Mourning a loss!!!!!


Well-Known Member
WOW you cant trust a damn soul anymore..not even fucking family.....i went out to the beach today for about 4 hours, and planned on coming home to harvest my girl that ive been workin on and lovin on for the past 2 months....the trichs were nice and amber and the hairs all red and orange....however, when i got home today i opened my growroom and all i have where my beautiful plant sat is nothing but a damn stem chopped to the soil, plus the buds i had hangin in the closet drying.........and ill be damn if it all dont point to family cause my cousin and uncle were the only ones that knew about it and the only ones that know how to get into my house and room.....i feel like laying down and crying!!!!
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ps.. the sad thing is the people i think took it are dumb as hell and dont even know how to dry and cure it....hope the thieven bastards enjoy it cause i know i damn sure would have!!!!!:cry:


Active Member
why not go over and kick their ass. it will be easy since they are stoned out of their mind. there might be a reason why they did it other thank greed but i would still but a foot up their ass


Well-Known Member
sorry my man ,

but it dont matter if its family or who ever you might trust ,

dont ever break the #1 rule .....

but that does suck , she looks like she would of been a really nice smoke ...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
couple of things. i find it hard to believe that you didn't partly see this coming. there's people who do this and people who don't. you should know your family. i have an extremely close friend who doesn't know i grow and it kills me to keep the secret but this person has a big mouth. second is they need to pay. obviously if they knew you would know they did it they knew they would get away with it. you are going to be their doormat if you don't take care of this.


Well-Known Member
Shotguns and slashed tires are one way to handle it. Become very devious and plot something even more sinister. It's your family, you know the ins-and-outs so use it to your advantage. Don't end up spoiling it for yourself in the end, you have to come out on top :D


Well-Known Member
wow! can I ever feel your pain! I had a couple of nephews that did the same thing to me, ripped off some giants I had growing outdoors. I wouldn't risk further probs by getting even tho. Both nephews are now in jail. These kind of people are their own worst enemies. They will suffer from their own greed and stupidity in the end. My chickens ate my expensive autoflower babies last week, and a thoughtful neighbor ran over and pulled up all my plants and threw them away because she saw a cop on our road. I had a good crop earlier this year, but you just have to expect some losses now and then. Invest in some good locks. Better that than having to worry about your relatives ratting you out because you pounded them! Best of luck next time.


Well-Known Member
ya man....i never brake the number one rule and thats opening my mouth to anyone....i have so many of my boys come over that are stoners off there ass and would think those plants were the baddest ass thing ever, but then again ive been busted and i know how them cops ask questions and try to get you to talk, and i dont care how good you think you know a person, when they get put in that situation they like to sing like lil bitch birds, so i have never told a soul except for my cuz and unx unx is the biggest stoner of us all, he got me started all those years ago, so i never would have thought he'd do that, and my lil cousin is like a brother to me....matter fact, he lived with me all last summer, so ive been teaching him the ins and outs of growing organically and producin some dank...we even got him a couple plants started outdoors over at parents place...i payed for this boys food, smoke and everything the entire summer, and then he does something like this cause he was probobly short or out of smoke.....damn i can honestly say i didnt see this comin....i went over there tonight and gave them a rashin of shit and of course they denied it like hell.... and aint no tellin where they got it dryin, so i couldnt see it anywhere.... but ill be damn if they werent studderin around comin up with a million different excuses on where they were all day and how it couldnt have possibly been them...i aint gonna kick there ass cause vengance is mine sayeth the lord, but i believe God might use me to take a lil bleach water over to one of his plants tonight and give it a good high dose!!! lol.... I tell you man Karmas a bitch and im sure they'll get theres one way or the other!!! As for me im just gonna move on and chock it up as a loss, cause i got clones comin behind and some dank ass seeds im fixin to order, and im sure you can all guess who aint samplin that shit once its done!!!


Well-Known Member
ya SilentSmoker id hate to be caught in your field u crazy goes around comes around though....i've already forgiven them in my heart, cause if i dont how can i move on...i dont want nothin but good energy bein put into this next harvest cause i got clones ready to be put in budding right now....too bad even family will sit there and lie right to your face....if they got a conscious though im sure its eatin them to hell right now, and if it isnt than they seriously have a spiritual problem!! Im gonna turn the other cheek on this one and better lock my shit and further prevent this from happening again...maybe even install a small little camera in there just in case...vengence is mine sayeth the Lord and thats where im gonna leave it...