Nattyhead357, billcollector99, Bajafox, Ganjabitch, Mkmkli49's Toke N Talk


Well-Known Member
word well i guess it will be just me and you in the competition :D lol If you win I'll send you a gift, if I win then I get to keep my gift i guess lol

Silent Running

Active Member say it like if you win I wouldn't send a prize. LOL. I normally don't use YIM, but I've been staying on there lately to get a chance to talk with Doin and you and erm....anyone else that comes on there.

Silent Running

Active Member
And they are not femmed right? I may need to request some :D
Newp. The female was fem LR2 and the male was NL. Don't even know what odds are like for them to be auto. I would assume the auto trait would be pretty high in them though. I think Bil....yep I see his post now. lol


Well-Known Member
It's ok bill, I was thinking about using a male auto for breeding later just for fun. Let me know when the next round of auto's are ready, I'll definitely take some then. thanks!