flowering nute question....


Active Member
was up fellas,so jane is confirmed female, and shes been transplanted in scotts potting soil with some mushroom compost i put in there as well.its my first grow and ive learned so much so far. i couldnt of been successful without all the advise and knowledge ive obtained from this site. thanx for all help, but agian i turn for help. im wondering about nutrients.a friend gave me some bat guano or a formula, dont know what name it is, but what brings in my question. ok so i have potting soil, mushroom compost and now i was gonna start feeding this guano every other watering with suncharged water-lol... ok so the soil is pretty fresh, still orange when watering, i have no idea how might the mushroom compost helps, but just experimenting, and now the guano or whatever it is that says 1% nitrogen-10% phosphate- 0.2% soluable potash.its about a 1-1/2 weeks in to flowering and already starting to form buds.its grown outside in day and inside for night(because of cold night temps).should this guano with them specs be enough nutes all alone and sufficient for flowering? will post pics tomorrow.....


Active Member
hmm i was thinking that, which is why i asked. it seems as if soil is far from sufficent unless kustomized to support cannabis flowering. and i read about people using lots of and different nutrients which is beyond my knowledge as im a wrenchead and not to knowladgable with botany. would it be perhaps better to go with a blossom bloomer with something like 15-30-15? or perhaps some of that with a little of this bat guano mixed throughout the top of the soil?thanx for the reply dd420 appreciate it....


Just recently went down to the local HTG Supply warehouse where i purchased a few things to get started...One of the questions I asked them was about nutes and they pointed me in the direction of the 3 bottle FoxFarm regiment..FoxFarm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom...it cost me $48 at the store and comes with a chart that shows u exactly when to add the nutes and how much per gallon of water...Thats what I would suggest doing...Doing something similar to that..Working great for me so far and its my first grow..Message me if u have any questions



Active Member
056.jpg066.jpg067.jpg064.jpg065.jpg059.jpg050.jpg061.jpgsome updated pics,about 80 days into grow, about 10-12 days into flowering. looking pretty good for a first time garage grow. had lots of critisizm,also this plant has been through hell and back being burnt,powerwashed,bent over,cut and at times neglected with light cycle. i figured for sure with my luck that shed turn out male with all the stress and all, but jane is one tough bitch! still figuring out the camera so pics aint the best, but will get some hd ones up there. buds seem to be forming very fast unlike a lot of strains i see.or perhaps im just an unknowledgable noob.i also attached pics of the dying leaves.can anyone suggest whats happening? i try to distiguish the different types of defficiencies but im having such a tough time figuring it out.


Active Member
The yellowing at the base of the plant is likely N deficiency. The dying tips and the spotting is likely K. Check you water, check you ph, flush, and then feed. The FF Trio and Jack's Classic are both great. I've been doing JC with FF Big Bloom because the JC is 10-30-20 as opposed to Tiger Bloom which is 2-8-4. You definitely would want to at least use JC to correct the deficieny because of its higher rating.


Well-Known Member
Just recently went down to the local HTG Supply warehouse where i purchased a few things to get started...One of the questions I asked them was about nutes and they pointed me in the direction of the 3 bottle FoxFarm regiment..FoxFarm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom...it cost me $48 at the store and comes with a chart that shows u exactly when to add the nutes and how much per gallon of water...Thats what I would suggest doing...Doing something similar to that..Working great for me so far and its my first grow..Message me if u have any questions

Watch the plants reaction closely, the chart goes pretty heavy pretty early imo. I started at half what the chart says and my plants started getting real close to burning.


Active Member
Just recently went down to the local HTG Supply warehouse where i purchased a few things to get started...One of the questions I asked them was about nutes and they pointed me in the direction of the 3 bottle FoxFarm regiment..FoxFarm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom...it cost me $48 at the store and comes with a chart that shows u exactly when to add the nutes and how much per gallon of water...Thats what I would suggest doing...Doing something similar to that..Working great for me so far and its my first grow..Message me if u have any questions

wow, appreciate the replys guys, every little bit helps out as a noob. actually theres so much info that u almost have to read everything then come up with an assumption of your own based on pics, success and your environment.but very helpful. everytime i come on here i learn something new.so i figure ill start with the jcks classic bloom, but i wonder would maybe the all purpose stuff possibly be better for a new time grower? i see the blossom is 10-30-20 which seems to have a higher dose of potassium and magnesium. i wonder has anyone used the all purpose for flowering with an even 20-20-20?