Coco Growers Unite!

my god man you are blowing money. Did you research coco before you started? The reason coco is so good is because of the ability to hold oxygen.
this is how it works, as the coco dries the roots are allowed more oxygen, which in turns promts the roots to search for more nutes, which equals ROOT GROWTH. In turn the new roots branch out, and as the coco dries the process goes over and over again.
Now the way you are feeding ONE GALLON FOUR TIMES A DAY. Tell me why would your plants have a need to make more roots, why would they when you are saturating them on a continuous basis. #1 it's not the light or the heat so much that dries your coco, it's the roots sucking up the nutes.
look here bro, the smallest pot I've used was a one gallon pot and even with that I only fed every other or every two days tops. Whatever size pot you are using, this is how you gauge it. FEEL THE WEIGHT OF THE POT WITH COCO WHEN IT's DRY, AND THEN RIGHT AFTER YOU FEED, AND WHEN THAT POT GETS ABOUT 70% dry you feed again. That's how you get root growth during veg and flower, which will get you the buds you want. Because like I said if the coco is saturated 24/7, #1.... how is the plant going to get air to the roots, so the roots can grow when you are basically suffocating them with nutes and #2 with a poorly developed root system what kind of pathetic buds are you expecting?
Now I don't usually do this, but man you are wrong bro. This is only kind of like hydro only in the sense that more nutes are readily available to the roots, but it's not hydro. You are wasting money bro. You've got to let that hydro mentality go. Now I hope you don't think I'm bashing you, it's just that I talk alot and I don't like to see poeple going in the wrong direction give advice to someone, and they only think what the are doing is right. Then you have two or more people with less than desirable results. Now I'm not the most technical guy on here, but I have been running coco for four years straight, and the same strain for like two years. So I can honestly say that I don't know it all, but I know my plants, and how they act with coco but hey I hope you don't read this and be like "screw him". But if so all I can ask is that you research what I'm saying. Because being a coco proponent, I want everyone that has the nerve to take the risk to switch to coco to enjoy as many, or more fruitful harvest as I have. So good luck an good growing. Please I hope you don't take any offense to this "passage" I've written.
FYI the booster I use is Gen. Hydroponics Floralicious Bloom. Scan through my journal if you can, it's geared to the coco grower on a very limited budget.


hey mate i really appreicate all your advice, on my next grow ill run a side by side feeding 1 of my plants only 1 once a day. i no feeding them 4 times a day may sound alittle much but i do keep my rez well air rated which i forgot to mention. i cant use lifting the pot method caz i grow in 30gal pots so there quite heavy. some of the other coco nute brand like Nf even suggest feeding 6 times a day, i got this system passed on from a really old grower. lol my buds arnt pathetic there actually really big and dense, but ill make a side by side comparison next grow and keeps u guys updated.

i understand it's the roots sucking up the nutes. by the more lights u have the more it will absorb the more nutes it and water it will need the more it will grow. 1 gallon feed barly gets a run off. if i feed once a day then i need about 3 gallons off water to see a run off.

hey man i didnt take offense u are the coco guru, ill let u no how i went when i do a side by side
hey zen, respeckt bro for all the help you been giving to every one!!! need more like you here that are more or les pros in coco soil,

thanks for the website you gave me on nutes. however i alredy kno0w about it but just was wondering do i really start the coco a and b straight away as they only seedlings 7 days old, thats what it says on the website. tell me how you do it what do you add when your plants are like 7 days old and are just producing the second set of leaves, plus i can see little roots comming out the bottem of the pot. is it a good sign? do i alredy need to transplant them? thanks zen

