever underestimate the Govt, and even more so, dont ever over estimate them either. Chances are its not, but taking chances is the first step to imprisonment. Best to treat any and every threat as a serious one.

One more thing-

Hey Rollitup DUDES!

Why are you still using Vbulletin? That's so 2001!

Here's an idea for you: Consider Migrating Your Site to Drupal.

It's only like the world's best damn content management system known to mankind, with a huge community growing daily. MTV, Sony, among many other big names use and develop on this platform for its many features. Security and high volume traffic handling are its strongest points, obviously the two most important things you need in order to grow a huge online community.

Vbulletin is soooo passe.

Imagine having page load times of less than 300 milliseconds- even with thousands of users logged in at once!

Anyway, you should hit me up for a few ideas. I know a shit-ton about Drupal, as I have been developing sites with it for a few years now. My latest project is an ecommerce site for my totally awesome fertilizer that I will soon be taking to market, Called SmokeNGrow. It is on my local server right now, and will go live here within the week. I choose Drupal for all my projects, and strongly recommend you/your staff to seriously consider Drupal to be a part of your long term plan for your success of this site.

Want to see what Drupal is all about? Go to the forums on Drupal.


I always thought it'd be so cool to see mj plant on there instead of a bunch of computer geeks....imho...

Just an idea. Contact me!

....logging out for real this time....
One more thing-

Hey Rollitup DUDES!

Why are you still using Vbulletin? That's so 2001!

Here's an idea for you: Consider Migrating Your Site to Drupal.

It's only like the world's best damn content management system known to mankind, with a huge community growing daily. MTV, Sony, among many other big names use and develop on this platform for its many features. Security and high volume traffic handling are its strongest points, obviously the two most important things you need in order to grow a huge online community.

Vbulletin is soooo passe.

Imagine having page load times of less than 300 milliseconds- even with thousands of users logged in at once!

Anyway, you should hit me up for a few ideas. I know a shit-ton about Drupal, as I have been developing sites with it for a few years now. My latest project is an ecommerce site for my totally awesome fertilizer that I will soon be taking to market, Called SmokeNGrow. It is on my local server right now, and will go live here within the week. I choose Drupal for all my projects, and strongly recommend you/your staff to seriously consider Drupal to be a part of your long term plan for your success of this site.

Want to see what Drupal is all about? Go to the forums on Drupal.


I always thought it'd be so cool to see mj plant on there instead of a bunch of computer geeks....imho...

Just an idea. Contact me!

....logging out for real this time....

lol you should work for them man!

ps you're still logged on:lol:
Yes, I SHOULD work for rollitup.

I would absolutely love to be involved with developing/migrating a forum onto the Drupal platform.

It would be the capstone of everything I know in this world: Web development and horticulture!

But I should kinda focus on this here nutrient company I've been working on for some time now....ahem.....
Lol dude you totally get a rep for this

Thanks Wee!

I feel a little better about things, now. It'll probably take a day to clear up, though.

We can all sleep a little better, anyways.

And Drads.net: fuck off and die. Fly-by-night sites like yours never last, never offer any real value to the internet, and almost always lose in the end. Get your clickthroughs while you can, you fat, sweaty, ignorant, inbred bastard, because you'll be standing in the freestore line soon enough.

Logging off for rizzo...
Looking at some other forums and it seems a lot like this one. This is what one of the members had to say.

"Another forum I belong to popped that up, and it was due to people's signatures. Some were using banners from a website that became compromised, and the forum was getting reported as a site hosting malware due to the sigs."
I'm done with this site. I have a feeling admins are actually responsible for this and plus they haven't addressed this issue at all yet.
Tell me about it.

This is almost as much fun as diagnosing a nutrient deficiency, though.
lmfao. I deff think someone's hacking the site to try to gain people's ID info to get easy $. For where I love people are actually legally aloud to grow up to 10 plants with out a green card all the cops can do here if your not selling is just take your plants and that's it no fines no jail time nothing
this isnt really anything to worry about. hopefully admins will come and fix this. i assume some scripting is enabled but i haven't tried because im lazy but also someone could have easily got access to the sites server through sql injections. should be an easy fix and this stuff happens all the time to websites. i also agree with dudeoflife, this site would be better off with drupal but im sure they will never change to it. also no site is safe from being hacked, so this is nothing new and will probably happen again. it looks like someone is possibly trying to make a quick buck.
Makes ya wonder if were being scoped out, after thinking about it, this isnt very safe way to fly under the radar by posting you chit online. I got to thinking just how dumb I was for breaking rule #2 Tell No one. You cant surf without leaveing a trace nower days... I bet this site is full of 5.0, huh