Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Hey hic from what you know do the HEMP raids all happen about the sametime or do they increse the closer to harvest?
They are deff out full force hunting right now.. It's been all over the news people getting busted.. Guys we should probably stay off this forum untill after harvest.. With that being said im out.. I'll talk to you guys in 6 weeks... Good Luck and Keep it Green..
from wht i know they fly the same times as last year in my area its usualy a week in july and the end of august...I made it thru july and got fucked in aug I had 4 more weeks about 20 days from now...hic I sold all of my indoor crop to patients I have a half o, and 3 grams of hash left...I salvaged 17 clones off dead plants...the clones I had at my place figuring the cos would be here in a matter of minutes after the raid...I removed everything that could link me to it..along with all of my mycology supply's...after I realized they didnt have shit but plants maybe and hour later, I cut clones from my dead plants in hopes they hadnt dried up or air hadnt made it thru the stems yet, suprisingly all of my clones look good except some have dried up leaves on them..but they are all making it...

for everyone else theres no worry's they would have never found it if some1 hadnt snitched me out, I'm prettty sure I kno where it came from, what group I should say, I sold a bag to this person and heard he was runnin his mouth and had cut him off for about a month but the damage was already done, I didnt tell him I was growing or I had a card, I think he just assumed that and told a bunch of ppl, mind you this is an 18 year old kid(my first mistake), the ground guys ran strait to it and the more I think back, I can see times looking at it from this aspect, that they had try'd to set me up..

....I had a person come up to me at my place (apartments), I had never seen before, and ask me if I was legal, I didnt tell this person, so they continued to talk to me, just casual convo, they said they'd just moved here and was lookin for freinds, I asked where specificly did they live twice, both times this person just gave me a vauge answer which was my first red flag who doesnt know there apt #, then they asked if I wanted to smoke, second big red flag! who does this I thought, whos ballsy enough to ask a person they just met out of the blue if they wanted to smoke, I declined the offer, then they proceeded to pull out a sack of weed, only about a gram of chronic handed it to me, I checked it out and said not thanks agian and gave it back, at this point I new somthing was fucked up, this never happen's not in my area, but then agian he said he was frm out of state so maybe that's how shit went down, but since I told him I didnt have a card, and I didnt at the time, I wasnt taking any chances....so after all this a fw days went by and I figured this person would stop by agian since he was lookng for freinds and I was being nice told him to stop over agian, but I never saw him..he had said he lived across the parking lot from me so no matter what I would see him atleast driving by...till this day I have not seen him 1 time...and since lawnet is who talked to a family member about the plants they found next to our property i belive they tried to build a case, couldnt, and just took it..
and in no way shape or form am I done..I plan to get the full 5 pateints, and myself and build a large greenhouse to grow in, my family is pissed and so am I, I do know they had hell fitting those big girls in there cars...just ruins my plans, after that everything was going to be legit 100% just needed to make it those last 20 fucking days...that would have paid for my greenhouse, my grow room, and all expenses included..fuckers havnt seen the last o me and his doesnt deter my goal...

we as a medical community need to speak out and get our laws changed, If we want to be like cali and have the freedom to grow like cali we need to make a change..who says we cant grow legaly on private land outdoors, shit needs to change and I'm going to figure out what I can do to make it change!
Hey hic from what you know do the HEMP raids all happen about the sametime or do they increse the closer to harvest?

