A murder mitten grow.... gonna get cold soon.... Got a pretty widow to keep me company and some AF's ... Erin Go Bragh!!!
The same as 4 100W bulbs I'd imagine .... Follow ALL the tips here and you'll probably save enough to run 2 400W lol good to be green in every sensewhat would a 400 watt be like on esb bill? much difference?
thats great hi thanks goodluck with ur own!The same as 4 100W bulbs I'd imagine .... Follow ALL the tips here and you'll probably save enough to run 2 400W lol good to be green in every sense. Someone did post an ESB calculator somewhere...
Hows everyone doin? Darren those plants are looking sexayyy!!! Couldn't make head or tail of all those numbers tho, maybe someone else can... Still haven't started off my shooting stars, too busy with back to school bollocks, will be xmas before I have my own feckin smoke!!! Got bored/lazy-arsed looking for a new home for the two trannies, they're definitely males, got balls ready to pop so they moved to the compost heap
. Don't want pollen floating around the house!! Will probably start a journal when I do start, this seems to be a fairly new strain, not much info on them out there so will hopefully help me and anyone else considering growing them. How are the outdoor growers doing, really thinking about starting to look for a good spot to try it next year, only the lazy arse in me holding me back, the thought of trekking thru the countryside with gallons of water does NOT appeal regardless of the end result lol but still thinking about it.
cant wait hopefully i'll get one girl & she'll look like that somedayView attachment 1128712View attachment 1128711View attachment 1128710View attachment 1128709View attachment 1128708View attachment 1128707 here some update pic of my green house grow
i am the same myself i dont even bloody smoke!!! im doing it for my partner as he doesnt have the time to do it! mines is indoors! i got few seeds from home grown stuff which was really good smoke(my partners words) & then was given some more which i dont have a clue about & they are all at 1 & a half week old! & i also adopted 4 plants at 3/4 weeks which i dont have a clue which strain they are but thankfully they going good so far fingers crossed!i bought 2 female and got regular seeds and i got 6 female did get 1 male it was massive had to bin it so i was lucky i new nothing about how to grow them i thought just put in green house and let them grow was all the guys in here helped me
i am indeedso are you a girl grower then
yea ive been keeps daily pics! some days i look at them & i notice a serious change then other days im like fuck why aint they growing!k so u have to do all the work post some pics of them in few week time