2 Poems

This one's about cheating.

The melting pot has cooled
Inconvenienced plans,
Compromised love,
And convicted eyes

On this survival toll
Vigilant of opportunity
Paranoid of calculated risks

Secrets not worthy of love
Temptations' grasp is reaching for a vice
The 1 hit KO
Honesty has honestly met it's match

Water boils down my back
Lathering away my regret
Psychological torture vs Physical euphoria
Common ground has been trampled

When the dust settles
I shall stand less than alone
Trapped in this crevice, untouched
Bewildered in isolation and appreciative of bliss

This one's about religion.

The death count thickens
It starts to become a vague number
Disguised by the ones who dare title themselves "The Saved"
So blurred only the dead may see

Hazed by triumphant deceit
Reminiscent upon childhood's innocent story books
Take a breath of belief, hope, and restriction
The breath of life, soon plunged into a drowning religion

Who is this deity...
This phantom that is your god?
The cause of false holidays celebrating his love,
But how can you love someone you fear?

You're given a stone template,
This tool convinces you to always ask the question, "Why?"
Any faith no longer appeals to reason.
But why would someone make up such a story?

You're an Atheist, right? Prove god doesn't exist.
I can't. "You can't prove a negative."
There is no proof of god, so god does not exist, right?
"Absence of proof is not proof of absence."

Logic proof and escape proof...
This blind belief is hard to conquer,
The deterrent used is an eternity of pain compared to a euphoric utopia
And still I shout as loud as I can..."What truth does one seek by averting one's eyes from the truth?!"

So, what'ya think? I'm still young, give me time to improve :]


I like how you didnt just follow some simple rhyme scheme and put you thoughts down in a natural way, sometimes thats hard for me to do. I guess this is the poetry section so Ill throw in a poem just for kicks:

Im Home.
Im High.
Its weird
How fast Time flies.
I like how you didnt just follow some simple rhyme scheme and put you thoughts down in a natural way, sometimes thats hard for me to do. I guess this is the poetry section so Ill throw in a poem just for kicks:

Im Home.
Im High.
Its weird
How fast Time flies.
Thanks man. I like your little poem haha. Keep blazin