Why Are You Always Down?

Stoner Smurf

Active Member
Rollitup is my favorite site by a long shot. If you add up all the visits from every other site I go to, it wouldn't come close to the number of Rollitup visits. Rollitup is the best marijuana forum, and well... marijuana is just great. So, when you go down at random times for undisclosed amount of times it makes me :cry: It seems every day the site goes down, and never at the same time or for the same amount of time. I know it's not just me cause I checked ( It seems to always go down when I try and check it before I am away for the computer for hours (like before work or bed.)

Rollitup you are like the ER room for my girls. Could you imagine if your child got hurt really bad on the playground, you rush them to the hospital and the fucking doors are locked. And you know what? They didn't even leave a sign on the door saying "back in 15" or something, just locked doors. That's what you're doing to me and my babies.

I love this website, I just wished it loved me back.


Well-Known Member
I posted somthin similar earlier. Programming requires maintenance so I understand but it still sucks.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
lol i herd on one website someone called it rollitdown.

hey, hey. let's all light a fat one and calm down. they are making some changes and it's to be expected. i am also quite sick of it but i think the end is near, and i like most of what i see so far. once the my rollitup section is put back i'll be just about satisfied. on the upside there are no ads to look at, but the ads aren't so bad now. i know a lot of you remember that STUPID guy with the thick rim glasses and fucking moron expression. that one actually tourtured me.