Indoor Composting (Compost Pails)


I've been trying to stockpile some compost 4 next years crop and with the cold weather just months away i wasn't satisfied with what i had. So i started looking online 4 indoor composting and came across these Compost Pails even though they arent very pricey I'd like to hear other people's input before i go out and buy one...

+rep 4 Q's answered

How long does it take 4 u to get a batch of compost from the pail?

How often do u change the carbon filters?

In the end do u think they are worth the money?

Looking foward to a tasty organic crop next year :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
$40 for "a generous 1 gallon capacity" ?!?!??????

All you are going to get with that thing is pissed off.

Start doing some research on DIY worm bins, which will not only compost but provide you with the finest kind of castings.

Google BOKASHI also.

You can do way better for cheaper.



Active Member
The only thing special about that thing is the stainless steel and filter. Have you looked into the garbage can method. I'll give you a tip too if you grind things up they will compost faster and more evenly. Composting indoors will also speed things up because of the warmth but you can compost outside because as organic materials break down they produce heat. There are some organic substances that you can add that will heat up the composting material too. But yeah I wouldnt buy that thing unless I wass trying to impress a really sexy hippy chick in my kitchen. Even then I probably would just go with the garbage can.