p.s im a firs time every grower and im using canna coco

peace bro

first thing I want you to do is go to Walgreens, CVS and ask them can you have a small dropper to measure out medicine with. That will give you the ability to measure out the small amounts you need for your seedlings and clones. But to answer your ???, yes I do give them food from the start. Because the coco alone with just water has no nutrients for your seedlings. This is what I do with clones and seeds. I get my dropper and add half of a milliliter
, or .5ml of A to one full liter of water and mix it, and "THEN" .5ml of B . Always add separatley. Mix it well and let it sit for one to two hours, this allows the nutes to properly mix and the Ph to come back within range. As long as it is in my clone cab(two weeks)thats what it gets. Remember let the plant form it's roots by not keeping the coco soaked let it dry a tad, and feed again till they go to veg. Then you can start increasing by increments of .5ml. That's why the dropper comes in handy in the beginning. FYI make sure it is in .5ml increments. These amounts(.5ml,1ml, 1.5ml, an so on)are too small to "GUESS" if it's right.
next what size container are you using for the seedlings? If it's small enough, take your fingers, position the stem right in between your two middle fingers, put them right at the base of your stem, turn your container over and gently let it come out. I do this to see the progression of my roots, and if they are coming out of the bottom I gently position them so that when I slide the container back down the are pointing up towards the top of the container. What I have found is that when the coco starts getting dry from the nute absorbttion, the roots turn and head back south for more food. Which equals MORE ROOT GROWTH. Which means a better start in veg, which means better food absorbtion in flower, which means "BETTER BUDS".
now as far as transplanting that's a personal choice. For me in two weeks I generally have a good enough root system to transplant, but I check on them throughuot the second week anyway just to be sure. But after seven days, that might just be your tap root making it's way to the bottom, but you did say"ROOTS" right so check it, and see what's going on in there, but gently though please. Oh and yes it is a good sign. For one you know you have some genetics that will give you good initial root growth, which is always good,so don't forget right before she goes to flower, TAKE SOME CLONES, and keep that line going. But anywho sorry it's o wordy, hope that helps you though.

first thing I want you to do is go to Walgreens, CVS and ask them can you have a small dropper to measure out medicine with. That will give you the ability to measure out the small amounts you need for your seedlings and clones. But to answer your ???, yes I do give them food from the start. Because the coco alone with just water has no nutrients for your seedlings. This is what I do with clones and seeds. I get my dropper and add half of a milliliter
, or .5ml of A to one full liter of water and mix it, and "THEN" .5ml of B . Always add separatley. Mix it well and let it sit for one to two hours, this allows the nutes to properly mix and the Ph to come back within range. As long as it is in my clone cab(two weeks)thats what it gets. Remember let the plant form it's roots by not keeping the coco soaked let it dry a tad, and feed again till they go to veg. Then you can start increasing by increments of .5ml. That's why the dropper comes in handy in the beginning. FYI make sure it is in .5ml increments. These amounts(.5ml,1ml, 1.5ml, an so on)are too small to "GUESS" if it's right.
next what size container are you using for the seedlings? If it's small enough, take your fingers, position the stem right in between your two middle fingers, put them right at the base of your stem, turn your container over and gently let it come out. I do this to see the progression of my roots, and if they are coming out of the bottom I gently position them so that when I slide the container back down the are pointing up towards the top of the container. What I have found is that when the coco starts getting dry from the nute absorbttion, the roots turn and head back south for more food. Which equals MORE ROOT GROWTH. Which means a better start in veg, which means better food absorbtion in flower, which means "BETTER BUDS".
now as far as transplanting that's a personal choice. For me in two weeks I generally have a good enough root system to transplant, but I check on them throughuot the second week anyway just to be sure. But after seven days, that might just be your tap root making it's way to the bottom, but you did say"ROOTS" right so check it, and see what's going on in there, but gently though please. Oh and yes it is a good sign. For one you know you have some genetics that will give you good initial root growth, which is always good,so don't forget right before she goes to flower, TAKE SOME CLONES, and keep that line going. But anywho sorry it's o wordy, hope that helps you though.


its a 1.5Liter pot, i just tryd it out what you told me and the roots are not really showing much i can see like 2 root edges one one the bottem, and right side might just be the tap root.

well i leave i a gap of 6 days of watering,i water with some with some vitalink seedlings solution, and i water when the top layer of coco is just about 40% dry, and i water untill some water starts to come out of the bottem pot. am i doing all this right?

ill be getting some coco a and b and ill start this in a few days. when i do start adding coco a and b will the growth become much faster?

thanks zen!!
its a 1.5Liter pot, i just tryd it out what you told me and the roots are not really showing much i can see like 2 root edges one one the bottem, and right side might just be the tap root.

well i leave i a gap of 6 days of watering,i water with some with some vitalink seedlings solution, and i water when the top layer of coco is just about 40% dry, and i water untill some water starts to come out of the bottem pot. am i doing all this right?

ill be getting some coco a and b and ill start this in a few days. when i do start adding coco a and b will the growth become much faster?

thanks zen!!

i think you are watering way way less then u should. zen although u give great advise 90% of the time, i think on this watering thing u couldnt be more wrong. maybe we should pitch our arguments to jberry and let him decide who is right.
its a 1.5Liter pot, i just tryd it out what you told me and the roots are not really showing much i can see like 2 root edges one one the bottem, and right side might just be the tap root.

well i leave i a gap of 6 days of watering,i water with some with some vitalink seedlings solution, and i water when the top layer of coco is just about 40% dry, and i water untill some water starts to come out of the bottem pot. am i doing all this right?

ill be getting some coco a and b and ill start this in a few days. when i do start adding coco a and b will the growth become much faster?

thanks zen!!

