Green Dave
Well-Known Member
Hey hic from what you know do the HEMP raids all happen about the sametime or do they increse the closer to harvest?
Hey hic from what you know do the HEMP raids all happen about the sametime or do they increse the closer to harvest?
KB im with you bro.. This is bull shit, we have to sneak around and act like criminals to grow a plant.. Im not an expert on the law or government by any means, but the way I understand it are government is breaching are civil rights.. The controlled substance act classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 narcotic. Meaning it has no medical value. If it has no medical value then why have 14 states legalized it for medical purposes.? That alone should be enough to deem the CSA unconstitutional. Our Constitution says its our right to do as we please untill we infringe upon another persons rights. How does growing and smoking a plant on your own private property infringe upon another persons rights.? The problem is the government has spread all this false propoganda and demonized marijuana. They made weed smokers criminals and drove the users of this wonderful herb underground. The past generations of users were to affraid of being labeled criminals to stand up for there rights.. Look what happened when they tried to outlaw alcohol.. The users fought back and got the law changed. Now we have the science on our side showing that marijuana is far less dangerous then alcohol and ciggs. It's time we come out of are holes and stand up for are rights. To change the law we must first break the law in a way that draws huge publicity. We need to hold smoke outs in public places with more people then they can fit into the jails. We need to plant more marijuana plants right out in the open then they can possibly confiscate. The only way things will change is if we force the gov to change it. Every one has sit back and hoped for too long that other people would get it changed. If all us smokers unite and demand a change they will be forced to listen.
KB im with you bro.. This is bull shit, we have to sneak around and act like criminals to grow a plant.. Im not an expert on the law or government by any means, but the way I understand it are government is breaching are civil rights.. The controlled substance act classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 narcotic. Meaning it has no medical value. If it has no medical value then why have 14 states legalized it for medical purposes.? That alone should be enough to deem the CSA unconstitutional. Our Constitution says its our right to do as we please untill we infringe upon another persons rights. How does growing and smoking a plant on your own private property infringe upon another persons rights.? The problem is the government has spread all this false propoganda and demonized marijuana. They made weed smokers criminals and drove the users of this wonderful herb underground. The past generations of users were to affraid of being labeled criminals to stand up for there rights.. Look what happened when they tried to outlaw alcohol.. The users fought back and got the law changed. Now we have the science on our side showing that marijuana is far less dangerous then alcohol and ciggs. It's time we come out of are holes and stand up for are rights. To change the law we must first break the law in a way that draws huge publicity. We need to hold smoke outs in public places with more people then they can fit into the jails. We need to plant more marijuana plants right out in the open then they can possibly confiscate. The only way things will change is if we force the gov to change it. Every one has sit back and hoped for too long that other people would get it changed. If all us smokers unite and demand a change they will be forced to listen.
Even though we have disagreed in the past I agree 100% with this post right on bro! Could not have said it better myself reps to you.
NORML e-mailed me back telling me to help fight! all you have to do is pay this amount an become a member! blah blah blah what a joke