/// communists, socialists, anarchists and far leftists ///

I will introduce myself here. I am a very active communist, meaning i stand up for what i belive in. i go to rallies, I marshal protests, organize movements and subvert every anti-pot law that i can think of.

Cannabis is our future. affordable fuel, food, building materials, medicine, intoxicant, rope, paper and clothing.

the purpose of this thread is to introduce myself to the political community on this fantastic site. so let me start by telling you a little about myself.

I am a skinhead and i am anti-racist and anti-facist. i belive people that hate someone else because of color of skin or sexual orientation or religion. I respect the opinions of others and i in turn would like to enjoy the respect of others. I am a gentleman and a scholar, i do try to conduct myself as so.


Active Member
Ummm, good luck with that. Ideology is stupid, whether it's communism, ron paul-ism or fascism. The sooner you understand that, the better for ya...

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Ummm... most Tokers I know lean towards the Right. And actually practicing the core principles... Stoner Republicans are MORE Republican than the vile, filthy super-church Conservative RINO lefty's that are obsessed with legislating morality.

And hopefully your not an Environmentalist.... Environmentalists should be scared shitless of socialism... Seriously, take a look at the Country's we totally shit on and outsource pollution to.

jeff f

New Member
I will introduce myself here. I am a very active communist, meaning i stand up for what i belive in. i go to rallies, I marshal protests, organize movements and subvert every anti-pot law that i can think of.

Cannabis is our future. affordable fuel, food, building materials, medicine, intoxicant, rope, paper and clothing.

the purpose of this thread is to introduce myself to the political community on this fantastic site. so let me start by telling you a little about myself.

I am a skinhead and i am anti-racist and anti-facist. i belive people that hate someone else because of color of skin or sexual orientation or religion. I respect the opinions of others and i in turn would like to enjoy the respect of others. I am a gentleman and a scholar, i do try to conduct myself as so.
so you are saying your confused.....nice

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
so you are saying your confused.....nice
Indeed. Starting with identifying oneself as a Communist. REAL Communists aren't as forthcoming, and honest about who they are... typically they are more subversive and stealth about it. The only people who actually benefit from an Communist Government are the CORRUPT leaders, and bureaucrats. A vile, filthy illegitimate type of Government that is 100 times worse and corrupt than what we have.

The only way to install a Communist or Fascist Government is to first disarm the people, then commit genocide to get rid of the opposition. That is why I support the JPFO. I am not the kind of Jew that is getting on a train, I will be in the woods. Defending the Country and Constitution from domestic enemies. The very same Constitution that I took a sacred oath to defend.

In China they are so tolerant and understanding of different races, mentally handicapped, gays etc... yeah right. Retarded Farm boys are rounded up from the countryside and pressed into slave labor at brick factories and coal mines. Pot Pharmers likely have the same fate as Environmentalists.... ORGAN DONERS. [Political prisoner awaiting execution and organ harvest]
Before anyone attacks my beliefs maybe you should pick a few books up on what you dislike and read. after all knowing is half the battle. Let me put it this way: i know that my ideals couldnt work in our society today, people wont have it, but i can help work twards a more adjusted society. Im not one of those kids that puts on a hammer and sickle teeshirt and re=uns around screaming death to the infidels, or filthy capitalist pigs, im the guy that works for a living and has developed a different point of view then the other guy. i dont care if you dont agree, but its right for me and ive earned that right in blood. I do consider myself a patriot by the way, i love my country and if need be i will stand up and fight for her again. But the way things are being run, just aint right. If everyone knew what these ideals truly meant, i dont think people would be so afraid of words like "communism" or "socilism". but as it stands you spend your whole life living in fear of these things because our government was afraid of giving the working class any power because it would knock them off theyre high horse.

besides that what i really want to say is: I aint here to make converts, Im here to do some politickin and thats what im gunna do.

ok dems just jokes, how about this: shut up and grow!

Baja Rick

Can you define a More adjusted society?
I'd also like to hear you expand on the rights of the working class in a socialist or communist goverment.
If your a communist your on crack or something. Anyone that can read the manifesto with out falling asleep is on something. Mien kampf (hilters a psycho) is much better written than the manifesto, and its longer.


Well-Known Member
Just so your all aware a real communism has no militant side to it. Leninism is what consumed russia, a capital-nationalist hybrid for china, and marxism in south america. Marx actively divorced himself from all of these ideologies and reformed his thinking toward what engeles called scientific socialism. This way of thinking brings to light the most recent of science and social understandings in order to bring rise to a fair just system of commerce and politics.

Unfortunately names are so twisted and spun out of context that no ideology really means anything. Personally I would say anything that relies on peoples good faith is obsolete, so essentially an anarchy is the only real reliable option. Democracies can't exist in capital markets, authoritarian governments can't exist without capital markets. I mean in Canada the government spent 1 billion on the G20 summit, then turned around and cut unemployment benefits for thousands of people saying"in these economic times we don't have the revenue to do this." And then imposed a harmonised sales tax that bound the GST and PST so items that used to be only taxed on or the other were now being taxed double with the HST.

Its absurdity, in writing this I had a realization. Conservatism is running the world like a business. And that is the truth, and fascism is government being taken over by business and religion. So really conservatism is just fascism with a nice sounding name. They advocate the formation of a single party state, which is the US, two parties which pretty much reflect eachother in every light, the left right ideology doesn't exist in the US within politics.



