My 1st Real grow 250MH and HPS


Well-Known Member
Step 3
After arranging your divider by draping it loosely between the plants, (do not anchor it yet), mist the floor, net pots and buckets with distilled water. This will neutralize any errant pollen that drifts by or lands on the floor.

Thoroughly mist the other plants that you do not want to pollinate, being careful to avoid blowback on the plants to be fertilized Step 4
I prefer to wear tight-fitting clothes during this procedure to reduce pollen transfer. Carefully retrieve the pollen container, put the brush inside (a Q-tip will work for smaller amounts.) and place it into a larger, clean, storage bag. After sealing it shut, wipe the outside with a damp cloth to remove any pollen. This is important, you do not want any pollen to escape during the trip to the selected plants.


Well-Known Member
Step 5
Select the branches that you intend to fertilize and label them with computer labels. This will aid in identification later. Avoid going overboard here. A single MJ plant is capable of producing several thousand beans; only pollinate a few depending on your needs.

Make sure that the branches to be pollinated are in an area that will get good light coverage. Avoid pollinating the extreme lower branches, as they will likely not mature into viable seeds.


Well-Known Member
Step 6
While wearing gloves, position the bags nearby and below the branch and lightly coat the paintbrush with pollen. While holding the brush a short distance (3-6") above the target bud, lightly tap the brush, releasing pollen onto the fertile flower(s) below.

Do not contact the flowers directly with the brush. The 'tap' is similar to tapping off the ash on a joint, be careful, a little pollen goes a long way. For interior buds, simply tap the end of the brush lightly against the stems.

Try to select branches that are nearest to a wall, to avoid direct contact with other non-pollinated branches. Cross-pollination will occur anyway, but usually only a few extra seeds are a result.

Step 7
When you are satisfied with the coverage, seal up the inner bag, remove your gloves carefully and place them in the larger zip lock before sealing it as well. Now place the bag into the clean garbage bag that was previously secured in your pocket.

You may wish to remove your shirt slowly and place it in the bag as well.

Keep a wet washcloth nearby to wipe off your face, arms, legs and other pollen magnet areas. Doing this will reduce the spread of pollen as you leave the area. Remove the pollen bag from the room and return after washing up.

Step 8
Secure the far end of the plastic barrier to the wall. Be careful to do this slowly to avoid stirring up the air/pollen. Secure the end closest to the door using squares of stiff cardboard and tacks. These are essentially homemade roofing felt nails and will prevent the plastic from tearing.

Now shut them in for the night, making sure that the fan(s) are still disabled. You may need to raise the lights during the lights on period to compensate for the lack of fans.

This continues for 48 hours. On the third day's lights off time, mist the fertilized plants thoroughly to take out any viable pollen that remains behind, in the morning turn on the fans and adjust the light(s) as normal.

Remove the plastic divider after one week when you are certain that there is no contamination threat.

Remember at the end of the grow to thoroughly clean your grow room with a damp cloth to remove all traces of pollen.

Four to five weeks later, you should have a bunch of viable beans to grow or share with your friends and nature.


Well-Known Member
some new pics . #1 female med., #2 med., #3 outside bagger, #4 closet, #5 LST on sativa, #6 Bud on outdoor bagger, #7 sativa, #9 sativa stem,#11 balls, #12 sativa w/ flowers
nice plants they are looking really nice can't wait to see how much u will harvest i am thinking of topping my plants next time i grow :) we will see lol


Active Member
Thanks for the detailed pollination lesson. I wasn't expecting it to be so complex and risky. I have 2 male tops under a flouro to mature in a dif. method. Cup in a cup of water with stem through top cup into water in second cup and tap to get the pollen to fall into the top cup. Get it? I didn't know pollen was only viable for a few days. Thought it would keep for a while. Rep if I can for the great reply.:joint::joint::peace::fire::fire::fire:


Active Member
I def. have 2 medijuana ladies! Yeah! so there are 3 ladies under 400W hps. I will update with some early bud shots a little later. I am very happy because I wasn't sure if 1 med. was gonna go male on me. The remaining meds are outdoors now with the light outside being close to 12/12. Out of the six I put outside a week ago, 2 went male and looks like one more. If that holds, I will be 50/50 ratio.:fire::fire::mrgreen:


