• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Why isn't that guy going to burn korans?


Well-Known Member
I think this guy is setting a bad example and sending the wrong message by changing his mind. It''s not right to tell everyone you will do something and then back out


Active Member
i think all the nations leaders need too sit in a circle and roll the worlds fattest blunt, light it and pass it too the left haha


Well-Known Member
according to the news I saw today he has decided to NOT burn the Koran's but only because the muslim leader has agreed to move the new mosk away from the 9/11 site. This may or may not be true just heard it on the local news.


Well-Known Member
To the Muslims that claim their religion is peaceful, answer me this..... What does the Quran say about the coming of the 12th Imam and what event will bring about his coming? Also, how many times are you instructed to kill the infidel that will not convert to Islam? I believe you are instructed to behead them like dogs?

Your religion promotes nothing but honor and glory for martyrdom. Where is the peace in that? You call the others extremists or radicals, but aren't they just following the orders from the prophet Mohammed? Please help me to understand this.


Active Member
And who the fuck are you?
I'm the guy that is pointing out that you are just as big of an extremist as you showed in those picture, you're just on the other side of the see-saw.
I'm the guy that is letting you know not all muslims are extremist that want to kill Americans; in fact the muslims that are over here now are considered to be "worse" than we are since they have "strayed" from the extremists' beliefs.
I'm the guy that would rather see these two tiny groups (and yes, it does include you) climb into a cage together and see who is the last guy left standing after it is over . . . then shoot him in the head to ensure these two ends of the spectrum will stop causing problems for the rest of us.
I'm the guy pointing out that book burning is a favorite past time of fascism, and that this country was founded on political and religous freedom, both of which require tolerance for another's beliefs.

I'm the guy saying "Fuck you, Pussy"


Active Member
To the Muslims that claim their religion is peaceful, answer me this..... What does the Quran say about the coming of the 12th Imam and what event will bring about his coming? Also, how many times are you instructed to kill the infidel that will not convert to Islam? I believe you are instructed to behead them like dogs?

Your religion promotes nothing but honor and glory for martyrdom. Where is the peace in that? You call the others extremists or radicals, but aren't they just following the orders from the prophet Mohammed? Please help me to understand this.
I guess the same way Christians justify their religion is peaceful in spite of verses saying to kill non-believers:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God..." D[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica]euteronomy 13:5[/FONT]

BUT you might say "HomeGrown, that is Old Testament . . . ya' know ANGRY GOD!!! After he had a kid he mellowed out . . ."

Well I gues you have me there because there is nothi . . . oh yeah, THERE IS!!!!

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked."[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica] (Psalms 58:10)[/FONT]

So, both religous books contain passages telling the faithful to kill others in the name of God, but does that mean we should? If you really take the time to check, Muslims and Christians aren't that much different. They both come from the same area (don't forget Judaism too), they preach the worship of one God, all three acknowledge that Jesus walked this earth, only Christianity diefy him- the others consider him to be a very wise prophet, but not the Son of God. There have been wars between these groups since they formed, resulting in billions of deaths over the course of history. If you go out and make an effort to meet Muslims and get to know them, you will find they are no different than anyone else- they want the best for their families, they want to practice their religion in peace, and they (for the most part) want to peacefully coexist with their neighbors if at all possible.

Don't get me wrong- the events that took place on 9-11 are tragic and cannot be undone; children losing parents and parents losing children in an act of unspeakable horror. But these actions were not endorsed by the entire Muslim community, just a handfull of assholes that went and kicked a hornet's nest before kicking the bucket. We see that their skin is a darker color than white america, but instead of saying the people responsible should be punished we will lump everyone that worship's the same God as them as being evil. Blanket assumptions just don't work, especially when you are looking at a billion and a half people.

This country was founded on the principle of freedom (that has eventually spread to people other than land-owning whites) but one big requirement of freedom is tolerance. We don't have to tolerate someone flying a plane into a building, but we should tolerate another person's right to worship a diety that may not be your own. I would hope that we would want to keep ourselves from looking like the demonstations we see on the news- but instead it seems like we don't just want to look like them, it looks like we want to outdo them.

"Turn the other cheek" the bearded hippie you worship said- do you really feel that you are wiser than him?


Well-Known Member
Christians of today aren't washing their feet in the blood of the wicked, however Muslims are washing in the blood of Christians.

