• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Got mugged by some crackheads today


Well-Known Member
Well I was washing my car (manual carwash thing) and after a few minutes a group of 5 dudes approached me, the carwash is in a ghetto ass part of town so I knew something bad was probably gonna happen. They gave me some bullshit speech about how they needed money to build a new football field for ''the children'', when they were done I kind of chuckled and said so you guys need some drug money huh? They didnt find it so funny lol..when I said that they just started to shit talk and get all big and 4 of them showed me knives so I quickly pulled out my wallet and gave them all I had, which was only like 12 bucks so it wasnt that bad. Im just glad I didnt get hurt and they didnt take my car too. Anyways just wanted to share my story to you guys, first time its ever happened to me. :joint:
u just needed a good weapon


Global Moderator
Staff member
They didn't pull knives if you look at the original post, they showed they were carrying knives, he never said they pulled them. And I see you have a vigilante hero type attitude, you'll end up victim.
Bullshit, the act of showing a knife is pulling it - same with a gun, (displaying a weapon) ask any Cop what he'd do.
If you prefer to be a victim, so be it - I do not.
Like I said previously, it ain't a game, you get two bullets for that. Both Charlie Mike.


Well-Known Member
Im on your side GWN. Muggers and crack fiends who wouldn't give 2 squirts of piss over your dead body do not deserve to have you hand over your property. Anyone who says that you should just give in and give those types of people whatever they want are the same folks who will eventually end up seeing the error of their ways once they are engaged in a situation where a firearm would have made the outcome completely different.


Well-Known Member
exactly,the last thing you want is to be shot with your own gun.
And the pellet gun idea is the stupidest thing I ever heard.

When they have nothing to live for people will try and take that gun.
I here about crackheads trying to take guns from the police.Shit is getting crazy.
Dont pull it or show any intention of having one unless your using it.Guns are not meant to scare people.
It might scare some people but I would try and take that shit if you pulled it on me and just pointed it.
imma take it, or try. cuz you either gon kill me or not.. been too close too many times. but im no killer id turn him in . ortie em up naked n leave em at the precint door

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Wow, as a Canadian ... I find some of the comments here Unbelievable !
No wonder I have never been to the states.
Your country sounds scary.

Taking into consideration the ease of obtaining a firearm. Also taking into consideration that there is a lot of people of
faulty fortitude to begin with .... that paints a picture of many unstable people with concealed weapons running the streets .... I shiver.

Has anyone considered psychological turmoil one would have gone through after killing 5 guys for $ 12 bucks .... for pride ?
Brother man, I am happy you got out of this predicament unscaved.
What a story to tell ... worth every penny !
Any way I look at it you came out on TOP .


Well-Known Member
it could have been A LOT worse then just twelve bucks. id say he got lucky. the world is scary. try walkin the streets of some african country going through genocide or civil war. at least here we know we're equal with the enemy. whoever that may be.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
it could have been A LOT worse then just twelve bucks. id say he got lucky. the world is scary. try walkin the streets of some african country going through genocide or civil war. at least here we know we're equal with the enemy. whoever that may be.
Kind sir please don't take this personally .... but it seems as Your world is scarier than mine. I feel for you living in such condition 24/7
We have very few gun crimes in Canada. I have seen guns on cops belts and on tv .... that is all .... I get out as well. Hunters have rifles of course but one needs special permits for that which take a long time to obtain.
I have walked in African countries (I am not kidding you) and nothing happened .... not countries during any civil unrest mind you. One would be stupid to go to a country during a civil war. Such violence under these circumstances is obvious. Are you comparing Living in the States to living in a country going through genocide ... during a civil war ? Wow that is crazy.
I am only trying to understand your stand kind sir. As this mentality is foreign to me.


Well-Known Member
i wasn't trying to compare it to genocide, but it is nice to know that if something major did happen, i could defend myself properly. i guess my world is scarier then yours, but c'mon, if canada was ever invaded, how would you defend yourselves? i know this is a distant possibility but is a possibility. when i view "my world" i don't really view it scary at all, i just view it as "prepared". this world is scary, and the framers of our constitution knew that, and gave us all the weapons to defend against it.


Well-Known Member
Canada has 1/10 the population of the USA, yet 1/3rd of all murders committed in Canada involve firearms. The USA has 77 million handguns, Canada has 1 million. If guns are the culprit you should see the rate of murders correlate directly with gun ownership, but it doesn't work that way.


Active Member
I could'nt imagine not being able to own a gun to protect my family and my home, there is not much crime where I live but still I live in the woods there are bears and mountain lions gotta have a gun. As for shooting someone over 12 bucks hell you don't steal period you get shot and die from trying to rob someone thats what you get, don't steal pretty easy. I'd say 95%(probably more) of my neighbors are gun owners and I feel safer knowing that good people have guns not just criminals.


