2 weeks flowering, pics inside, general advice wanted about plant and feeding.

Hey everybody. I have a single female Dutch Passion's Holland's Hope (80/20 indica/sativa) growing on a south slope, at 45 degrees north, outdoors in soil, she is currently between 5'6" and 6'0" tall. I had been feeding it a full dose Jack's Classic Vegetation nutrients once a week with a gallon of water until nearly three weeks ago when I started doing the same with bloom nutrients. In between feedings I never watered the plant, which it didn't seem to mind, as I heard over-watering is a common problem.

On my current schedule though, I will feed the plant again this Sunday. I have never had nutrient burn, or any signs of over-fertilization/nutrient deficiency, so as a result I feel like it might be beneficial to increase the amount of fertilizer I am giving it, by either increasing the frequency of feedings, or the amount I give it at each feeding. I am also wondering if I should be giving my plant more water now for the same reason mentioned above (it's bigger).

I was thinking of doing two feedings each week at 3/4 strength, resulting in 1.5 times more fertilizer per week. Or doing 1.25 size feedings once a week, with a plain water during the middle of the week. This a good idea, or just 1st time grower talk?

Here are a few pics of my plants taken today, if you will notice the circled spot, I am just wondering if the yellow at the center of those leaves is standard going into flowering, or if I should give the plant some vegetation nutrients next feeding because it needs nitrogen. This seems to happening at several sites on the plant.

South sun facing side

North side

Bud site at mid level branches

Zoom of same bud site

Thanks for reading and any advice/comments are welcome even if they are not related to questions. If you have suggestions to help my grow please provide them!
The main budsite at the top of the plant is much bigger, but I couldn't get a good picture because the sun was just too bright for my camera. So you have to deal with the smaller mid branch one.
Anybody? Also wondering if anybody knows a smell free way to transport the wet bud to drying location. Know that is a while aways but, might as well plan ahead.


Active Member
Gosh , wish I could help you, I am a noob. I had to just say something and maybe bump ya back to the top. Hope someone answeres ya, good luck.


Active Member
Anybody? Also wondering if anybody knows a smell free way to transport the wet bud to drying location. Know that is a while aways but, might as well plan ahead.
Large (2qt) canning jars. A little heat will help the lids to seal or soak the lids in hot water to soften the rubber seal.


The Yellow is very standard when your plant first starts it's flowering. 90% of all my indoor plants get yellowish in the center at the budsite..don't add anything to correct this it's natural and supossed to look that way. Your plant is looking perfect. just keep doing what your doing....and yea canning jars are a good way to keep the smell hidden during tansport.


Well-Known Member
I'd say give it more water with same nutes. Flushes the system out more quickly aiding in the taste of fresh herb


I wouldnt flush anything unless you have a problem. no nute burn no nute lockout so no flush untill very last two weeks of flower. your plant doesnt look like it has excessive nutrients so i would not reccomend changing your nute levels or flushing. just keep doing what your doing it's looking how it should.
I am glad to know everything is fine, just being a little cautious as this my first time ever growing. I am actually totally surprised my plant has made it this far.

I am hoping for 4 oz dried, hopefully nobody rips my plant.
For some reason it won't let me edit my post, but I forgot thank you all for the info. This website is a great resource and I am extremely appreciative of everyone willing to share their knowledge/time.