1000w club


Well-Known Member
Im a member by accident, and a bit of spend happiness. Expanded my lab to two seperate rooms, and picked up a grow tent, and wanted to go 600 watt digi ballast...out of stock. Splurged on a large adjust a wing hood and talked myself into the 1000 watt sun system digital ballast, it does all the good shit, and adjustable modes down to 250 watts. Throw in a hortilux lamp and some odds and ends, and Im in the hole 600$. All bitching aside I got another sweet set up and the money will come.:hump: Glad to see this club is an elite gathering, Im gonna do a follow up thread on the difference in light dispersion on the cheap hood and my adjust a wing...you gotta see it to believe it. Most of these girls came from another set up and are in various stages of flowering ranging from 2 days to 5 weeks. Pure Power Plant, Big Buddha Automatic, Bubbleberry, Blueberry x Super Skunk and Hawaiian. Needless to say my patients will not be disappointed. I am excited to see everyones huge yields. 1000 watt club G's up Ho's down! LOL



Well-Known Member
Glad to see this club is an elite gathering, Im gonna do a follow up thread on the difference in light dispersion on the cheap hood and my adjust a wing...you gotta see it to believe it. Most of these girls came from another set up and are in various stages of flowering ranging from 2 days to 5 weeks.
hell yea bro, plants look awesome!
and as for the light dispersion thread, kick us a link man. iv added a 400w mh to my flower room since posting pics, and instead of the square stock reflector i have on my 1000w i went with a 4FT. parabolic dome refelctor. its AMAZING how much more space it covers, getting another for the 1000w soon aswell, hoping dispersing the light wont decrease yeilds more then the extra plants will contribute.


Well-Known Member
HA! Here be the link! Its sad really, I mean my set up was nice before..but I cant believe the amount of light it reflects...its like 3 lights in one! And my tent is cooler. If you notice the lights are hanging at about the same height and you can see by the shadow the light patterns are way different. Another something growers need to know to get better results I think! Viva la 1000 watts!



Well-Known Member
I want to see someones op that hits the 1000g per watt rule, without growing some hybridized big bud piece of crap strain without any potency or flavor. And no synthetics either, has to be organics. but thats just me ;-)


Active Member
whats an average number of plant could go under a 1000w light?
I got 12 under mine with 3 gallon pots. think its too many. plants will be about 38"-42" tall when done.


Well-Known Member
whats an average number of plant could go under a 1000w light?
I got 12 under mine with 3 gallon pots. think its too many. plants will be about 38"-42" tall when done.
well lets see. i have 3 2x2 reses side by side with a 1000 w 6 inches from the tops on a light mover, started with 27 2 ft. but i have gone to 48 1 fters. a perpetual sog. i only veg for about 2 weeks till they are 6" tall. its damn near perfect.

whats ittoyabub

New Member
so heres the plants i got goin right now, the LST/MRS plant went hermi on me so i chopped her early :cry:
still quite a bit of smoke off her tho lol and theres a pic of the big cola off my SSH i harvested.
but all clones are rooted and growing :hump: and all the flowering ladies are doing good.
im in the process of building my first hydro setup! hoping i'll get most of it done today, but clones will be going into the hydro ASAP :mrgreen: cant wait!
nice lookn buds bro, but your pots are lame and gay as fuck lol


Well-Known Member
So your saying im alright?
yeah you should be fine. the lower buds will be ugly at the end of harvest but you can just top the plants and flower the lower halves for a couple more weeks. i just found that with one 1000 watt tall plants are less efficient dollar wise, the extra month of vegging isnt worth it in dollar for dollar, you trade some of those dollars for labor though. I grow organics so efficiency and technique are paramount.


Active Member
Picture 228.jpgPicture 221.jpgPicture 229.jpgPicture 234.jpgPicture 220.jpg well heres my 1000w grow. I got 12 hindu kush 20 days in flowering in 3 gallon pots ffof soil about 36" tall.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1140168View attachment 1140167View attachment 1140162View attachment 1140159View attachment 1140157 well heres my 1000w grow. I got 12 hindu kush 20 days in flowering in 3 gallon pots ffof soil about 36" tall.
they look great!

but you see all that empty space on the bottom 8" of the plant? that wasted space is why I stopped growing them that tall, but i am running hydro too so...

fucking plants look amazing tho for sure. hindu kush eh? i got some vanilla kush im gonna harvest in 2 weeks from barneys. i cant wait.


Well-Known Member
vanilla kush? sounds tastey :twisted:

heres my setup tho, added a 400w MH so it dont really fit the thread but o-well :neutral:
8 SSH and 9 Blue Dream beginng 6th week flowering


Active Member
well I got a clone from a friend of mine and I grew it big then cloned it so I dont know exactly for sure if it hindu but it good for sure. oh the guy my friend got it from grew this and it was "distributed" at a local med shop as hindu kush.So
i think it is hindu.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. yea, FF big bloom and occasionally molasses, epsom salt when they need it. and used coffe grounds for N to help with the yellowing. nothin fancy haha


Just got my 1000 watt hps last night they ran today while I was at work I got off and all but ran to them and almost couldnt believe it. The buds had grown almost twice the size in a day switching from a 250 to a 1000 hps. About 3 weeks left till harvest hope this trend keeps up Ill get some pics tonight hopefully

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Ok maybe someone in here can give me some advice. I recently went from growing in a nice large spare bedroom using a 1000 watt with a bat wing style reflector and never having heating issues. I am now downsized to a closet that is five and a half long three and a half wide and 7 feet 8 inches tall. I DO NOT want to give up my 1000 watt HID and the greatness of the plants it helps me produce. is there anyone out there that is growing in a similar size room with 1000 watt that can give me some help?