Thank you!
@Duke.. i can tell a good worker when i see one, even being so young he looks like a prospect/
Thanks bro...I already have a guy who, if my dogs hips are good, wants him for stud...his pedigree is amazing. Although I studied up and understood most of the abbreviations used on pedigrees...but I did not know what 2X BSP, or CH WUSV, or CH FCI, CH Belga, 8*UM CR meant...basically German, Belgian, Czech championships in Schutzhund, IPO and the Czech equivalent...I lucked into at least a ridiculous pedigree ($1000USD)...but we'll see!!! (It's time to go do our evening training...I use verbal markers for obedience, and we through the ball and play tug)
So I mentioned it to the wife this morning about getting a dog and she seemed at first to think it would be a shame but then it only took her a few seconds of seeing that I was interested to become quite positive about it. Anyway, we shall see...I was looking and one place that had Alsatian pups for €450...what sort of price is normal (bearing in mind i don't know the industry and would be buying at a retail price I guess.)
an apbt is a pit bull, u may have more staffordshire terrier or stafforshire bull terries in your local area.. but genetically there the same.. always pick a respected trust-able breeder and do some research..
this is shutzhund, i love sch, i like tracking as well but my current situation wont allow it.
The video has elements of schutzhund, but it looks like the club trains in some ring sport...I think it is French Ring with the bite suits and agility props...maybe some personal protection also...Schutzhund has very formal exercises that do not deviate. Someday I would love to do Mondio Ring, but nothing in my area.
DST...I do not know about Europe, but in the US, GSD's are available from people who just wanted a litter for half the price of a reputable breeder but most end up breeding in bad traits like bad hips and bad nerves. Look for a reputable breeder and learn about pedigrees a bit so you know what kind of dog you are getting. At least some working lines in the pedigree might overcome some of the problems with the show lines and make a good pet...If you get a crazy working line dog of any breed, just know what you are getting yourself into...most do not do well with free roam of the house as they just have too much drive and will F up everything you own for fun if you do not have eyes on crates are the norm, and I have found to be, although different, to be no problem at all for me or the dog. Zero accidents. Nothing (that did not get pulled into the crate!) destroyed. The cat is still (somewhat to my chagrin) still among the lives lost
But if you get a working line GSD, just know that a high drive pup is at least half alligator and at times you might think part demon...they genetically like to "mouth"...outside of dog circles this means...bite the sh!t out of you!!!
Do you know about Dutch Shepherds?? Many of the cops in the US, if they do not use Belgian Malinois, import Dutchies trained in KNPV...they are slightly smaller shepherds that are brindle coated.
Oh and Tryna, part of schutzhunds original purpose was a temperament test, and you still must obtain a "BH" which is the whole Obedience routine of a sch1 with healing off lead through a group of people + a traffic test, joggers or rollerbladers passing and overtaking and in groups...then the Sch1,2 and 3 have a long down off lead with the handler 30 yards off while another team does their obedience...along with gunshots!
In Germany dogs are not certified for breeding without a Sch1 and proper structure
Taking your dog for a walk is a great excuse for being/hiking/gardening in odd the dog will let you know if someone is near.