From what I know... I know that growing dope outside is a number game. I know that if you take care of your dope your numbers get better.
I know that someone is always out to get my dope. I know that growing dope can cause a huge range of emotions from being hi on life, to being so dam depressed you don't know why you even bother.
I have never had a problem with confiscation and I have grown enough pot. All I do know is if you keep true to some simple rules you should not have a problem.. My most important thing I do during the whole dope process is find a secure location! I can grow 99 giant plants every year But if 99 come up missing I won't get shit. Only thing I can say is if you find a rare safe spot to grow dope Do Not Ruin It by planting so much dope there you can see it on google earth.
I have no ideas about helis Dave I can only hope my hours of brainstorming pays off and they fly right over. Sorry again KB and yea I have a few 600 watt hps you can barrow- ya gotta come get them though, as a matter of fact you have to sky dive down to the yard so I know you are not being watched. you can pm me if you ever need
KB im with you bro.. This is bull shit, we have to sneak around and act like criminals to grow a plant.. Im not an expert on the law or government by any means, but the way I understand it are government is breaching are civil rights.. The controlled substance act classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 narcotic. Meaning it has no medical value. If it has no medical value then why have 14 states legalized it for medical purposes.? That alone should be enough to deem the CSA unconstitutional. Our Constitution says its our right to do as we please untill we infringe upon another persons rights. How does growing and smoking a plant on your own private property infringe upon another persons rights.? The problem is the government has spread all this false propoganda and demonized marijuana. They made weed smokers criminals and drove the users of this wonderful herb underground. The past generations of users were to affraid of being labeled criminals to stand up for there rights.. Look what happened when they tried to outlaw alcohol.. The users fought back and got the law changed. Now we have the science on our side showing that marijuana is far less dangerous then alcohol and ciggs. It's time we come out of are holes and stand up for are rights. To change the law we must first break the law in a way that draws huge publicity. We need to hold smoke outs in public places with more people then they can fit into the jails. We need to plant more marijuana plants right out in the open then they can possibly confiscate. The only way things will change is if we force the gov to change it. Every one has sit back and hoped for too long that other people would get it changed. If all us smokers unite and demand a change they will be forced to listen.
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well I am a dad! well sweettooth is the dad critical mass is the mommy!....GreenDave you must have a big heart I would have cut that first plant down, nice cola!. What strain is the second pic?
KB im with you bro.. This is bull shit, we have to sneak around and act like criminals to grow a plant.. Im not an expert on the law or government by any means, but the way I understand it are government is breaching are civil rights.. The controlled substance act classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 narcotic. Meaning it has no medical value. If it has no medical value then why have 14 states legalized it for medical purposes.? That alone should be enough to deem the CSA unconstitutional. Our Constitution says its our right to do as we please untill we infringe upon another persons rights. How does growing and smoking a plant on your own private property infringe upon another persons rights.? The problem is the government has spread all this false propoganda and demonized marijuana. They made weed smokers criminals and drove the users of this wonderful herb underground. The past generations of users were to affraid of being labeled criminals to stand up for there rights.. Look what happened when they tried to outlaw alcohol.. The users fought back and got the law changed. Now we have the science on our side showing that marijuana is far less dangerous then alcohol and ciggs. It's time we come out of are holes and stand up for are rights. To change the law we must first break the law in a way that draws huge publicity. We need to hold smoke outs in public places with more people then they can fit into the jails. We need to plant more marijuana plants right out in the open then they can possibly confiscate. The only way things will change is if we force the gov to change it. Every one has sit back and hoped for too long that other people would get it changed. If all us smokers unite and demand a change they will be forced to listen.


Even though we have disagreed in the past I agree 100% with this post right on bro! Could not have said it better myself reps to you.

@ GD killer lookin shots bro!

@hic looking good too bro!
KB im with you bro.. This is bull shit, we have to sneak around and act like criminals to grow a plant.. Im not an expert on the law or government by any means, but the way I understand it are government is breaching are civil rights.. The controlled substance act classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 narcotic. Meaning it has no medical value. If it has no medical value then why have 14 states legalized it for medical purposes.? That alone should be enough to deem the CSA unconstitutional. Our Constitution says its our right to do as we please untill we infringe upon another persons rights. How does growing and smoking a plant on your own private property infringe upon another persons rights.? The problem is the government has spread all this false propoganda and demonized marijuana. They made weed smokers criminals and drove the users of this wonderful herb underground. The past generations of users were to affraid of being labeled criminals to stand up for there rights.. Look what happened when they tried to outlaw alcohol.. The users fought back and got the law changed. Now we have the science on our side showing that marijuana is far less dangerous then alcohol and ciggs. It's time we come out of are holes and stand up for are rights. To change the law we must first break the law in a way that draws huge publicity. We need to hold smoke outs in public places with more people then they can fit into the jails. We need to plant more marijuana plants right out in the open then they can possibly confiscate. The only way things will change is if we force the gov to change it. Every one has sit back and hoped for too long that other people would get it changed. If all us smokers unite and demand a change they will be forced to listen.

Well my whole take on the subject is if no one minds?. First off we can start right off the bat with issue with growing,smoking,and selling marijuana
is it is a God given right!! If I wanna take 5 hits of acid or if I take a giant pull of a crackpipe I'll do it. I will not allow anyone or a group of anyone's to tell me what I can and can't do to myself. I was given FREE WILL by God and I will not allow a group of simple minded retarts the ability to take it away... I will do as I please.

Another issue I face with the whole ordeal is I don't feel as though me or my fellow michiganders are represented well in our government officials so in return we have jail time for pot and now we have an outlandish " driver resonsibility fee". I do not remember voting on this new fine/law. Do any of you?. We vote on some pretty stupid things. We also only get to vote on very few.. So again pot law dismissed

I could go on and on and on, on why I will not bow down and be pushed... Thank God what a terrible life it could be
Hic I hear you man we are taxed and fined to death, All the fine politicians say the same shit when running for office but once they get there its the same old shit. We need to clean house this November!
I agree with you as well hic, FREEDOM is a word in our society that is shoved in our face, spit on, and trampled by the government...we must kill to be free, we must rat everyone out to be free, the medical marijuana community must be shut down to be free, those aids, cancer, chronic pain, and wheelchair bound users support terrorist groups with there 12 marijuana plants that poduce 1000Lbs or 1 million dollars of cash, which then heads strait to buying weapons of mass destruction...

