ak47/blueberry... whats that look like?


i just went through an ordeal to re-up and shit went wrong
guy said what he gave me is an ak47 cross with blueberry... problem is hes a new supply off a buddy,, and i dont know what this strains supposed to look like
anyone know?
true enough...
smells good... a bit sweet//fruity,, but not overpoweringly so
real stanky though
buds dark, red orange hairs, with hints of dark purples and blues in the leaves an buds

just wondering if i got suckered into somethin that wasnt worth it...
thats my problem, no cam at the moment
ive found pics of the plants... but not what the buds are supposed to turn out like.

i paid for somethin else, but he says this is just as good... im just tryna figure it out so i dont look like an idiot
But not all nugs come out looking the same. It depends on the grower, way it was grown, and the way it was cut after harvest.

I would have gotten the AK blueberry.
If you didn't grow it yourself you never really know what you're getting...

Personally i wouldn't worry about what he "says" it is...I'd only be concerned with how much I'm paying and how high it gets me.
ai, thanks for that site, everyone round here is droolin over it
crunch you're right bro, advice to live by.