1st grow: Stealth all-cfl: Atomic Haze

Thanks for stopping by. Yah, I love these little sockets, they mount super clean. There are 2 little holes in the bottom of the socket for mounting screws (see pic below), and I just used some small bolts that fit in the little recessed holes inside the socket. For extra support, I mounted a little L-channel on the outside, which you can see on the front of the box in the image with the exhaust tubes. This is resisting the weight of the bulb, which really pulls down. I like working with metal, so I did this box this way, but I would probably do wood in the future, as it may insulate the heat a bit better. (my box cools still very quickly after the lights go out - I just leave the fans on for an extra 10 mins)

Just remember to wire the sockets before you mount them, its easier. And find bolts with small heads that will fit in the little recessed holes inside the socket
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Those are pretty cool sockets. I have not seen anything quite like them at Lowes or Home Depot. Where do you find them?


Active Member
Those are pretty cool sockets. I have not seen anything quite like them at Lowes or Home Depot. Where do you find them?
I found them at a small local mom&pop hardware store, and I guess I was pretty lucky, because I haven't seen any like these at the large stores either. I would try and find the more obscure hardware stores to buy from, or maybe a lighting specialty store (not too commercial).


Active Member
There are some pretty strong preflowers going on my healthiest plant, and (with extremely wishful thinking) its looking to be showing some good signs at this point. Below is a shot with a 7x magnifying glass. I'm not seeing any ball formations under it.

Its day 24 from sprout in vegging. After transplanting it the other day, its been growing very rapidly under its own 105w cfl. By the way, the 150w hps has been done for a few days, and has tested its temps very nicely (running cooler than my cfl's). When I get filters built and light traps in, my flower box will be finished. pics to come...

Any opinions are welcome on the preflower


Active Member
Looks like veg growth to me
ah, ok, that makes sense. Obviously a 1st timer here...

I really want to start flowering by friday - - I know if I veg longer I'll have a bigger harvest, but I really want some good buds asap, as its extremely hard get anything better than shwag where I live. I'd like to put this one into flower and spend more time vegging my other 3.

Any serious objections?


Well-Known Member
Sure sounds good. I'd Lst the first one to keep it shorter. But seems like a good idea. Get one going and stagger a bit.


Active Member
Well, the flowering box has been up and running for about a week and a half now and the healthy plant I threw in there has almost doubled in size. Temps were going all right, until they hit 90 degrees when I woke up this morning (although my plant was almost touching the cool tube, so I backed it off a bit.) The outside temps here are getting warmer and warmer, which is not helping at all. I'm still against buying an air conditioner, and want to try a successful grow, which will realistically be running in the mid 80s. I've seen some really nice grows with people running temps in the high 80s. It may not bee 100% best, but hell, this is a living plant, with adaptive capabilities, right? (within reason, of course)

I'm going to start a new thread in Indoor Growing for my flowering box, since its technically not a CFL grow, and hopefully get some good feedback there.

here is the stealth wardrobe setup: Summer on top of Fall



Active Member
any opinions on running this grow in the mid/high 80's? The leaves are about 10-12 inches from my 150w hps cool tube, and I'm wondering what the tradeoff is with distance vs. temps. (ie: if its better to be closer and hotter, or a little further away and cooler - - - like 86˚ vs 90˚)


Well-Known Member
When I do temp testing I consider 90 failure. I've had mid 80's without a problem. Light strength w/ distance says I wanted as close to a 150W as I can get. Hope that helps.


Active Member
break out the cigars, its a girl!!! (at least, from what I can tell) At the 43 day mark (12 days into flower), these pistils appeared. I found some in the top 2-3 nodes of the plant, and the center of the top of the plant, which will be the main cola? or will it continue to grow more nodes?



Well-Known Member
Congrats looks like pre-flowers to me. It'll continue to grow nodes, but they'll start filling in after the stretch.


Active Member
Well, some unfortunate news for a different plant (strain: "sativa diablo") on its 6th day in flower - - its showing the balls that you never want to see. I'll attach a couple of photos, hoping for another confirmation, but I don't see any way that its not a male. The balls are only on one side as well, whatever the hell that means. No white hairs anywhere.

the only good news is the strain that i really care about is female.

is there anything constructive I can do with this plant?



Canna butter is what I'd do.
...........ok, so I was going to comment somewhere else about the lighting setup, but I thought I would stop here first.....amle plants are so low in thc levels that all you would be doing is adding a bitter taste to your butter with them.....I would say whack the fuker and move on..........no doubt by now that's what he has done


I explained and uploaded some pics of my veg light box, which is working well, although hasn't lowered the temps as much as I would have liked.

I posted details here in Mature's thread, who has done a separate-chamber cfl setup.

any ideas on making the ventilation more efficient are appreciated!

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.................just curious......how did this setup work out? I am currently looking into modifying my grow-space and I was wondering how this performed overall...........


Well-Known Member
any opinions on running this grow in the mid/high 80's? The leaves are about 10-12 inches from my 150w hps cool tube, and I'm wondering what the tradeoff is with distance vs. temps. (ie: if its better to be closer and hotter, or a little further away and cooler - - - like 86˚ vs 90˚)
Hey Bohi,

I just started my first grow and the average temperature in my cabinet is 82 degrees while the lights are on. Humidity averages 33%. Check out my post if you want to see more.

Gratz by the way on a nice looking grow!