I'm sick of someone across the US telling me what I can or cant do. Telling me I HAVE to work, I HAVE to pay taxes (which seems to not even matter since they spend far more money then we pay), I HAVE to clean up there mess, I HAVE to DIE for them, we as a people are not looked at as tho, we are property of the united states of america, we are TOLD what to do, and we are here to serve the US, to make THEM money, while the average person can barley afford to live comfy,

They say that marijuana is a terrible drug, it has no medicinal value tho scince has backed it. They say that it ruins lives, and adicts children tho scince dis-proved th fact that it is physicly addicting, yet the goverment pushes out thousands of liver toxic drugs like vicodin, oxy's, and methedone, our troops right now are protecting the opium feilds in afganistan because without them we would have none of these drugs, along with herion..

NORML e-mailed me back telling me to help fight! all you have to do is pay this amount an become a member! blah blah blah what a joke
Delstele, We are good bro I dont hold grudges. We are all on the same team and must stick together not fight each other..

Even though we have disagreed in the past I agree 100% with this post right on bro! Could not have said it better myself reps to you.

KB, Sorry to hear about your loss.

NORML e-mailed me back telling me to help fight! all you have to do is pay this amount an become a member! blah blah blah what a joke

I agree, Norml is a huge joke.. They are in-fact a not for profit org. But they fail to mention the part about there directors getting paid huge salaries.. They are only out to make money and a name for them self.. It's time we the people stand united and tell are government to go to hell..! Like are fore-farthers did, Like are Grand Daddy's did during prohibition.. It's time to stand up to librate Marijuana. Not to make money, not to make a name for ourselfs in politics, But to take are rights back.. I have a dream, That one day I will be able to grow mariujuana and display it proudly instead of having to hide it.. That one day any person over the age of 21 will be able to walk into a store and buy a bag of weed.. That one day innocent people will stop being thrown in jail and labled as criminals, because they choose to grow or smoke a plant on private property.. Untill we stand up for our rights they will continue to be taken from us. They will continue to waste the tax money that we pay to enforce laws that we do not support. Our government is not ran by the people.. It's ran by the people who can spend the most money to run for office..

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ISP, feds seize $47.5 million in pot

Updated: Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 6:40 PM EDT
Published : Thursday, 02 Sep 2010, 6:40 PM EDT
BEDFORD, Ind. (AP) - Indiana State Police and federal agents working by air and land say they have removed 19,000 marijuana plants with an estimated street value of $47.5 million during an effort called Operation Hoosier Thunder.
Teams from the state police, the Indiana National Guard, the U.S. Druge Enforcement Agency and other agencies descended on southern Indiana on Aug. 23 after investigations showed illegal drug trafficking operations near the Hoosier National Forest and on other state and federally owned property.
Investigators say they found 7,513 plants Tuesday in the Hoosier National Forest. No arrests have been made in that case, but state police say 316 illegal marijuana plots were discovered and 20 suspects have charges pending in the operation statewide.

Just found this on the net.. Looks like alot of people are gonna be pissed off come tomorrow.. Gotta love there math also.. 47.5 mill is saying each plant is gonna have over 8oz on it and be sold at 300$ per oz.. they actually probably just spent 3 mill to find about 2 mill worth of plants at the most.. 5 million in lost revenue in one week.. No wonder are damn country is falling apart and going broke..
Well I have had my first plant stolen! It was a 5 foot cm.. I had no feeling towards the plant cxcept I wanted to smoke it, so I am taking it well. There will be no investigation or house burning or episode on my end. That was the only plant in that area, so no worries. I still would not mind it if the person that stole it found out he has cancer to tomorrow and will be passing on next month though.

everything else is fine. my seeds are really staring to fill out! Man did those plants love that rain, I see a real increase in size as to 3 days ago! Good luck boys.
Hic the rain did help a lot my buds are really taking off now..Wooot

Freedom ah yes what a lovely word too bad we don't have any. I'm sick and tired of taxes you pay taxes on your gas to get to work you then have to pay taxes on the money you made any thing you buy is taxed. (excluding food) buy a used car that bad boy is taxed every time its sold buy some replacement parts to fix said car taxed . Get a six pack after work taxed, buy a pack of smokes taxed, the mac I'm typing on taxed, a phone taxed for this taxed for that, hell the toilet paper I wiped my ass with this morning is taxed.If you add it all up I say around 70% of mine and your income is taxes. And the fuckers running the government claim broke and are forcing me to buy heath care that I cannot afford but yet they have it for free for the rest of there lives ass hats.

What other job can you have that you fuck every thing you do all up and still get to keep your retirement, heath care and bennies? All that for four years or less of fucking me, you outta all we have. It's time to clean house and get some real people running the show..