Dwc Grow Club

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
GK88 : Just keep an eye on them and start flushing if you want. How long are they supposed to flower ? I know Sensi Star is an Indica dom strain. I have some Sour Star (Sensi Star x Sour Diesel) from Breeders Choice.

Integra21: Looking nice ! Love that screen !

BooYah: Congrats on that Blue Mystic ! Shit is looking frosty !


Well-Known Member
Whaddup Atrum good to c u doing ur thing man. Yea it has been a minute but its good to be back. Gotta get used to this new look lol. Checking out the threads man cant believe how much this dam thing grew. Awesome. DAM


Well-Known Member
LOL no actually takeing a break man equipments all down in boxes rite now. Its all good tho needed the vacation its been nice. Soon enuff itll be back up n poppin. ill have to check the journals n c what u been up too man!


Well-Known Member
Good to hear man.

I haven't really been keeping a journal this time. I've been trying to get my cloning down. I am on my 3rd generation on this one black berry plant.

Going to be doing a scrog after this next harvest.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to seeing whats up man. N thanks its nice to be back. LOL its been a minute man yea this thread is still alive. Much love to RIU!! Looking forward to going back thru the pages to c what i missed. Much grow love man. Start a new thread on the next blackberry ill b sure to b there. Peace bro!

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Well ive just finished off the chopping block,very happy with the results.Got more than thought i would of ,I got 14.5ozs off the 4 plants(20ltr Dwc), i have'nt chopped up the haze yet,hanging for one more day. Took a load of pics but cam started died on me just before i could get the final bud weight pics.
Big pic is 250 grams of cheese,3rd pic + bowl is what the scale shows

This is only 3 of the plants had another to chop before cam died on me, some hard and airy cheese buds real fluffy:smile: Total so far is 23.5 oz's got some bits in a box still drying not much plus 2 haze plants+ 1 cheese soil plant not very big though.Plant below is haze was supposed to leave another week.



Well-Known Member
Madonna Day 23 of 12/12(left side)& Hericules Day 9 of 12/12(right side)
Rm Temp: 79F
RH: 40%
co2 ppm:1500
ResTemp: 68-72F
ResChange:Every 24hrs.(daily)



And here is a final shot of the seed stash



Well-Known Member
Yall r makeing me miss my grow. Nice harvest DRE just seen that. Integra sick flower pad man nice and clean well organized cant wait to get mine back up and running. Dam.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. have my last toke of the night,buds good but will get better with curing/burping..

Integra's got all the seeds:)some strains ive never heard of .. Do you cross them?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. have my last toke of the night,buds good but will get better with curing/burping..

Integra's got all the seeds:)some strains ive never heard of .. Do you cross them?
Thanks alot guys, and yes, I just did my first round of breeding, the whole middle row is my new crosses except for the donated bad seed bag.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot guys, and yes, I just did my first round of breeding, the whole middle row is my new crosses except for the donated bad seed bag.
Really man CLEAN many props some of the pix look almost like i want to eat and make a meal out of um i can apprechiate this much grow love peace


Well-Known Member
Wow really been checking the grows and threads n dont really know what to say to be honest besides DAM i had NO idea YALL r blowing it up! And thanks! CRAZY