Russian Mail Order Brides!!!!!


Well-Known Member
No they actually keep a decent hold on it there cause thats the income for the families. What happens is that farmers need money in the spring for there crops. So the daughter(some but not all) borrow money from the gogo joints so they can plant crops and then they work there to pay it back. The thai people are very high on there values they do whatever it is to help out. Google it and have a look.


Master of Mayhem
I watched this program on National Geographic or some shit.....there were a SHITLOAD of places over there that had nothing but girls under the age of ten. It was really fucked up.....:neutral:


Well-Known Member
Click on this link its a little better and has all the bars on it Pattaya Gogo Bars - A Guide to their Websites. You can even have 1 2 3 4 5 - 10 oth them pick you up at the airport in a limo with 10 Blowjobs ready to go. I have sent many people there and everyone had the time of there life. There will be some rules somewhere about the girls so you might whant to look. And yes I have been in my younger days. If i'm ever single again I will be gone the next day. Anything goes over there except drug laws are tight if youn get caught. The went one a rampage a few years back and kicked in all the drug dealers doors and shot first and never any questions! They take all the drugs and sell them to put there kids through school. It is kind of crooked in someways but life is simple and good. I have a uncle who is a millionare 10x over and he lives there now and is married to a 25 year old hottie bo bottie, He is 86. They just like to be treated well thats why they like the white man.


New Member
I saw that too. These girls look older than that though. I use to work with a bunch of cambodians and these people have some really rough lives. I think I would be a little scared of aids of TB.


Well-Known Member
you have a better chance at disease in the us/canada. This is life there. I would rather lay the blocks to these girls then some dirty bar slut here. And yes I agree some of the young kids are being abusued but you can find that shit in your own country of town for that matter.


New Member
At these go go bars is that were you pic the one's you want? Cuz I already got a few picked out. oh yeah and how much would that whole limo scenario cost me?


Well-Known Member
The airport is in bangkok and thats 1 1/2 hrs away. Last time it cost 50 and that was for 6 girls drinks drugs and a hole lot of pussy! Now there are deals everywhere you can have a private party in a jacuzzi with six girls and two bottles of champange for 100. Or you can have just one for 30. The more girls you take away from the bars the more it cost...lost revenue for them. You have to pay a bar fine to the mammasun there to take the girls away so the charge more if you clean them out. These girls are the most respectfull and pollite I have ever seen. The kitten club was kind of my hangout. And the wasy things are going Its going to be again if the old lady keeps it up!


Well-Known Member
Sorry yup thats where you pick. The all should have numbers so you can Identify them. They like to be charmed a little bit but before you know it it will be game on.


Active Member
Spend less time looking on that sad website and more time socialising to work up to a real wife.

A mail order bride wont bring you any satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
We are not talking about fucking little kids you morrons these are grown adults so I think we are a little stray here. That is sick and I would never condone harm tom any child.


Well-Known Member
Some of those women posted for were pretty good looking but I wonder how many of them have std's