whats ittoyabub
New Member
the salmon creek big bud, love and care to bring her up to a nice mother
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there gona be a good 2 feet larger width and height if you have the room. mine were 24inces, i had to trellis, so there all about 5 feet im guessing, ill measure when ii harvestHow tall were the grape ape when you triggered and what highth do you think they will be finshed? I have 3 Grape Apes and they are 3 ft prob. will be 4 when triggered. 2000 watts hps co2
nice price there, i got some diamond og 50 8th way back in 09 that was killer, when i was shittn around SD b4 shit got all crazy in mexicoLooks good!
I picked up a qtr of Jack Herer yesterday too $90 in San Diego
fuck yea i couldn't take it anymore, they test for thc percent,mold,bugs and high percent of chemicals in the bud still, but it still to pricey, medicating isn't supposed to be like a house payment. fuckn almost a G a month to stay medicated there.Pretty pricey man, I may go pick up some JH today...decisions decisions!