Seedling help


Active Member
Okay so I don't I don't understand how anyone is able to grow from seed or clone really.

I have tried 5 blackjack seeds and two bubblelicious and all but 1 blackjack failed and I had a hard time keeping her alive.

They sprout and die almost in the same day. They just flop over and die. The only time this doesn't happen is when I have them in a dome or in a propagator. They live for the time they are in propagation then die shortly after I take them out (about an hour to two hours).

And when propagating there is no growth. I also have 3 bj clones that are on day 17 and no signs of roots or even trying to root. They still look healthy. How can I get them to root? I heard bj was easy to clone


Well-Known Member
just keep seeds in the window sill. no need for the propagator.

clones im not dailed into it but im new to it but im saying just keep them moist and did you dip the clones into a rooting solution/gel?


Active Member
Yeah I trimmed them up and dipped in clonex. They are yellowing for a week now. Starting to brown on the tips of their top leaves. From this alone I'll never use clonex again. What a waste of money.


Active Member
As for the seedlings if I'm not propagating it will die within the hour of sprouting I've had a seed sprout overnight and when I woke up it was dead. I'm serious the all sprout and die. Anyone have any idea why this is happening? It's a total drag and I'm super sad


Active Member
Humidity to low for them without the dome? possible chance

one other thing i found to clone easily is get a wet paper towel squeeze the water out put the seeds and fold it, then put it inside a zip lock bag close it and throw it in front of your computer and check daily for sprouts. always worked perfect for me.

and your clones. did you cut them at a 45 degree angle? and cut the first couple node off from the bottom?


Active Member
Yes and yes. I also only left one fan leaf and the tops.

If I pull them out score them up again and put them back in rockwool with more clone powder/gel think they will take? The yellowing is moist and actually more of a whitening.

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Maybe you have water that's poisonous to your plants, I don't know. Once upon a time I had that problem. The water out of my tap has so much lime and calcium my plants wouldn't grow. They wouldn't grow more than an inch or two then they'd die after a month. I am not sure what's happening with your plants, the only thing I am positive about is it's something you're doing. All my seeds from Nirvana have been great, I had a 93% success rate with my last batch of Nirvana seeds (15/15 sprouted but there was one runt so 14/15 still live on.). I wish you the best of luck, and keep trying, eventually you'll figure it out.


Active Member
I'm sure it's not my water (distilled). Could it be heat? My grow gets really hot also about the clones anyone know if I should score em some and put more cloning powder or gel? I just want to know if anyone has knowledge about this since I'm not getting roots as it is.


Well-Known Member
what size of a light are you using? i dont know anything about rockwool i just throw mine in the peatmoss and let them do thier thing.


Active Member
I'll give rapid rooters a try next. My light is a 400w hid for my actual grow what I use on my seedlings is a 300w equiv 2700k CFL (the 100w equiv 6500k killed the last seedling really fast) it's really odd they won't stand up and look at the light and I have a big problem with the roots air pruning.

The clones are starting to look worse with no roots in sight? Will it work if I cut them again and redip in rooting compound? Or should I let them be? (I'm sure they will not root if I leave them)

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Exactly how close is your light to your seedlings - if they die so fast I would guess that perhaps it should be a little further away.



Well-Known Member
PICTURES!! please? grow area and plants too. as much detail as possible.

are there any possible outside contaminants? for instance, did your wife leave a bottle of windex (or any other cleaner, purposely or accidentally) open right by the intake vent? that would equal a dead plant! that was a joke (kinda) but think like that. if you have ruled out what everyone here has suggested, then open the box, climb out, and look in on the box and think a bit...

i thin kit is the rockwool, they are bad for holding to much moisture, or the light being to low combined with your high temps. take your next seedling or clone out of your grow environment all together and place it on a windowsill on the opposite side of the house, or under a cfl in another room. just leave it a few days and see what happens.

hate to hear you lost so many good seeds due to this. i am having similar problems as well, and i think it is my hard well water, so I have recently switched to distilled till i work that out. good growing buddy