Wake up, they won't stop until we all convert. Remember Osama's offer to America to leave us in peace if we simply convert? I do and those words made my spine tingle. Those are the words of an anti-Christ. In Revelations, those that refuse the mark of the beast are beheaded. Those that do are eternally damned.


Active Member
Christians of today aren't washing their feet in the blood of the wicked, however Muslims are washing in the blood of Christians.

Wake up, they won't stop until we all convert. Remember Osama's offer to America to leave us in peace if we simply convert? I do and those words made my spine tingle. Those are the words of an anti-Christ. In Revelations, those that refuse the mark of the beast are beheaded. Those that do are eternally damned.
Again though, you are attaching the words of one man to an entire religion. I can promise you that your average muslim in america is more worried about making the next car payment than they are about beheading the entire neighborhood. All I'm saying is that the moment we start condemming someone because of their religion is the moment we become what our fore fathers rebelled against.

Radical Islam openly hate us, but they are a small, well-equipped, and highly-motivated group that would love to bathe in our blood and THAT is what we need to be concerned about and protect outselves from; but assuming someone is evil because of the religion they worship is a very slippery slope. Chrisitianity has done it's fair share of killing for God, so how do I know they won't kill me for not believing Jesus is the true Son of God? It says it in the Bible . . .

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
To the Muslims that claim their religion is peaceful, answer me this..... What does the Quran say about the coming of the 12th Imam and what event will bring about his coming? Also, how many times are you instructed to kill the infidel that will not convert to Islam? I believe you are instructed to behead them like dogs?

Your religion promotes nothing but honor and glory for martyrdom. Where is the peace in that? You call the others extremists or radicals, but aren't they just following the orders from the prophet Mohammed? Please help me to understand this.
Wow isn't that the pot calling the kettle black....
Exodus 31:15 " . . . whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death." (Oh shit, I work this Sunday... Please don't come kill me like the Christan bible instructs.)

Deuteronomy 21:18-21 "Stone disobedient children" (Wow... I Should be dead. Good thing my momma didn't go to church.)

Timothy 2:15 says only women who have children will be spared hell (You hear that ladies, you better get knocked up or face eternal damnation. I am more than willing to help save some souls :hump: )

Corinthians 11:9 (New American Standard Version) "for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but woman for the man's sake." (So guys next time your girlfriend is giving you strife remind her, that her only purpose is to serve you, at least according to the big guy.)

Exodus 21:7-10 says men can sell their daughters into slavery. I guess that could come in handy if you get real behind on your bills or something.

If we are going to read 'holy books' literally, the Bible is far more outrageous than the Quran. Or we could all grow the fuck up, realize that both books were written ages ago, it was a different time, and are not meant to be taken literally.

I would also like to quickly remind everyone, Hitler was a practicing Christian.

Extremists are stupid, regardless if they believe in Allah, God/Jehovah, or the Flying Spaggetti Monster. People who try to force their beliefs on others are among the most evil people in this world. Everyone needs to learn to live and let live.

Know who else is stupid? People that say "well they burned our flag first." Do you realize you sound like a fucking first grader, "he hit me first mommy...". Didn't your mom ever say "if everybody else jumped off a bridge would you?" Just because they want to act like asshats and burn flags doesn't mean we should. Two wrongs don't make a right. This inbred preacher needs to grow up, quit being so immature, and be the bigger man. Then after that he needs to get himself a razor blade, cause that 1850's stash ain't doin' it.

Edit: I could of given like another 10,000 bible verses but it's late, and I figured you got the point. Twas fun though.


Active Member
Extremists are stupid, regardless if they believe in Allah, God/Jehovah, or the Flying Spaggetti Monster. People who try to force their beliefs on others are among the most evil people in this world. Everyone needs to learn to live and let live.
:clap: Light it up and pass it to the left


Well-Known Member
^this kid is funny. So You think im a christian seeing as how you said that i should "climb into the cage?" See I dont give too shits about either side of this situation, so clearly you havnt been reading my posts. You have just been talking out of your fucking ass because your a moron. Because i dont give a shit that some asshole wants to burn a book im an extremeist? Maybe your just fucking stupid. Im right there with you about them getting into a cage and procededing to kill each other, I think religion is just organized bullshit brainwashing.