Active Member
lol i am glad they didn't do that to you then. Man you can get a high powered pellet gun that can shoot a hole through a cat at dicks. Then you wouldn't have to go through all the shit that you have to with a gun, but make sure you get a pellet gun and not a bb gun. Pellet guns shoot the things that look like mini bullets, you could even get a co2 powered one, now your rollin. Those co2 guns are fucking kick ass, if you shoot someone in the eye it would probably go into the skull and kill em. But i would shoot them multiple times in any weak soft spots, like the stomach, neck (probly kill em tho), groin, id even shoot them in the knee with one and it would probably crack the bone.
that is the dumbest thing i have ever red on this site and thats a tall order. thats a good way to get yourself killed.

oh and don't buy a hi point there shit, they jam all the time and i wouldn't want a gun that jams when i need to crack off a round. get a s&w 38 ultralight snub thats what i carry every day

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
If you carry a pellet gun for protection your a fucking idiot. Period. If you can't own a gun...oh well. Your gonna pull that shit out and hit someone and piss em off then their gonna beat you to death with your own weapon. If I am EVER in a situation where my life MAY be in danger from 4 or 5 sketchy looking crackheads...then it's on. You wanna come knocking on my doorstep?

Mother fuckers told me to turn out my pockets i'd say here...I got a .45 for you and let em loose. Fuck em. You just gotta kill one of them. The rest will run. Those who preach peace are fine by me because they practice peace...usually. But those that GO OUT OF THEIR OWN WAY TO FUCK WITH ME FOR NO REASON...will loose their life with no remorse or lost sleep by me. I can kill a man in defense of my own self or my family without so much as a breath.

Gun DO NOT COMMIT CRIMES! PEOPLE DO! Stop blaming guns for the crimes commited. That's like saying weed sales contribute to crime and murder....unless we live in mexico or a really shitty neighborhood...that obviously isn't true. It's the people in control of the drugs and guns that commit crimes. An inanimate object cannot cause harm.

I really haven't read much through this thread...just the first 3 pages. I am assuming some people are against guns and others aren't...which is how it is. If you don't like guns then go ahead and dislike them...but never judge someone because they choose to be prepared instead of becoming a victim.

What I choose to do with my firearm is my business...just like what you do at your funeral is yours. :D

I know first hand what it is like to be minding my own fucking business and to end up fighting 4 drunk 20 somethings looking for a fight...needless to say I didn't have my gun then...or there would be some lonely mothers out there....considering they attacked my girl who was walking with me...I think they deserved what I did with my fists...yes they ran away...but next time they may not be so lucky.

Invest in a gun. You did the right thing in giving them your green...YOUR life isn't worth $12...but theirs is.

Fuck you if you disagree because all you need to do is stare into my avatar and forget what pointless argument you were going to make...and agree with me. Logic rains supreme. Always.

EDIT: Like I said...never invest in a Hi-Point....unless you wanna get killed by your own pistol. And by killed I mean beat to death...because those things NEVER fire lol...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I could'nt imagine not being able to own a gun to protect my family and my home, there is not much crime where I live but still I live in the woods there are bears and mountain lions gotta have a gun. As for shooting someone over 12 bucks hell you don't steal period you get shot and die from trying to rob someone thats what you get, don't steal pretty easy. I'd say 95%(probably more) of my neighbors are gun owners and I feel safer knowing that good people have guns not just criminals.
And 99% of my neighbours don't have guns, and none of us give two damns because we know that 99% of the people who might want to kick our door in don't have guns either :) you yanks have gotten yourseles into a hella shitty situation thanks to your precious constitution :D (just to put it out there while i'm here, being in the constitution does not make something "right")

Anyways, peace, we're two completely different situations, i fully appreciate that in America, you can't not own a gun, the situation is not reversible, but in the UK, we never let it get to that stage and i think most of the population is damned glad of that. Like Puffer Fish states, i could not imagine living a life in fear like that.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I used to live in a complex next to a meth head who would hit his child .... first time I knocked on the door, and warned him that I was not going to have that. Second time, I called the cops. Third time, I knocked on the door ... he came out and got his shit kicked out of him. I never heard that child scream since that day. The neighbor cleaned up (went to rehab) and is actually an interesting character ... thank God ... this did not happen in the States ... where any crackhead can own a gun to protect him/herself.
In retrospect (as I am older now) this was a dumb thing to do ... but it worked.

If you live outside of a city ... and there is animals around (secluded area type thing)... ya I can understand that.
Stealing is wrong ? Dude watch your stuff and it will not get stolen. Theft is a crime of opportunity.

If someone seriously wants to kill you or steal from you, they will succeed as their planed actions are proactive where as You, defending yourself, is a reactive function. So this whole thing of making the playing field equal by having a gun ... is asinine.
It provides one with false sense of security. Like an anti virus program running on your computer. Sooner or later you will get infected with a virus no matter what you use.

I understand that withing the bounds of how your society works (United States).... it might be to late to change this way of life ... and thought process. With that said, I feel for you and things you have to live with in this context.
Please get out more out of the US and have a look at how other countries work and how one feels living in such framework.

In terms of people in general, I don't trust half the population with driver license ... If I could, I would take them away .... to invision the same group of irresponsible folk packing guns ... is just ludicrous.

Tip Top, thank you for dropping in and adding your two cents ... I am glad I am not the only one on this forum that thinks this way.


Active Member
Canada has 1/10 the population of the USA, yet 1/3rd of all murders committed in Canada involve firearms. The USA has 77 million handguns, Canada has 1 million. If guns are the culprit you should see the rate of murders correlate directly with gun ownership, but it doesn't work that way.
Guns Kill people, like spoons made Opra Fat!


Well-Known Member
I dunno which are worse over here in the states, the criminals with weapons or the motherfucking "fine upstanding citizens" that arm themselves for "protection", as I stated you're both the same.wanna be cops, if you think its your fucking job to enforce the law then become a fucking cop. You're all a bunch of big headed extremists and I'm done with this thread and your mentality.