Ready for flower,,


Running out of grow space so i'm getting ready for flower and gonna run 12/12 soon-
What would you guys suggest as far as lighting? I want to stay away from the hps because i dont want to run a ballast-it also seems to be just another expense that can be cut out. Ive been under a 125 watt cfl since day 1 and all is well,
Nutrients? What have you guys found to work well for you during flowering?
I've been using Botanicare's Liquid Karma with Pureblend Gro through veg-
For those with experience with LK and PG, what did you guys use after for flower??
I was reccomended some Botanicare Sweet to get a nice aroma going as well,

Reply's +rep Thanks for the help guys!:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I use a 6 bulb T5 with a 2x3 scrog and store bought nutes and yeild around 10-14 ozs. All the experts on here will tell you that the only way to grow is to use a kazillion watts of HPS and Fox Farm nutes but I get big yeilds of tight buds that rock the brain and I dont use either.


I use a 6 bulb T5 with a 2x3 scrog and store bought nutes and yeild around 10-14 ozs. All the experts on here will tell you that the only way to grow is to use a kazillion watts of HPS and Fox Farm nutes but I get big yeilds of tight buds that rock the brain and I dont use either.
You have a link as to where i could purchase what you used for lights?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Are you aware that cannabis doubles or tripples in size during flowering? If you're running outta space now you might be a bit stuffed unless you get right on it.


Are you aware that cannabis doubles or tripples in size during flowering? If you're running outta space now you might be a bit stuffed unless you get right on it.
That I am aware of, they are now in a grow space big enough for them to get plenty bigger, but I'm ready for flower--i want some smoke!! :weed: