Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

indoors anyone can grow dank out doors like i said earlier the coast has better fertile soils better humity
air temp and elevations california has a better enviorment then ANY eastrn state orgean and washington too way better enviorments to grow OUTDOORS in then if you wanna talk about the world im give that to canada brititsh columbia budz
that shit is absulte fire! i smoked super purple skunk and lemon deisel when i went out there and wow
im giving them the +rep
i preffer outdoor organics...grown under the hawaiian sun...but i've had some dank ass shit from cali too good genetics+good sunlight = good weed...if you came to hawaii and smoked shitty weed. u probly got it from some random hustler in waikiki. but if u know the right people then u can find the gold just about anywhere
i preffer outdoor organics...grown under the hawaiian sun...but i've had some dank ass shit from cali too good genetics+good sunlight = good weed...if you came to hawaii and smoked shitty weed. u probly got it from some random hustler in waikiki. but if u know the right people then u can find the gold just about anywhere

Hawaii does have some bomb ass sativas that you really can't get anywhere else.
man i just moved to Miami from phoenix and when i did i brought 3 different kinds of south cali with me 1/4 pound of each and yes it was killer stuff. it was enough to get me by till i could hook up. So i start growing and get with some of the local hydro guys. well they turn me on to some of the stuff getting grown down here and it blow my socks off. So yes cali grows good stuff for sure. But there also very airagint and they think there's is the best and thats just not true.
I live in Colorado and I must say that I guarantee you that I can get any strand of the same quality up here that anyone can get in Cali. Not only can I get any strand but I can most likely get it cheaper. Do a little research before you make ridiculous statements like that. Most of those awesome strands that you all think come from calli most likely came from somewhere in the EU and i have the same access to those strands that you do.
I have been going to Amsterdam for 20 years, the weed over there used to be a lot better than anything I could get in England. Around 7 years ago that changed now the average weed I get at home is on a par with any Amsterdam weed I’ve had.

Then about 3 years ago a friend of mine started getting weed posted over from Cali and I’ll tell you from a lot of experience that although the Amsterdam and English weed still get you high I’ve never tasted weed as nice as those buds that come from Cali lol.

I can’t really comment on the rest of America’s states strains because all mine has come from one dispensary owned by a friend of a friend who lives in California, unsure of the laws of him sending it abroad so I’ll give no info on them. He gets a very varied selection I’ve rarely had the same strain twice, it is always nice.

But if you guys have got any links any people in any any other weed producing state happy give you a review
I have been going to Amsterdam for 20 years, the weed over there used to be a lot better than anything I could get in England. Around 7 years ago that changed now the average weed I get at home is on a par with any Amsterdam weed I’ve had.

Then about 3 years ago a friend of mine started getting weed posted over from Cali and I’ll tell you from a lot of experience that although the Amsterdam and English weed still get you high I’ve never tasted weed as nice as those buds that come from Cali lol.

I can’t really comment on the rest of America’s states strains because all mine has come from one dispensary owned by a friend of a friend who lives in California, unsure of the laws of him sending it abroad so I’ll give no info on them. He gets a very varied selection I’ve rarely had the same strain twice, it is always nice.

But if you guys have got any links any people in any any other weed producing state happy give you a review
New member... please don't reply to a 10 year old thread. Tyvm
I have been going to Amsterdam for 20 years, the weed over there used to be a lot better than anything I could get in England. Around 7 years ago that changed now the average weed I get at home is on a par with any Amsterdam weed I’ve had.

Then about 3 years ago a friend of mine started getting weed posted over from Cali and I’ll tell you from a lot of experience that although the Amsterdam and English weed still get you high I’ve never tasted weed as nice as those buds that come from Cali lol.

I can’t really comment on the rest of America’s states strains because all mine has come from one dispensary owned by a friend of a friend who lives in California, unsure of the laws of him sending it abroad so I’ll give no info on them. He gets a very varied selection I’ve rarely had the same strain twice, it is always nice.

But if you guys have got any links any people in any any other weed producing state happy give you a review
Read about that big bust in your financial district the other day. You seem to still have some relatively draconian cannabis laws on the books, yeah?

I was limited to only having weed from one spot on earth it would be from Humboldt.

You could have just DMed him instead of being a hypocrite by contributing to the decade old thread which is what you asked him not to do.

I'd do the same to you but I don't want to DM 10 fucking people.

You all remind me of the an idiot on a forum years ago who replied and quoted a spammer's post which then forever cemented that spam on the forum thread.

Cali had some damn good weed in 2010. He could be right but then again we don't have a time machine hooked up ready to go.
Unless you tried every weed from everywhere you'd never know where or what is best, and even then you'd need more than a few opinions to be able to judge.