New Member
In a true socialist society, the rights of the working class are job one. The past "socialist" societies were more like dictatorships. They were socialist in name only. Socialism is as the name implies, social. Meaning that the workers have a say in the way the company is run. My version of socialism would be to maintain a variation on the capitalistic theme, but allow the workers to own the company. By sharing the profits, it would seem that the workers would work harder and smarter so as to reap the benefits of higher profits. I'm pretty sure that the human race is not ready to share in this type of structure yet. Lenin himself said that the human race would not be ready for true socialism for at least 100 years. Looking around, I would venture it will be a lot longer than that..............

jeff f

New Member
Before anyone attacks my beliefs maybe you should pick a few books up on what you dislike and read. after all knowing is half the battle. Let me put it this way: i know that my ideals couldnt work in our society today, people wont have it, but i can help work twards a more adjusted society. Im not one of those kids that puts on a hammer and sickle teeshirt and re=uns around screaming death to the infidels, or filthy capitalist pigs, im the guy that works for a living and has developed a different point of view then the other guy. i dont care if you dont agree, but its right for me and ive earned that right in blood. I do consider myself a patriot by the way, i love my country and if need be i will stand up and fight for her again. But the way things are being run, just aint right. If everyone knew what these ideals truly meant, i dont think people would be so afraid of words like "communism" or "socilism". but as it stands you spend your whole life living in fear of these things because our government was afraid of giving the working class any power because it would knock them off theyre high horse.

besides that what i really want to say is: I aint here to make converts, Im here to do some politickin and thats what im gunna do.

ok dems just jokes, how about this: shut up and grow!
yadda yadda yadda, read your op. it makes no sense whatso ever. grow up and dont be so full of yourself. when you make points we will agree or disagree like we always do. we will curse at you and make fun of your mother. thats what we do here and we all have a good time. now chime in and quit your bitchin....

jeff f

New Member
In a true socialist society, the rights of the working class are job one. The past "socialist" societies were more like dictatorships. They were socialist in name only. Socialism is as the name implies, social. Meaning that the workers have a say in the way the company is run. My version of socialism would be to maintain a variation on the capitalistic theme, but allow the workers to own the company. By sharing the profits, it would seem that the workers would work harder and smarter so as to reap the benefits of higher profits. I'm pretty sure that the human race is not ready to share in this type of structure yet. Lenin himself said that the human race would not be ready for true socialism for at least 100 years. Looking around, I would venture it will be a lot longer than that..............

oh my god med. do we have to listen to this crap again, "socialism is pure, they just didnt do it right. we are way smarter now and we will do it right."

what a load of bullshit. there have been a hell of a lot of people,a hell of a lot smarter and more powerful that you, and they couldnt get it right, give us a fuckin break.


Well-Known Member
I will introduce myself here. I am a very active communist, meaning i stand up for what i belive in. i go to rallies, I marshal protests, organize movements and subvert every anti-pot law that i can think of.

Cannabis is our future. affordable fuel, food, building materials, medicine, intoxicant, rope, paper and clothing.

the purpose of this thread is to introduce myself to the political community on this fantastic site. so let me start by telling you a little about myself.

I am a skinhead and i am anti-racist and anti-facist. i belive people that hate someone else because of color of skin or sexual orientation or religion. I respect the opinions of others and i in turn would like to enjoy the respect of others. I am a gentleman and a scholar, i do try to conduct myself as so.
An anti-fascist skinhead. Never thought I would see the day!

Yeah, I'm making fun of your dumb ass.

In a true socialist society, the rights of the working class are job one. The past "socialist" societies were more like dictatorships. They were socialist in name only. Socialism is as the name implies, social. Meaning that the workers have a say in the way the company is run. My version of socialism would be to maintain a variation on the capitalistic theme, but allow the workers to own the company. By sharing the profits, it would seem that the workers would work harder and smarter so as to reap the benefits of higher profits. I'm pretty sure that the human race is not ready to share in this type of structure yet. Lenin himself said that the human race would not be ready for true socialism for at least 100 years. Looking around, I would venture it will be a lot longer than that..............
And yours, too.

Btw, I'm coming for your social security.

Bwah hah ha ha ha ha!


Well-Known Member
would you identify with the term " S.H.A.R.P.S "

it seems like a culture full of contradictions..

what does it mean exactly . to call yourself a anti-racial skinhead? patriot pot head
would you identify with the term " S.H.A.R.P.S "

it seems like a culture full of contradictions..

what does it mean exactly . to call yourself a anti-racial skinhead? patriot pot head
well the skin head scene started some odd decades ago (69 was the golden era) in britain and jamaica. The short and tasty version because i dont wanna punch out some diatribe about the history of skinheads: the holligans and the rude boys used to drink in the same bars because they worked and lived together and shared similar intrests and beliefs (working class pride) and so the skin head was born. the fashion behind it (a really big part of the subculture) and the music ( oi and ol skool reggae and ska: The heart and soul of the subculture). A few points that should be made:

- skinheads cant be racist, it goes against everything the movement stands for

- nazis are in no way shape and form skinheads

- S.H.A.R.P. is an acronym standing for skinheads against racial predjudice. Im very tightly affiliated with SHARPs and i take pride in that fact, but sharps generally dont get involved in politics

- R.A.S.H. is an acronym that stands for red and anarchist skinheads, the organization that im involved with thats worldwide. this is a politicaly motivated organization that is against facism its also known to some as anti-fa. R.A.S.H. stands for liberty, equality, and solidarity those are the fundamentals of our organization.

over the years neo-nazis and other racist organizations have taken the skin head population and used it as a recruting pool, telling young impressional skins that all theyre problems are because of "insert race/sexuality/religion here". Because of hollywood and american popular culture skinheads are labled as facist racist nazis. this is not the truth.

Fun Fact: the movie american history x used the band the anti-heros logo without permission in the form of a tattoo on a nazis arm (seth the fat guy), they sued the makers of the movie into nothing and before every show they do they make sure to announce this.

o and as for the pot head part, not alot of baldies smoke weed on a regular basis. my self and my wife (shes a skinhead girl) are like the few exceptions besides a couple of our friends that i have known.