Active Member
Here we are 2 weeks into flowering and i have lost half to males. I did a risky manuever by attempting to pollinate the sativa unknown with the other male unknown. I did one small bud and hope not the rest, lol. She is outdoors for a couple days so I don't pollinate the 2 Meds. I tied all the branches down today on the meds. and they are taking up the entire cabinet, so the sativa outside is what it must be. She is loaded with buds. Oh, I also have 3 meds. outside that are def. females. Killed the last boy earlier today.Anyways, here are some pics. comments and advice welcome .:mrgreen::mrgreen::peace::fire::fire:



Active Member
Here are the remaining three Medijuanas. Since being moved four days ago from under insufficient flouros. my light wasn't big enough. The other three sativas are bagseed that is further along. I found out why they were retarded in flowering; my neighbor keeps his back porch light on all night long!!! Interrupted the cycle, Unreal!!!:joint::joint::peace:



Active Member
Bummer about the neighbors porch light! Always gotta be a damn curve ball doesn't there?
Yeah man. One earlier plant was 8 weeks and a guy on here asked if I was growing it under a rock. lol I guess I was. Thanks for checking in. The Meds are starting to take off now. Next update should be a good one.


Well-Known Member
Your girls are looking good man, your going to have some hella nice flowers here in about 6 weeks.... don't you worry about your neighbor more than your neighbors porch light?
Are your pots the 8.5 x 8.5 inch ones? (10 liters, 2.5 gallon) View attachment 1149075I think I just bought the same pots for my next try... :)


Well-Known Member
Here we are 2 weeks into flowering and i have lost half to males. I did a risky manuever by attempting to pollinate the sativa unknown with the other male unknown. I did one small bud and hope not the rest, lol. She is outdoors for a couple days so I don't pollinate the 2 Meds. I tied all the branches down today on the meds. and they are taking up the entire cabinet, so the sativa outside is what it must be. She is loaded with buds. Oh, I also have 3 meds. outside that are def. females. Killed the last boy earlier today.Anyways, here are some pics. comments and advice welcome .:mrgreen::mrgreen::peace::fire::fire:
nice ganja plants :) keep it up :)


Active Member
Your girls are looking good man, your going to have some hella nice flowers here in about 6 weeks.... don't you worry about your neighbor more than your neighbors porch light?
Are your pots the 8.5 x 8.5 inch ones? (10 liters, 2.5 gallon) View attachment 1149075I think I just bought the same pots for my next try... :)
Thanks for the compliments. I have a 6 foot fence. Not too worried. We all know each other in the hood. I believe I am using 7x7 pots. I may go up to 8.5 next round with 3 fem. NL.:peace: Updates tomorrow will be good. 3 weeks 12/12


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliments. I have a 6 foot fence. Not too worried. We all know each other in the hood. I believe I am using 7x7 pots. I may go up to 8.5 next round with 3 fem. NL.:peace: Updates tomorrow will be good. 3 weeks 12/12
The light still makes it over the big fence? bummer....
I'm gonna see if I can fit 5 femed AK-48's into a DR100 with those 8.5x8.5's next time:peace:


Active Member
Here we are 3 weeks of 12/12 and everything is progressing well. Thanks for all the support. The following weeks are the best and hardest of all. A couple new dezelopments; My attempt at pollination seems to be a success. You will see a pic. of one seeded bud on the Sativa. I pollinated with another unknown strain that just looked great. It had huge leaves, prob. Indica. So my cross will be called Little Big Leaf. I also fertilized with Schult African Violet 1/2 strength.I am sold on LST, it looks like I topped them but didn't.Hope the pics are good.
By the way, the meds are in the white pots. There are some pics of outdoor bagseed( the big plants) and 3 small meds(also white pots). The cross-pollinated plant is also outside. The cab. is dedicated to the meds.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on the pregnant ladies, hopefully u end up with some winners. The plants are looking great, start counting the weeks. and rep back at ya.