Post-cloning problems


Active Member
Hi y'all,

Hope you can help.

Having no trouble cloning Sweet Tooth. Nice healthy clones with strong white roots in rapid rooter plugs, in a cloning kit (mini-greenhouse with a heat opad).

The problem comes AFTER I try to transplant them. I've tried two methods...hydro in pH'd water under CFL's, and small soil (perlite and potting soil) milk cartons kept in the mini greenhouse (until the roots caught on---or such was my thinking).

In BOTH cases the plants die during the transition--a relatively quick few days death with the hydro with good root growth, or a slow agonizing decomposition in the soil method.The soil stayed wet from the very first wetting because the roots never caught on! Soil even starts to smell.

You can imagine how frustrating this must, strong clones which just can't seem to make the transition. Plant after plant dieing.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


RIU Bulldog
Have you tried transplant additives? Some companies make formulas specifically for when you have transplant your babies. I think it has b vitamins and hormones in it, not sure though.
But if you getting a 100% death rate, then it could be worth a try.

And if you go with soil, only water the soil to the point of saturation not soaking. In other words, there shouldn't be a lot of run off from your pots.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It is all in the humidity and temp for me. When I first started cloning there was so much death. You have the right idea with the heat mat. I try to keep my clones at 85f until well established. I also keep 100% humidity for the first week and then slowly expose them to more and more ambient air by removing the dome and opening the vents a little more each day. In two weeks, you should have plants.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Are you dowsing them with nutrients directly after the transplant and burning? Or are you being very light with them and it seems they die for no reason? How is temp/humidity? How far are the lights placed from the plants? Is all your pots, water, equipment sterile? Wiping down with alcohol & using hydrogen peroxide in mixes and sprays will drastically improve the cleanliness of your grow.


Active Member
Some good information, thanks.

From this and my own research, these were my conclusions, if they can be of any help.
First, gradually 'harden off' your clones once they show roots. (Progressively longer exposure to air).
For soil transplants, make sure medium drains well. As much as 50% perlite is recommended. Wet, don't soak, the soil.
For hydro, be SURE pH is in range, lights are close but cool (CFL's at this stage) and water is treated with some type of growers hydrogen peroxide mix to prevent the growth of 'bad' organisms.
Lastly, everything should be as clean and sterile as possible. As someone who has ignored this rule, I know it is a bit if extra work-but important nonetheless.

Hope that helps others out there.

(Feel free to add or addendum.....if that's a word.)


RIU Bulldog
Some good information, thanks.

From this and my own research, these were my conclusions, if they can be of any help.
First, gradually 'harden off' your clones once they show roots. (Progressively longer exposure to air).
For soil transplants, make sure medium drains well. As much as 50% perlite is recommended. Wet, don't soak, the soil.
For hydro, be SURE pH is in range, lights are close but cool (CFL's at this stage) and water is treated with some type of growers hydrogen peroxide mix to prevent the growth of 'bad' organisms.
Lastly, everything should be as clean and sterile as possible. As someone who has ignored this rule, I know it is a bit if extra work-but important nonetheless.

Hope that helps others out there.

(Feel free to add or addendum.....if that's a word.)
Thats a good start


Active Member
Thanks. Pretty sure I mentioned that.

READING is funnn!:
"First, gradually 'harden off' your clones once they show roots. (Progressively longer exposure to air)."

If you'd like to share a hardening off method, or anything else I didn't already mention, that'd be swell.

Thanks for sharing.


New Member
Thanks. Pretty sure I mentioned that.

READING is funnn!:
"First, gradually 'harden off' your clones once they show roots. (Progressively longer exposure to air)."
If you'd like to share a hardening off method, or anything else I didn't already mention, that'd be swell.

Thanks for sharing.
reading is fun...i read ur question and answered it...
as for a method,i just crack the vents and the lid a lil more each day for about a week