And did i ever say ALL muslims are extremeist assholes? NO i clearly pointed out that they are around and dont give a fuck about respecting us or our country. SO why should get all whiny and sensitive when one crazy old god/american loving asshole wants to burn the books, when they march and parade IN THE FUCKING STREETS SHOUTING DEATH TO AMERICA and We do nothing about this when it happends, but if we do something no where near as bad as them, we have to fear for our troops lives? Fuck that. When they do that shit over there do they fear for the muslims here in america? Do we run around killing them? NO, because were not scummy like that.

So Go fuck yourself and go hop on somebody elses dick homegrown. I wont be replying cause your now on the ignore list, Faggot.


Active Member
"Turn the other cheek" the bearded hippie you worship said- do you really feel that you are wiser than him?
i really like what you say Homegrown, nothing but gold
this is my last post in this thread
this thread shows what is the problem with the US
too many hardheaded uneducated people with a political bias.
how can they not see that this is the same cycle that brought them to all of south america, vietnam, korea, afghanistan, iraq(aka irak), iran(coming), nkorea(coming).

like homegrown said, not all the Muslims are responsible for 9/11, just a handfull of them
but after the US went after afghanistan and irak, well maybe almost every Muslim hates the US.
the international community dreaded the Muslim groups responsible for 9/11, but now the US robbed the spotlight and guess who looks more evil?

nobody looks at the true reasons for hatred. the US just acts with violence and you WILL get violence back.
im just happy i live in a country where my water is clean, no terrorists are threatening my country, i pay a penny for good college education and the beer doesnt taste like cat pee. you northamericans should look at what you have become, you act with violence because you fear retaliation.


Active Member
^this kid is funny. So You think im a christian seeing as how you said that i should "climb into the cage?" See I dont give too shits about either side of this situation, so clearly you havnt been reading my posts. You have just been talking out of your fucking ass because your a moron. Because i dont give a shit that some asshole wants to burn a book im an extremeist? Maybe your just fucking stupid. Im right there with you about them getting into a cage and procededing to kill each other, I think religion is just organized bullshit brainwashing.

And did i ever say ALL muslims are extremeist assholes? NO i clearly pointed out that they are around and dont give a fuck about respecting us or our country. SO why should get all whiny and sensitive when one crazy old god/american loving asshole wants to burn the books, when they march and parade IN THE FUCKING STREETS SHOUTING DEATH TO AMERICA and We do nothing about this when it happends, but if we do something no where near as bad as them, we have to fear for our troops lives? Fuck that. When they do that shit over there do they fear for the muslims here in america? Do we run around killing them? NO, because were not scummy like that.

So Go fuck yourself and go hop on somebody elses dick homegrown. I wont be replying cause your now on the ignore list, Faggot.
Aww, you are such a sweetie. You feel it is ok to attack an entire religion over the actions of a few- that is why you are a slimy little prick. If someone wants to burn something on 9-11, make it a blunt for the fellow citizens we lost on that day, and the soldiers we have lost since. If you still want something else to burn, go burn an effigy of Osama bin Laden, since it was HIM, not the Quran, that let to these attacks.

Don't worry about putting me on the ignore list though . . . I will be in your mother's bed tomorrow like every other morning. Now go clean your room, son.


Well-Known Member
i really like what you say Homegrown, nothing but gold
this is my last post in this thread
this thread shows what is the problem with the US
too many hardheaded uneducated people with a political bias.
how can they not see that this is the same cycle that brought them to all of south america, vietnam, korea, afghanistan, iraq(aka irak), iran(coming), nkorea(coming).

like homegrown said, not all the Muslims are responsible for 9/11, just a handfull of them
but after the US went after afghanistan and irak, well maybe almost every Muslim hates the US.
the international community dreaded the Muslim groups responsible for 9/11, but now the US robbed the spotlight and guess who looks more evil?

nobody looks at the true reasons for hatred. the US just acts with violence and you WILL get violence back.
im just happy i live in a country where my water is clean, no terrorists are threatening my country, i pay a penny for good college education and the beer doesnt taste like cat pee. you northamericans should look at what you have become, you act with violence because you fear retaliation.
Well said Logges


Well-Known Member
I heard they faked this guy out...they said dont burn korans and we wont build the mosque at ground zero and he said ok and did a press conrence and cancled the koran burning then the N.Y. mosque people said they never said that and their not moving the mosque.