I'll say this let your plants tell you when it's time to fee. And use this in conjuction with gaugine the moisture level of your coco.
look here, if you pay attention to your plants "EVERY DAY" , you will see when they need to eat. At first this is how it usually goes. You'll see those leaves standing out almost like they are praising those lights. Then the next day or two you'll notice that they aint so much at attention.....then it's time to feed. But what usually happens is the grower thinks it's cool, or they really don't notice. Then the next day the leaves are dooping, now it's really time to feed. But paying attention to little details like that, along with checking the weight of your pot, will eventually give you the time of absorbtion it takes for your pots to get to that cerian "FEEL" to where you know it's time o feed. And if you find a strain that you like and learn, and apply what you've observed, you'll be money. And that a promise.
but as far asthose babies go, they need to root a little more, and when you get your nutes that are made for coco, yes you probably will see more root growth. Because non-specific coco nutes don't bond to the coco fibers like coco specific nutes do. I did a post on it some pages back, I've went on long enough so I won't get on that, but go back an d check it out.
but remember this,
The only reason that your roots, in seven days, have branched and made it to the bottom of your container, is because when the medium starts losing moisture, the roots are hardwired to search for more moisture. And seeing that any container dries from the top to the bottom, in relation to how you are watering, doesn't it make sense that you would have growth all the way to the "bottom" of your container?

I think pot size, maturity, have to do with how often you need to feed. Temps, and air circulation may play a small part. But a majority is taken up via roots. I also think that people can have the same results doing it two different ways. And unless you have done it both ways side by side, then it is hard to argue and say your way is the right way. Just like some people say 30% run off is the best, and others do 10% and have had no problems. I personally rather have my medium a bit to damp, then taking to the limit for some root growth. I do fine I get 5oz dry per plant. But I am not feeding 4x a day either. That does seem a little over kill, unless your pots are so small that they sucking up that shit quick. In that case sounds like a transplant is needed. Plus that seems like a pain in the ass. I love my plants, but they might get tired of me being in there 4x a day ;) .

I think pot size, maturity, have to do with how often you need to feed. Temps, and air circulation may play a small part. But a majority is taken up via roots. I also think that people can have the same results doing it two different ways. And unless you have done it both ways side by side, then it is hard to argue and say your way is the right way. Just like some people say 30% run off is the best, and others do 10% and have had no problems. I personally rather have my medium a bit to damp, then taking to the limit for some root growth. I do fine I get 5oz dry per plant. But I am not feeding 4x a day either. That does seem a little over kill, unless your pots are so small that they sucking up that shit quick. In that case sounds like a transplant is needed. Plus that seems like a pain in the ass. I love my plants, but they might get tired of me being in there 4x a day ;) .


if u look at the back of canna coco bottles they suggest feeding 1 to 6 times a day. i did a run with nf coco nutes and spoke to there head scientist caz i had some issues with my heater turning the nutes into mud. he also suggested feedin 4 times a day + if the solution was well air rated. i am only on my 3rd grow so im no pro, but i probably yield more per plant(indoor) then any other grower on RIU, so i must be diong something right. maybe 1 feed a day could be better im not sure but im not gonna attack anyone and say they got pathetic buds until ive tried there method myself. i grow in 30gal pots so there not small at all.
i grow in 30gal pots so there not small at all.

With those size pots I hope you would be yielding a good amount. I agree, no one should be name calling unless they have hard evidence for both sides, instead of flapping gums. Like I said both of you have had successful results doing it different ways. I have 4 gallon pots and water once every other day or two. Different strokes for different folks.

