Still Growing.400watt/Multi-Strain


Well-Known Member
thx mane, i'm gonna give it another 2.. but its at week 8 now.. this widow finishes early plus it yield incredible nice tasty average smoke.. lol.. but the yield is why i want to keep it.
i wouldnt bother with the widow reveg, unless your gonna cross it to something to add yield


Well-Known Member
a special friend across the water :) .. its nice too, i have a sativa pheno as well(12 weeker) but i didnt pop her yet.. but i will when this Dazey Jones is done(also from the same person)..


Well-Known Member
thx to riu, cuz in real life i doubt i even kno anybody that would attempt at growin seriously, i keep a small circle and aint no farmers in it, just me!


Well-Known Member
How big do you think that guys grow bags where in the first grow? It looked like to me 1 gallon bags to me. I got similar setup but i'm using hydroton and hoping to start like 15 under a 600 watt hps.


Well-Known Member
if your talking about me, i use 1 gallon grow bags.. or 1 gallon pots. i only have 3 plants not in 1 gallons and two are in 3gallon trash cans and one is a 2 gallon grow bag. if your going to try 15 under a 600 i would go with 1 gallons and an sog style grow.


Active Member
thx to all of u.. but i couldnt rep any of u .. i will when i get the chance!

@pauly, thx for the info. i use fresh chicken gizzards and heartsm and he loves breast. also eggs, beef tongue, and everything else beefy.. he is 100% carnivorous. sorry for your loss. i'm a big fan of monitors, but theirs size is whats stoppin me..
Well fresh is the way to go, I put some store bought chicken and it must've been tainted somehow who knows.. he ate raw chicken before and was fine.


Well-Known Member
i have it:) i just didnt pop her yet. and dazey jones got sum diesel characteristics from casey jones.
my og18 seedling is lookin super ugly right now anybody think they can help me figure this out.

And i forgot to add pics of my ugly stunted ass outdoor



Well-Known Member
Possible phosphorus problem which would be the clasisc symptons of reddish purple leaves....but why is it having a P problem....that's my 2 bob.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked the ph of your soil on the og 18? It looks like the soil your using for it has a lot of bark in it and that will raise your ph which could cause nute lock out, also it looks like it has heat stress because your leaves are curled under and are super rigid and plants will sometimes do this to slow water evaporation.