I ended up using the rest of my few seeds that i had wich were 5 SLH 5 Magus Motavation. I started them and for the most part it went great, a few started growing completely upside down, the root tail grew completely out of the ground. So i fixed those without much of a problem. After they started i put them in root riot cubes.
Then I wanted to give them a better start so i got a seed heat pad by hydrofarm pluged it in and put it under the flat. I misted/waterd the cubes reall good and didnt check on em for around 6-8 hours and when i checked on they were all fried and dead
and that bullshit over priced pad was the reason becouse it was unbelievebly hot.
So, did I do something wrong or are these seed heating pads just bullshit?
Then I wanted to give them a better start so i got a seed heat pad by hydrofarm pluged it in and put it under the flat. I misted/waterd the cubes reall good and didnt check on em for around 6-8 hours and when i checked on they were all fried and dead

So, did I do something wrong or are these seed heating pads just bullshit?