With those size pots I hope you would be yielding a good amount. I agree, no one should be name calling unless they have hard evidence for both sides, instead of flapping gums. Like I said both of you have had successful results doing it different ways. I have 4 gallon pots and water once every other day or two. Different strokes for different folks.


i think either way would have similar results. if your fedding say 10 litres every day for example(with 10% run off) then if u did it every 2nd day u woould probably need 20litres per feed. or if u do it 5 times a day it would be 2litres, so your rightin the end it works out the same crap, and if i was hand feeding i would be watering every other day also.

i yield over 2pounds a plant it sounds impressive but light watts to yiled ratio is really bad caz i put so many lights per plant. but it doesnt bother me id rather have less plants then heaps of small ones.
i think either way would have similar results. if your fedding say 10 litres every day for example(with 10% run off) then if u did it every 2nd day u woould probably need 20litres per feed. or if u do it 5 times a day it would be 2litres, so your rightin the end it works out the same crap, and if i was hand feeding i would be watering every other day also.

i yield over 2pounds a plant it sounds impressive but light watts to yiled ratio is really bad caz i put so many lights per plant. but it doesnt bother me id rather have less plants then heaps of small ones.

How long you veg for? I have 5 plants under 1000w. i've found that with the size of plants i grow (2x2) that 200w a plant creates beautiful tight nugs.

i veg for 6 weeks. and put 2 600watts above each plant. and 1 1000watt on each side as as side lighting. so it works out 3200watts per plant. but each 1000watt hits 2 plants caz there hanging vertically between the 2 without a reflector so i can get it 6inches away. what about u? do u top or LST would love to see some pics
Naw just veg for a month and let em go. Been flushing them for a few days now. Got querkle, Ak and Sweet tooth going.



Sweet Tooth

mmm looks delicous. what do are your yields per plant? +rep for u mate

i noticed you the end of your bud leaf tips are yellow, i got the same with mine. i used some cal/mag and it fixed it for me, on the bottle it says for lettuce with leaf tip burn. u might want to wait for an expert opinion though.
hey zen, respeckt bro for all the help you been giving to every one!!! Need more like you here that are more or les pros in coco soil,

thanks for the website you gave me on nutes. However i alredy kno0w about it but just was wondering do i really start the coco a and b straight away as they only seedlings 7 days old, thats what it says on the website. Tell me how you do it what do you add when your plants are like 7 days old and are just producing the second set of leaves, plus i can see little roots comming out the bottem of the pot. Is it a good sign? Do i alredy need to transplant them? Thanks zen

p.s im a firs time every grower and im using canna coco

peace bro

look bro i have nothing to prove ,but this is my garden.
Btw i use 1.5 gallon pots also. The black round ones are .75 gallon. And i water those big girls every two days. The 1.5 gal square pots get it every three days.CIMG0011[1].jpg


mmm looks delicous. what do are your yields per plant? +rep for u mate

i noticed you the end of your bud leaf tips are yellow, i got the same with mine. i used some cal/mag and it fixed it for me, on the bottle it says for lettuce with leaf tip burn. u might want to wait for an expert opinion though.

Thanks dude, I yield 5oz ave per plant dry. Yeah the leaf burn came on strong as soon as I started using the shooting powder the last three weeks. Not sure why, House and garden is supposed to have cal/mag in the nutes. But they are flushing and almost ready to chop. On with the next grow joe.

thats a really nice grow mate, love to see the outcome of it. im also using your cloning method straight into coco and so far there doing well so i appreciate your advise. i dont think there is a problem with your watering shedule but i also think there is no problem with watering multiple times per day if the rez is well air rated. i dont want this to turn into a nasty my d$%^ is bigger then yours, but here are mine with 3 weeks to finish. yield per plant oviously i would do better but gram per what yours wins hands down 10 fold, not that its a compition but i think with your pics and mine its fair to say that either system is fine and watering multiple times per day does not produce pathetic

+rep for your grow and for all the good advice u have given me. ill keep u posted on the bloombastic Vs boost.


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look bro i have nothing to prove ,but this is my garden.
Btw i use 1.5 gallon pots also. The black round ones are .75 gallon. And i water those big girls every two days. The 1.5 gal square pots get it every three days.View attachment 1141312



that looks top zen specialy what you did with the 2 black round ones, thats preety amazing.

can yeh remember bro when your seedlings where like 10 days old in the 1.5l how many times a week did you water them then, and do you do it same as me water till some comes out the botthem when they 10 days old, thanks bro